Mueller just put Trump in check.
Mueller just put Trump in check.
Conflict of interest, and leaks. Mueller must be shut down, he is politicizing this investigation.
Thanks Sven.
The neocons/neolibs are going to keep flinging shit until something sticks. These investigations stink of corruption.
if Trump had kept is fucking mouth shut he wouldn't be. hilarious watching people who think he's playing 4 dimensional chess, he's just fucking up the way only a 71 year old landlord whose over his head can.
Wow another failed dem bitchfit campaign in the works.
This sure looks great for them. What will they fuck up next I wonder?
(((special counsel)))
Kept his mouth shut, you know this is a setup right. There is nothing Trump can do. Mueller's investigation will take at least 4 years, 8 if Trump gets re-elected. This is political bullshit, not an actual investigation.
>keeps fucking up
>also became president
And you think his investigation is not valid because...?
Hasn't he been under investigation since he said he was running for president? Like christ just admit you can't find anything damning enough. This is getting embarrassing already.
Good. Trump yanked his chain and Mueller over reacted. Why couldn't "ind" Muller show more restraint and not leak?
Anonymous sources from Washington Post, try again OP faggot.
That's why
The world we live in.
Because shit stinks and can be smelled from far away. Look at who is involved in this farce. The Russian narrative was used as a political tool to shut up enemies, and now this is just furtherance of their agenda. I do not buy it.
A complete absence of any crime or evidence of a crime.
Where is your evidence?
You do realize the FBI has more complete information about Trump's behavior than what is publicly available right?
I haven't trusted the FBI since they murdered 18 children at WACO, but I'm sure they're great people. lmao
Ohhh shit!
Trump btfo for good this time!
not an argument
And they probably have dirt on many other politicians that will never be released to the public. They control the context, and I do not trust them. Why would you?
>Anonymous sources say
no thanks
>You do realize the FBI has more complete information about Trump's behavior than what is publicly available right?
Did your anonymous insider sources tell you that?
No, but true nonetheless, as well as being quite funny.
>the FBI
they aren't investigating trump tho
>>no evidence whatsoever at any time ever
How about asking a subordinate FBI director to "let go" of an ongoing investigation? Surely that would be obstruction of justice for any other president before this one. I'm not convinced that Donald is smart enough to realize he tried to obstruct justice and there possible a way to use that as a defense.
The evidence is said FBI director testifying under oath to those facts. If you don't think that's evidence, you need to reevaluate what you honk evidence is.
Mueller is close friends with Comey, he has to recuse himself from the Obstruction of Justice investigation. This is totally improper on the part of Mueller. Mueller wants Trump to fire him.
>wow just because the democrats have fabricated every lie and consiracy theory to explain how they got btfo so hard up to this point doesn't mean they are still doing it with this latest story that has absolutely no evidence whatsoever
Open/Shut case. There was no obstruction.
They do, and they said before election day that they found no evidence of collusion between Trump and the Russians, and Trump and the hackers.
No evidence found.
Let that sink in.
I'm so goddam fed up with all this fucking bullshit. Trump needs to go scorched earth on these motherfuckers.
It is an argument, actually. You are using the reputation and practices of the FBI as a defense for why you have no evidence of a crime, or even an idea of what crime you think happened. The reputation of the FBI is garbage. Its a garbage agency staffed by garbage people. At no point in memory has the FBI conducted itself in a manner deserving of any respect what-so-ever.
"obstruction of justice" aka they have jack shit on russia and now are trying to pin this on him. lel, lame as shit if you ask me, this is their whole hand their throwing at trump so early, i think theyre going to regret this.
You have to make a good argument if you want an argument for a response.
Reminder to report bots.
...or at very least not talk to them like an idiot.
Give Dems a break, this hoax is all they have.
My thoughts exactly
Shut up fag, you homos should be archiving clickbait websites anyways, he's just doing your job for you
>Five people briefed on the requests, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly, said that
>Five people...not authorized to discuss the matter
What a fucking shitshow.
There wasn't, until he fired Comey and said to Holt in a public interview it was over the Russia investigation. Reports about the counsel today stated as such.
>i hope
This is pretty much the GOP shitting their pants after the shooting and blaming Trump for all of angry people who want to off them and their families.
That and them being royally pissed off at Trump for stopping them from scamming people with their shitty health bill.
t. internet lawyer
>Comey says he didn't obstruct
someone fire thsi loser
This. There's simply too much hate for them *not* to impeach him sooner or later for whatever trumped up bullshit they can dream up (though removing him is still impossible). If they blow their load on this literal-nothing Trump will have effective immunity for any small to medium scandals for the remainder of his term.
Read the OP
You misread my post. I am asking for evidence that the FBI's investigation is invalid.
Comey was his subordinate. That argument is dumb. and leads to a scenario in which no one in Washington can investigate anyone in Washington.
>before election day
You do realize that was 8 months ago, right?
The President can order the FBI to drop any activity he wants, for no reason, you fucking retard
Damn you're fast
Time for the leaking criminal Comey's con job to end. Fire Mueller.
You have provided no relevant argument as to why their investigation is invalid. "The FBI has done some bad stuff before," is nothing.
So Bill Clinto and Loretta Lynch not under investigation for Obstruction of justice? Since that is the only evidence we got of it from Comey.
If they oust Trump its gonna be simple - CIVIL WAR.
Unfortunately he didn't do it for no reason.
He did it to obstruct justice.
Jail incoming.
haha but this doesn't count haha
If japmoot wanted to ban non-archived links he could add a new filter in about 15 seconds. Just use a fucking adblocker and you'll cost *them* money when you open their articles.
The last thing we fucking need is this place overrun by bots written by people who think they're "helping". Considering how often Norway gets banned and/or his posts purged I'd say the mods agree with me.
There is no evidence of a crime, the FBI is garbage. You are garbage. Your thread is garbage. Your life is garbage, and it should end.
He can't obstruct justice you fucking retard
>obstruction of justice
Let me know when they're pressing charges instead of making a media frenzy for people to screech at each other about
>Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating President Donald Trump for obstruction of justice, The Washington Post reported Wednesday evening.
All the media reporting on a story from jeff bezos personal blog from "anomymous sources". What the fuck
In all honesty is he probably the lowest IQ president in modern history? He is so bad at writing and speaking.
Getting impeached within the first year of being president would only cement his place as the worst president ever. How fucking incompetent do you have to be to control all branches of government and be unable to pass absolute dick? All he does is golf and masturbate to his memories of winning the election.
This is good.
Dems are over playing their hand.
People are sick of hearing about this bullshit. Only the echo chamber left is still clinging on, but echos get softer the further out they go.
Sure he can. What do you think Nixon was impeached for?
Bribing and coaching witnesses? Destruction and witholding of evidence? Using the CIA to help himself get reelected?
>civil war
Yes goyim, fight!
>Washington Post
> Something happens putting bad name on Dems
> Hours later this changes the narrative
Never change Democrats. Never change.
Because we're not retarded. The cons and libs hate his guts because he's not their puppet, so therefore they're going to throw every bullshit accusation they can at him, with two purposes, one to potentially remove him, the other to waste his time.
And again, gonna be more of the same witch hunt bullshit. A bunch of accusations without an ounce of evidence.
>Sure he can. What do you think Nixon was impeached for?
You can google it?
"An impeachment process against Richard Nixon was formally initiated on February 6, 1974, when the United States House of Representatives passed a resolution, H.Res. 803, giving its Judiciary Committee authority to investigate whether sufficient grounds existed to impeach Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States[1] of high crimes and misdemeanors, primarily related to the Watergate scandal. "
He was not impeached for obstruction of justice.
Are you retarded? Investigations can take time. And he's not the one under investigation since that time. It was Russian interference. If he hadn't told Comey to stop the investigation and fired him when he wouldn't listen, he wouldn't be looking guilty to anyone with half a brain. He should keep his mouth shut and let the thing run its course if he's not guilty.
America is not 1/100th as corrupt as you think. Otherwise, Hillary would have won. Just let them run their investigation. Why would you care if you think he's innocent?
You do realise this whole obstruction of justice thing relates to an investigation that for over 8 months and then some has failed to produce evidence against Trump despite the FBI having all of his files, his company's files, the files of some of his workers, and the files of his entire campaign team including several current members of his staff?
Because that's the situation we're looking at here. Obstruction of justice in a case where there is nothing left to obstruct, where the feds can do whatever they want and have still found nothing, nothing back then and nothing today.
They wiretapped Trump for months before and after the election. If there was collusion it would have come out already.
>In all honesty is he probably
> question someone's IQ and writing skill
> can't even construct a goddamn sentence
really activates my almonds tbqh senpai
So you're in favor of PRISM I see.
cool maybe our awesome President will get impeached and mike pence will electrocute all the gays and open up concentration camps. fucking retard.
Surely this will be the end of Trump's campaign
Actually, yeah. Nothing to hide. Helps capture traitors, criminals, and terrorists.
literally fake news to distract from the shooting
this isnt fair bros
we have to take mueller down NOW
>"grandma's cousins friends neighbor"
People hate Trump because he's incompetent and a horrible human being.
You seem to think there's some set timeline an FBI investigation has to follow. That is not how it works. That they're still investigating means there is something they believe to be there. There does not need to be direct evidence of Trump colluding for someone to reasonably suspect that Trump had done something wrong.
>all his files, company files, files of entire campaign
No, they do not.
You do not know what evidence they have.
its heresy and inadmissible
Makes all the sense in the world. Leftists have always wanted a police state.
>inb4 'I'm not a leftist'
>People hate Trump because he's incompetent and a horrible human being.
Bring it on deepstate
>Nearly 200 Democratic lawmakers are suing President Donald Trump, arguing his global business empire has illegally accepted payments from other countries without their approval.
>Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) is leading the charge, insisting Trump is making it difficult for them to do their job.
Bring it on Dems. Trump is going to keep you so distracted with this petty nonsense you can say goodbye to 2020.
I am a leftist. Now what, fatty. You think I give a shit that you can't look up how to make a bomb or some shit? Go live in North Korea for a decade, then come back and call the US a police state without laughing.
What if this whole Russian thing is just a tiny part of a much larger plot?
Think about it:
Democrats scream and cry about Russia until everyone is sick of it. They claim Trump is about to be impeached every week. But this is their plan, they want the American people to get sick of it, to give up and to think that it could never happen. Then, when the next election comes along, the Dems WILL actually hack the voting machines (not all, just enough) to swing things in their favor. When the republicans cry foul and begin to investigate, the Dems will use all of our arguments against us and the average person will just think it's all bullshit like this Russian stuff was.
We're playing right into their hands like idiots. We need to ignore all of this crap and stop giving them ammo to use against us in 4 years.
Thank god, I can't wait until that inbred orangutan faggot gets impeached
>You do not know what evidence they have.
Umm, actually we probably do since literally everything anyone in the FBI has ever even *thought* about Trump has been anonymously leaked and printed in the washington post. Hell, the story in OP is based on leaks from *five* anonymous sources who were forbidden from discussing this.
Unless you think they're deliberately leaking all the worthless, boring shit and keeping all the REALLY incriminating stuff under wraps.
>People hate Trump because they've been told to by their masters
>You do not know what evidence they have.
Yes, yes we do... Nothing. Because they've been claiming 'he did X' for months now, and can never produce one piece of information to suggest anything.
The left claimed a narrative based on a lie, and now they have no choice but to commit to it and double down, or else everyone will know that they are frauds and liars, in turn ruining themselves even more.
I hope they do keep going though... they're only destroying themselves in the long run, thankfully.
>Weeks passes
>It's nothing either
>Liberals on Twitter gets mad
>Calls for another investigation lead by another person in the special counsel
Calling it.
This is a never ending circle of bullshit. Which is why Trump completely ignores it.
I don't think YOU know what he was impeached for.