Dogs are bad!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!

Why do people even care about animals?
I mean, buying a dog to protect your house is like bying a disposable alarm system.
Why do people think that dogs are worth loving??????

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Muslim detected



They're the best companions on the planet, bar none. They will defend you and your property, you can exercise with them, use them for work/labor, and they are a rare type of animal that actually want to establish a bond with humans so they will actually give a shit about you unlike 95% of other pets. Also they don't like niggers

High Mohammed, please akbar

People who don't like dogs and animals in general are not to be trusted.

dogs are shit

why do you people care?

We selectively bred them for thousands of years to be the perfect slaves, only problem is their utility has become outdated and now theyre just companions

end yourself cuck

go fuck yourself you communist faggot

More like second best companions.

Horses are God-tier. Only citycucks don't know this.

You can sleep under a horse the whole night and the horse will stay awake to not crush you. That's some god damn loyalty

Mohmand is a faggat and so are you.

Like I care what some random faggot thinks about dogs.

Fuck you kraut. I own a dog and he's awesome.
Can't say the same for your people though.

Obvious Bait Thread

>muh only hate dogs, achmed!!1
Post proof that Mulims have any more contempt for dogs than any other religion


Only Muslims and Niggers hate dogs.

This kraut gets it. Dogs are for rural and suburban retards. Everyone I know that's a "dog lover" treats it like absolute shit anytime it does anything other than lay their being depressed as fuck that some faggot pretends to care about it. People should really drop the act.

> In classical Islam, dogs are considered unclean and their attitude is only permitted under certain circumstances (guard and guard dog) and only outside the house. Contact with them is unclean, and no angel would enter a house where a dog is.

Go home Achmed

People only buy dogs as pets for companionship. You'd have to live in a real shithole to actually need a dog for protection.

Dogs are retarded pseudo wolves literally.


Go fuck yourself sand nigger

I think that dogs are worth loving......because they think I'm worth loving ;_;

T. Ahmed

Because people like you aren't worth loving.
It's fairly transparent that you hate dogs because dogs hate you.
They're EXTREMELY reliable judges of character.

W-why would you sleep under a horse user

He was trekking the Oregon Trail when his carriage was washed away by the river. Luckily he recovered his horses and some supplies, so for the night he made do under his horse for shelter.

And you let it fuck your ass, right?