Leftists, mudslimes and niggers are doing most of the shooting, but they want to take guns away from conservatives... Really makes you think....
Leftists, mudslimes and niggers are doing most of the shooting, but they want to take guns away from conservatives...
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They know they can't take on whites right now, due to our high level of gun ownership.
Their plan is to outlaw guns, and since most whites are law-abiding, it would make us easier targets. They other part of the plan is to import as many shitskins as possible until the US looks like Brazil, then masses of nigs will be able to overpower whites with knives, and/or the gun-owing gangs, and/or the new Orwellian anti-white government.
>Leftists, mudslimes and niggers are doing most of the shooting, but they want to take guns away from conservatives... Really makes you think....
That IS exactly how communism and dictatorships work...
Of course that fucking Pelosi cunt is the first to downplay the party affiliation of the shooter
They always like to have very short memories....
The DoD considers military-age white males the greatest threat to stability. The Obama White House publicized this one time from what I remember.
I too remember anecdotally hearing this.
Most of her shooting pics have been redacted off the web...
they control the government of course they want to take your guns away
It was a reporter who said it, quoting some study by the government, but she was obviously a surrogate for something. It doesn't offend me or anything as a white male.
This is also related to the reasons why "black power" can be referenced in the media while "white power" is verboten. When I was in Manhattan a number of years ago, I distinctly remember a Beats billboard in Times Square that advertised the different colors for the headphones The black one had the words "Black Power" under it.
Again, I don't care personally. The media is closely aligned with the intelligence agencies though, so certain messages are going to be broadcasted.
They want white people to be at the mercy of all the shit skins. Look at places like California, Chicago and New York.
Why is police wearing an Army BDU?
Violent liberals blamed the 'gun problem' after they killed Seth too. Those FEMA camps could come in handy after all.
the day you burgers get disarmed is the day they will start with all of the globalist shit scenarios over there. do not give in.
None of us are giving up our guns, that has been established. So if the day comes, it will be a glorious day full of gunpowder and blood
>None of us are giving up our guns
> it will be a glorious day
Worked well at Waco didnt it?
Waco caused major waves and shook the government for a long time. I think Clinton did some crazy shit during that time to combat domestic groups, and ultimately, it's why Clinton convinced the Democrats to abandon the white working class. I don't doubt it will go down in the history books as the start to a major backlash against globalism that we are still feeling the effects of.
Keep up the good work comrade.
That useless ignorant fuck billy was too busy trying to get up Monica's panties at the time to give a fuck about America...
uh no you liberal pussy i believe in standing up to the govt in times of tyranny.
fucking pussy liberal snowflake.
Jesus Christ that gun looks like a leftist drew it
I think that's the point.
yes, basically take guns away from law abiding citizens. only the criminals will still be left with guns because they don't respect the law anyway. americans shouldn't give up their guns
actually the red-necks ended up ahead on points: en.wikipedia.org
>no semi-fit gun loving gf to empty my freedom clip into
Good luck with that.
They were vastly outnumbered all of America standing up to (((them))) at one time would work very differently.
Bottom line, it's the kikes in the elite who push the narrative. Leftists fall for it and import violent subhumans, but also fall for the "racist" meme when they start to see what's wrong. They're to blame, but the cause here is almost always the kikes.
It worked out very well for the colonists. Fun fact: The red coats were marching to seize the militia's arms when Lexington & Concord happened.
>import violent subhumans
You mean the hoaxes or do you mean antifa fucks? Or did I misinterpret completely?
>doesn't know what a violent subhuman is
how new are you
The ones where you can see their front you can tell they have rings.
really makes you think
Nevermind I get it now. I thought this thread was in response to a recent shooting that is Sup Forumsssibly hoaxy, so that's where my mind is.
Dear lord what fucking mongoloid came up with those ergonomics?
It's the oldest trick in the book for far leftists. Remove the opposition's weapons. Have complete control. You should know this.
They just want citizens disarmed. Shooting will never stop regardless.
See: Paris. Munich. London. Etc.
blacks so dumb , they need larping whites to lead them.
Well come on in son, let me tell you about the Jews...
>I met a sales girl at a sales meeting
>she has a great personality and she totally loved me
Simple, just ban assault Liberals
Except that's a bunch of shit
Also Dylan Roof
Martin luther cream needs to shut the fuck up. I hate that limp dicked wigger.
not just regular LEO's, SWAT
They should play the GOP vs. Dems baseball game they were practicing for but mix up the teams as a gesture of unity.
We don't use "liberals" anymore.....we use "libtard" with "agenda" now. Try to keep up.