Boy screamed at for sharing Pepe image on plane

Is our lord Pepe a frog of color Sup Forums?

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What a fucking psycho bitch. It was just some normie trying to share some epic meme he found on 9gag. jesus christ, if that's terrorism then what are suicide bombings.

>how DARE you abuse a womyn of color like this, dont you know cartoon frogs are TRIGGERING and MEAN


Jacob is pretty hot, in a numale kinda way.

Holy fuck, she's such an uppity cunt. I want to smash her head against the corner of a counter while she's wailing, choking on blood and mucus and trying to get away.

Hell is for ever!

>he smelled when I approached him

Kek that's just the smell of someone who showered, nigger.

it says smiled dumbcuck

Her profile line 1: "I had an abortion. Black Feminist"

She loved being sent little Pepe. She is a mad bastard looking for somewhere to happen and she's proper enjoying every second of it - the bitch.

I'd like to ram Pepes down her throat until she chokes.

Do liberals actually believe the cartoon frog is a white supremacist symbol? Why do they lack so much self-awareness?

Fucking retard.

>cartoon frogs makes black women feel unsafe

>Can't set up your privacy settings

What evidence does she have that proves he had racist intentions?


Ungh, did you just ask that oppressed woman to prove things? Racist and sexist, much?

But Pepe is dead now, remember? The cartoon frog is DEAD!

not all Jacob's, Jacob is a man of memes

Everybody is white when it fits their narrative. The Supreme Gentleman was "white", an asian cop that shoots a black criminal is "white"...
Meanwhile Shaun King is our black brother

After the herd starts getting high on social justice fumes it becomes an act of terrorism halfway down the thread.

they are so full of hate, but they displace it onto the young fella so they emotionally masterbate over themselves. Puke tier activity.

He don't look white to me.

Hillary said Pepe was racist.

>"all the CEOs in silicon valley are WHITE!"
>they're actually mostly Asian

we /terrorists/ now

This is great something so stupid can trigger retards
i for one believe this is hilarious and think we should airdrop memes and random redpills to normies more often and in mass kek

Jacob needs to practice his smug grin

I thought this shit was 'nigger tech', but niggers don't know how to use it?

america, you need civil war asap, these niggers and their lovers will bring you all down in a decade.

Dumb bitch thinks she can doxx someone with just a first name and half a face.

>TFW you'll never make some cunt have a multiparagraph twitter meltdown by showing her a frog

>a cartoon frog makes a black women reeeeee autistically

>someone tries to send me a picture on my unsecured network
>a frog


Report her to twiter for DOXXing and harassment.

At that Huntsville TX monument protest, some autist tracked down a spic's facebook without knowing any information about him. Only clue he had was what he looked like. Never underestimate the power of autism.

Clearly OP is Jacob

Bitch is as black as Shaun and Rachel Dolezal

dumb cunt probably never did it

>For those claiming Pepe meme isn’t racist don’t forget Richard Spencer got punched while explaining the significance
What the fuck? You can't commit random violence against people on the street talking to people that aren't even you, and then use said violence as a defense for why the subject of discussion is racist.

More proof that liberals HATE fun

shit it's max minghella

The only thing I've gathered from this is this bitch needs some more Pepe in her life


fuck this bitch


only a matter of time before someone finds where she lives and plasters pepe everywhere outside her door to make her feel that white supremacist love.

Time to send her pepes?

She declared war on our prophet

Now she will face his wrath

anybody doxx her ass yet?

Yes the janitors keep deleting it

I hate niggers

I saw a thread about this earlier, but this is the first time I saw the actual image. For fuck's sake, it wasn't even like pepe in a kkk robe or something, literally just stock plain smug pepe. Guy is probably a normalfag that has no idea it's supposed to be racist because CNN said so.



>Is our lord Pepe a frog of color Sup Forums?
There's no such thing as a nigger frog, bitch.

Haha triggering libtards is priceless.

I love that every conservative, Trump loving, Sup Forums shit poster that I've met in real life has been attractive and healthy looking. This guy is sharp looking, has a sense of humor, and now he's being harassed by this brainless bitch.

Cheers guys. We're on the right side of history.

I think he wanted to ask her out. Too bad she's retarded.

>What's a good opening line for my profile?
>I know!

Remindwr rhat women must not have rights.
They are mentally mongos. Not kidding.

Oh shit I live near this bitch's Evanston address. Is she home in Evanston or is she elsewhere?

I did my part. You should too.

>haunted vagina

those digits demand you find out, user

She's killed more black people than anyone else in this thread.

She is clearly a white woman

How is that thing black? Looks more like a kike

> Abortion Stories

I love you for this user.


Nigger cunt

Could you get someone arrested for harassing you and taking your picture without your consent?


I know these thoughts, user.

Not in a public place, there is no consideration for privacy.


Even if they hit record and shove a phone in your face?

You would have to accuse them of verbal harassment or physical intimidation, and even then the filming would be legal, only their behavior in addition to filming would be questionable.

That's fucked up. I wouldn't want some freaks randomly taking videos of my daughter at the pool.

idk man this just seems like some guy having some fun only to get chewed out by some sensitive snowflake

this is hugh mungus 2.0

Then don't take your daughter to a public pool, dumbass.

>a little cartoon frog ruined this niggers whole day

TOP KEK! Don't you see boys? Jacob did essentially nothing and sent this women into a tailspin. Is great victory!

She calls all "white supremacists" cowards, yet she has an mental breakdown at the sight of a cartoon frog.

my contribution

Recording laws are different for children, iirc

The fact that you don't know this is the law, and you claim to have a daughter, really shows how stupid some people are here.


She's the dreaded nigger-kike hybrid, combining the worst qualities of both races


What the fuck happened to flags?

I don't know about that. I'm willing to bet this Jacob dude will get fired over this

>someone sent me a picture of a cartoon frog
>time to go on a witch hunt and scream at them in public

This is the mindset of a liberal "adult"

This. She's based as fuck.

>The fact that you don't know this is the law
In what states would it be legal for strangers to take videos of young children without their or their parents' consent?

Is she really black tho?

they added the optional flags again, just pick geological location in the drop down options to keep it based off where you live, obviously.

Literally, metaphorically and metaphysically /ourguy/