Is being gay a choice, Sup Forums?
Being gay
Being gay isn't a choice, but being a big loud flaming queerlord like that guy is a choice. It's important to make that distinction.
Is mental illness a choice?
I don't think it's a choice whether you're gay or not, but it's definitely a choice to act like a flaming homo
Is being prissy a choice?
No, I just can't stop sucking dicks and putting things up my butt.
I believe it is a combination of genetics and social acceptance.
I would like to add that many people pretend to be gay to become popular. It makes them feel "special" or whatever.
What a fuckin’ fag. FPTBP
>bi trucker here; yeah, sure, little twink is welcome in my bunk
Probably but wearing that shit out in public to be even more of a degenerate certainly was a choice. They really don't help their own image very much.
no but being a faggot is
I don't think being gay I'd a choice. Being a faggot however is.
yes, but not in the way you may think. the choices one makes may lead them in a gayer and gayer direction, until one finds him or herself crossing that line. Some people are born gayer leaning than others, some are more sensitive to the effects of their choices than others.
Being gay isn't necessarily a choice, but you get there with your choices.
>Is it an accident that there's been an explosion in the LGBT community?
>All those lesbians in high school-college reverting back to straight must be ignored after their experimentation phase
Don't care, they are degenerate either way
Being gay is a choice, and you're going to hell.
Feelings are not a choice. Actions are. What you'll find on the left are people who are slaves to every emotional whim that arises, who genuinely believe that one s actions are a deterministic function of one's feelings. You see this in play not only on the gay issue but also "of course he's a criminal. Look at the opreshin he deals with everyday!"
The question is, why care? I even live in a gay neighborhood and most of the times everybody minds their own business and I don't go to the parades. There is always someone who acts up or tries to make theater for nothing/something.
Is it genetic? Probably. Like beating your wife or constantly trying to sell that your daily two bottles of wine are fine and not a sign for anything.
well put
>being gay
There's your first and most fatal mistake. Gay is a matter of "doing", not "being", and that mistake is evident in how most "gay" people address the issue. All the gays I've met (whether they openly acted like faggots, or not) spent WAY more time thinking about their preference than normal people do. Homosexuality is an overblown KINK. A mental-delusion based on a learned form of sexual expression that generally gets out of hand. There's no such thing as "being" gay, bisexual, pansexual, etc., etc. I don't even believe in "straight" people. Straight is just the DEFAULT, and some people get farther from the default than others. The reason why so many gay people get so fucking degenerate in their behavior is they've made being sexually-deviant a part of their fucking identities. I don't even intend for this to come off as hate speech. Do what you want in bed, as long as only consenting adults are involved, and as long as I don't have to deal with it. But, you're kidding your yourself, if you believe that people are "born that way". All of sexual expression, outside of the basic-ass babby-making is learned behavior, whether you learned it from others, or taught it to yourself by letting your mind wander too much. "Straight" people can be made "gay" with enough corrupting influence, and "gay" people can be made "straight". You are what you expose yourself to, and what you think about. You can become gay by focusing too much on people of your own sex, in a sexual context. A lighter example of people leading their own sexuality would be how some men consider themselves "ass men" and others consider themselves "tits men". A more intermediate example would be how some people develop fetishes for certain activities. The things you feed are the things that grow. What's unfortunate, is that most people don't fucking realize this as their growing up. What's fortunate, is that that is an ongoing process, and it's almost never too late to turn it around.
Could you, as a suspected hetero, choose to enjoy fucking a man in the arse?
Gay feelings are not a choice. The left is feminine and so it is about feelings, so the left believes it is not a choice.
Gay behaviour is a choice. The right is masculine and so it is about actions, so the right believes it is a choice.
The truth: it doesn't matter whether it's a choice, because it's none of your fucking business what other people do in bed. The flipside to this: once rights are achieved, gay pride is unnecessary, crass, tasteless, and occasionally borders on sexual harassment.
Probably, this. Some well thought out points.
Hey, retard. Nobody asked about whether, or not, it matters. The question was, "Is being gay a choice, Sup Forums?"
So, you see a blond swimsuit model, but you could get your dick also hard on some unwashed fat five burgers lady? Because I can surely say that nothing would get me liking a male body but also nothing would make go for fat lady. And then there are the fricken pedos, who seem to have the problem that their dick doesn't work with grownups either. This is too much kekz for me. Pornhub absolutely agrees.
I don't care being gay should be punishable by death in either case
Being gay is as much of a choice as being g claustrophobic. Most likely a subconscious early trauma from childhood most of them can't even remember.
Sweden has a new King?
Being isn't but acting is.
This 100%.
Fag here. But keep it indoors.
It's the same as a blonde cute bitch acting all sassy, wearing almost nothing and being flirty with all the guys she talks to, getting a rise from the power she has over men.
Flaming retards are trying to do this but fail horribly, resorting to saying that how they act isn't a choice.
It is. Typical homosexual men fucking hate you.
btw furries are cancer*
Do you think anyone forced him to go outside dressed like that?
> chooses to reiterate question:
> "Is being gay a choice, Sup Forums?"
> is a huge faggot
it's a choice guys, books closed on this 1
but being a faggot is.
>see: OP
>gays spend too much time thinking about their preference
>posts an essay
rly makes you think
Having sex is a choice.
They're both a choice you fucking faggot.Who is forcing you to want dick? If no one is forcing you then its YOUR choice and your responsibility.
>Gay is a matter of "doing"
Not in the traditional sense of a choice, but a more subconscious one. Maybe they were raised by a single mother, abused by people around them, or simply want to be different and rebel against their parents by becoming gay.
It may not have seemed like a choice to them, but even a lie becomes true if you repeat it to yourself enough.
yah, this pretty much
Maybe I don't want dick. Maybe I want some ass. Your ass.
You got a tight little ass for me?
I want to make you have a prostate orgasm and whisper in my ear that you love it.
This is what I thought. After about a decade of San Francisco social scene, my mind has changed. I was redpilled by:
> Bugchasers who think getting HIV is a badge of pride
> People that try to indoctrinate non-gays, Bisexuals, and the curious by pozzing them by spiking drinks or food
> Massive amounts of child abuse and pedophilia, often openly discussed and bragged about
> Infiltration of institutions that are supposed to stop this crap. Such as private facebook groups used for tracking little boys, where members of the group work at FB in the department that is supposed to stop this shit.
> Hedonism as the end goal of life, leading to degenerate life goals
> Massive amounts of alcohol and drug abuse due to the hedonistic lifestyle.
> Degenerate, unhealthy, and hazardous sexual practices and fetishes. It is a mark of pride among many homos to have needed anal reconstruction surgery. They aren't the ones paying for it.
> Perfectly happy to vote to use taxpayer money to cover their massive health expenses.
And that's not even getting into that they are mostly leftists.
Fags have different incentives from everyone else, and higher rates of certain pathological behaviors. I have no complaints with people that are gay but don't make a lifestyle of it. But I have learned to hate fags.
Wow, you sir took the word out of my mouth.
Fuck off pedo scum
Posts a wall of text how homosexuality is a choice, while half the whitey country is a opioid zombie zone. Different kind of choices "probably".
one good thing about mudslimes is they have an answer to the Sodomite question
>cuckistani reading comprehension
no surprises
You can teach yourself to be into ANYTHING, yes. Psychology backs me, on this one. Furries are a result of Timmy thinking that fox chick from Disney's Robin Hood is pretty, and letting that thought get out of hand. People get seeds planted into them, one way or another, and if they dwell on those things too much, it becomes a problem. Aside from exerting some self-control, or just having better things to do with your time, while growing up, the shit you'll be into as an adult, is a game of roulette. Some people end up being into damn-near everything, because they humor every weird thought, and go down every rabbit hole.
Maybe not, but going to a pride parade and being an embarrassing Flamer certainly is
>a big loud flaming queerlord
yeah this. I have gay friends. One of them is flamboyant but also knows how to be serious in the right situation.
He just enjoys being a flaming homo, he says it makes him feel happy.
That being said I work with a gay guy who owns tons of property, sits on the city council, board of education, is involved in community outreach and does major business dealings in my city that are turning it into a somewhat nice place to live.
The only thing that would make you think he's gay is how fucking dapper this dude looks 24/7. He's in the most high end Italian suits on a daily basis. Oh yeah and I met his bf so that's a pretty dead giveaway.
I just wanna wear colorful clothes without being considered gay. I like rainbows but not dicks.
It's not fair.
fuck you faggot - I'd scream it in your ear while punching you in the legs
> whisper
such a faggot
You can make this choice too
Think about it
It's AIDS.
I don't like boys, m8.
The rules still apply.
Pedos are disgusting people all around.
I just want to fuck your ass as you yell daddy, and say you love it.
Maybe even as you cosplay in a Waffen-SS uniform.
"Yavul, right into my asshole... right there..."
I hope it is genetic. The nanosecond the gene(s) involved are discovered....guess who gets aborted? Considering all the time, money, and effort NOBODY would ever willingly choose to have a homosexual kid.
nothing bad there honestly Pluse Club was a win win and should be repeated mudslimes kills fags and then dies and world becomes better place
Muslims fuck eachother in the butt 24/7. Don't let their angry bullshit fool you.
Foosh mine en mine pootah hah hah hah!
Fuck, um ... "hurr durr, fags are gay."
Eat shit, kike.
There's a strong correlation between sociopathy and homosexuality. A lot of sociopaths are gay because they don't care and are usually sex addicts, they aren't necessarily attracted to men, its just easier.
Homosexuals have been at the forefront of politics, art, science, medicine, and culture since the beginning of time.
Yes, and very bad one.
This, but not only that. It's the encroachment on institutions that they should have 0 part in, that sense of entitlement they have and attempt to wave under the banner of civil rights, all really just because they hate religious people, that is more invasive and damaging.
Being gay is not a choice.
It's an STD that you get when you are raped as a child.
You're obviously a disgusting piece of shit. You're also part of a group thats 16 times more likely to be pedophiles. So yeah Im gonna bet you're a pedo
Its only "Not a choice" in the same way that NOTHING you do is a choice.
chu talkin about? I've always wanted to have 6 boys, all of whom are gay. That way, when they have all their boyfriends over for holidays / family dinners, I can play the "tough dad" like I would if they were a daughter's boyfriend, but the difference here is that I'd get to take em out back, and fuck the shit out of em and make my boys watch
> yahhh you like that, little faggot? See boys! This is how you carry yourself like a real man! Shut the FUCK UP PUSSY, STOP CRYING - I can't believe you brought this little faggot into my house, Kevin! You need a real man, like Brian's boyfriend - that faggot knows how to keep his mouth shut. YEEEHAW"
Your type turn out to be the best bottoms.
The most vocal. The most angry.
When you turn, its vicious.
I'm not even reading your disgusting shit talk you know? I don't care. I'm not a prude. I just think you're a fucking pedo.
All you are doing is proving to everyone how disgusting and immoral fags are.
>Is being prissy a choice?
So cute!
looking that gay is a choice
>Being gay isn't a choice
Uh, yes it is.
> "not reading it"
> jerkin off while putting cigs out his ass crack
although you could refine some points a bit this is pretty much the truth. Nurture almost always beats nature.
>No, I just can't stop sucking dicks and putting things up my butt.
Is being turned on a choice? Being gay straight or whatever is a choice is we all took pills 1984 style that supressed and hormone brain chemistry sexual feelings. Bullying someone because of their sexuality is retarded.
>Is being turned on a choice?
Yes you absolute fucking faggot, learn how to control yourself
I did my best to sum it up without being too unclear.
I don't usually side with a nazi, but he's got a point most homosexuality is fucking degeneracy.
>learn how to control yourself
Wanting to stick your dick in someones shitty asshole is degenerate no matter what.
Gtfo newfag. Nobody's forcing anyone to have sex with hundreds of men and be a degenerate. Kys. Being gay absolutely is a choice
lol what
This is all very true
Nihilistic/hedonistic faggots are the absolute worst, and you're correct about a lot of them being downlow pedos. A lot of the pedo shit in the LGBT community is hidden behind the guise of "helping gay boys find themselves" and anti-bullying etc. Older fags know young boys who tilt towards being gay are primed and vulnerable and in need of "guidance"
It's so fucking degenerate, same with bug chasers.
This is what faggot enablers actually believe. People must be held responsible for their actions
If you were molested as a child or rape and you turn out gay because of it. It's not your fault, you can still be saved.
>most homosexuality is fucking degeneracy
not all
just most
I've personally forced men to have sex with me on several recent occasions, fucking faggot
You think you have a choice?
If you don't get turned on your either obese, have a unhealthy life style. Maybe born with no sex organs. The fact you have that nazi larper flag I'm assuming in the former.
maybe, maybe not, not being a faggot certainly is.
homo say what
You fucking fag lovers are the same as the anti whites who think that niggers can be BASED as long as they larp as a white man. Faggotry is absolutely disgusting and anybody who is ok with it is a degenerate or an idiot.