I sincerely believe all anonymous online forums should be shut down. Sup Forums, Reddit, Twitter, Tumblr, all of them

I sincerely believe all anonymous online forums should be shut down. Sup Forums, Reddit, Twitter, Tumblr, all of them.

I believe doing so would go a long way to help deescalate the political tension in the United States, and that there is nothing of real value that would be lost in the process.

Killing Sup Forums will save America


>I sincerely believe all anonymous online forums should be shut down. Sup Forums, Reddit, Twitter, Tumblr, all of them
Reddit, twitter and tumblr aren't anonymous.

I agree. We should shut down all internet discussion forums and get our news only from CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, and CBS so we can all go on with our lives like the sheep they want us to be.

Then it is just as well we dont give a flying fuck about what you think.

No you don't, you're just fishing for (You)s

you know what, thats an amazing solution that cannot be done. Its going to be very difficult to take away the rights to anonymous expression because the majority of people prefer it.

>the rights to anonymous expression

You do not have a right to anonymous expression.

Maybe we should.

>having any rights

Silence you cretin


Do we scare you, honey?

Does the idea of people being able to say whatever they want, however they want, as much as they want, make your toes curl?

I hope so. Because I'd fuck the shit out of you while hearing you squeal like a piggy, squealing that you love it.

I'm hard just thinking about you crying as you accept the reality which we are now in, calling me daddy as I cum in your gaping asshole, making you cum too, loving every little bit.

Squeal, piggu. Squeal.

Hi niggerrrrrr shill

true, Sup Forums is cancer

You couldn't be more wrong. What you're wishing for could happen but it won't have the effect you seem to desire. Historically, the last event before insurrection has been the shut down of communication and democratic media.

But you're probably just being retarded as a prank.

yes, but reddit isn't that bad

I sincerely believe you should neck yourself

Faggot is a country now?

reddit is the best site desu

Niggers have low I.Q.'s

Sup Forums is shit

Also, how do I get a Hitler flag?

well said user

As much as I agree it's comfortable here for a crybaby autist will prob keep coming

Don't pol use this old meme?

good point

when the goyim know, you gotta SHUT IT DOWN


Also, when did Sup Forums get the flag selector back?

I think we should kill anyone who isnt white. That would go a long way to help deescalate the political tentions in the united states, and there's nothing of real value that would be lost in the process


Of course you do- because everywhere y'all try to peddle your INSANITY, people push back and won't have it. And you can't always get a lefty mod in there to stifle "dissent".

Purging communists is what will save America. In fact, it is the only thing that will. (Bankers up next.)

dats rite, cunt.

Why, you got a nice little ass for me to pound?

I wanna hear you whisper that you love it.

>I sincerely believe the most open and least contrived forums online should be shutdown because they allow people to communicate too honestly and express opinions without fear of reprisal.

Oy vey!
We're at GOYCON 2, imminent shoah incoming.

We should shut you down, you shill.

I can't wait til Sup Forums is shut down

Getting rid of Kikebook will do the world a big favor.