Explain how a "Day of the Rope" wouldn't solve all the problems?

Explain how a "Day of the Rope" wouldn't solve all the problems?

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They can't. Extermination of non-whites is the best thing that can happen

The concept is old, imagine a ideology gains control of a nation. Then it kills everyone that are in opposition, only leaving those who don't care and the believers left, ensuring a homogeneous (safe and secure) society

you can't just face all your problems and destroy them, user...

inplode me in the spleenzap

It seems to be the only way to guarantee a cooperative society.

sounds cuckish, can you elaborate? Shouldn't you eliminate a problem you identified?

We would run out of rope and it would take a whole day to fine some more


It doesn't solve problems because it can't happen. Its a hypothetical used to control. Similar to the apocalypse in the book of god

It sarcasm,autist

When, you worthless faggot?

>make POC fight eachother
>wipe out remaining POC
Out-Jew the Jew

sure. I'd love to elaborate. I could elaborate all day on the matter. the matter which requires great elaboration.

okay. you have a problem right? how can you just destroy it? wtf? it's 2017. what happened to your tolerance virtue?

Adults learn to accept that the (((real problem))) never let themselves be the ones purged, and are usually pulling the strings of the purgers.

Ropes kill much slower than more modern methods

Rope is very reusable, and chains work too. Guns, helicopter rides, tall buildings, simple bludgeoning... Really, the ways to physically remove undesirable elements is endless.


It's just larping fantasy. It makes no sense if you think on it too hard (or at all).

You miss the point of TDotR


Signs user. Signs.

The bible says to throw stones for this reason.

>forgetting stones
How can you forget stones, man!

>simple bludgeoning

fuck it, it counts.

Jews would be laughing at goyims killing eachother.

It makes perfect sense in the context of a balkanization. The inevitable result of such an event would be ethnic cleansing, which would essentially be a DotR scenario.

Elaborate or even ritual bludgeoning would work too.

Because we need "an age of the rope" to get everything done.

order of the rope. society of the rope. golden age of the rope.

Too bad it won't be accomplished.

Ever heard this thing called "rule of law"? Turns out roping motherfuckers is illegal.

You can hypothesize "but what if everyone was in on it!" Too bad that won't happen, you idealistic edgelord.

Think of less ridiculous pipe dreams pls. You don't get to the moon thinking of pluto.

>implying this hasn't happened thousands of times throughout human history

user it is inevitable. It happens every time, every fucking time two or more peoples try to inhabit the same environment.

Principle of competitive exclusion.

rope the pigs who try and stop us.

POC already fight each other. It must be increased
Bio virus targeting aboriginal, negroid, mongoloid and South Asian haps?

>helicopter rides

While a cool way to kill your political enemies, it;s really not feasible for something on the scale of a DOTR.

'Elite' pedo traffickers and accessories need to be tried and hung publicly in order to restore confidence.

Where was the "rule of law" in 1776? Where it was on 2nd of may in 2014 in Odessa when we burned commies alive on live TV? We are the law. The only larper here is you, if you think that some paper stops me and my blood hungry mates from raping your whole family, when there is a blackout

of course it would. It's just not ethical

Worked well for the Nazis last time.

Its honestly Sad! that so many of my fellow Burgers are completely oblivious to how precarious the rule of law is.

The veneer of society is paper thin and underneath that is mayhem.

ok get this. broad daylight. BIIIIG rock. and just drop it on a fag.

that's it. that's what the bible recommends anyway. Even in the age of swords, presumably because stones are anonymous, don't leave a trace, and cut through the bureaucracy of trying to use government to execute sinners (cant be done. the people gotta do it)

The Day of The Rope has to actually happen, and most people are no further right than your average cuckservative.

It wouldn't solve all of the problems. It would remove the people who literally stand in the road trying to block people from solving problems.

If all liberals were physically removed, the right would also consume itself. As we are all familiar, ideologies inherently carry varying levels of purity. After the left is removed, another schism would form about one version of ideological purity vs another form. Only through peace does a solution exist.


nobody fucking wants conservacucks alive.

Lol, now it's your country rocking pedo establishment and having terror attack on a regular basis. You deserve it

Team A has all the ropes. You are Team B.

People just need the right impetus to push them. Realize that revolutions don't require the whole population. It's a relatively small fraction that participates in such things. Like 5%.

Those whites who aren't at first ideologically on our side WILL BE as things continue getting worse and worse with the rising sea of shitskins around us. Plus we're right now on the brink of civil war.

None of you sperm eating nancy boys can take a life. HAHAHAHA

See SA, Azov Battalion, IRA etc

It's a meme because if it's based off of race you won't be able to do any meaningful purity test on who you accept. It's easy to discard the welfare leeches and degenerates but not those who will try to destroy you from the inside. You'd have to give the government totalitarian power and eventually someone is going to be a position to fuck everything up. Happens all the time, no kingdom can stay up in perpetuity.

In essence you're just pressing the reset button but the end result is going to be the same and that's if your "Day of the Rope" succeeds. I'd just be happy with the removal of birthright citizenship, marxists, welfare, and holding the media accountable to the shit they say and be more strict on the political discourse by public figures. Any attempt at a sudden shift will only lead to more strife than needed. We just need to leave the foundation for the next generation to work with because the previous ones have fucked up immensely to the point where it probably has caused irreparable harm.

Also Nat-Soc and Civ-Nat are memes that need to die because it's just mental masturbation over something that can only happen when the US collapses and everyone becomes Texas without the spics, niggers, and californians.

High quality rope is no longer made in the USA. It'd be kinda hypocritical.

Because you probably don't even know what the problem is, or have any long-term solution.

Practically a third world nation, of course rule of law is thin there.

Yet again, of course the rule of law is thin there.

Day of the rope isn't happening if the police state isn't behind it.

And when the police try to stop riots, how come the protestors don't just kill the police?

Oh, wait, they have a monopoly on force? Their entire job is keeping people like you from running the prison? Their entire lives are dedicated for this purpose?

Maybe come up with a less retarded answer. If it gets bad enough that even the police can't handle it, which won't happen, the national guard gets called and it is game over.

Oh oh oh in Europe you just make a DNA based citizenship where only 100% Europeans of your ethnicity are allowed to join. Poetry right: ethnic state with the modern technology

You can also reject people with dark skin and/or brown/black eyes and curly hair on sight - usually a give away of shitskin ancestry

>People just need the right impetus to push them
They've had more than enough "impetus" for decades. Our last chance was the nineties and it never came to fruition then.

It wont but it would be GREAT stress relief.

That sounds like a logistical nightmare when you have to form a nation of millions to even function not to mention you'd have to do it in-house because leftists probably control 23andme and all those websites. It's just not realistic except when coming in as an immigrant and even then ideologies are more damaging and that's the major issue.
That's a non-issue since that's literally the easiest thing. When I said purity test I said from those races you've approved of. How are you going to do a purity test with ideologies? Lying is easy with that. How much power are you willing to give to the government and how much freedom are you willing to sacrifice for those things? It just takes 1 shitty person and his yes-men to completely fuck over a nation when it has a gross amount of power. It's why I call day of the rope and nat-soc/civ-nat memes. They're absurdly implausible in the modern world and amounts to nothing but a circlejerk over a fantasy. If the US is at the point where these things can happen then trying to form a new nation would be the least of people's problems.

This is not OKAY. Listen to me!
If your women and children see these events happen (and they will since you are so open about it) they will turn against their own nation. Nobody stays loyal to cruel barbarians. Instead, the removing of undesirables should be done via Turkish and German methods.

Germans are well versed in this area and to this day they still have plausible explanations as to why they killed the jews, or better, that they didn't kill the jews. However, they still accept the genocide and pay reparations, which is something you want to avoid.
Turkish way consists of making undesirable elements battle the forces of nature. Armenians had to survive walking through desert and bandit attacks. And still to this day Turkey doesn't have to accept any genocide.

I find it immoral to kill women and children but if you are gonna do it anyway do it away from your women and children.

cuck. the police only have a monopoly on donuts

You obviously do it after you got an ethnic state with a revolt. You just hire professionals, and give them samples. In order to be a citizen - you must receive and pass a DNA test. If anything doesn't fit 100% European, it gets shaohed from Europe and gets banned from ever settling. As far as practicality goes, such databases are unavoidable future even in multiracial hellholes. Such is the nature of medicine
>when coming in as an immigrant
The whole point of European ethnic nationalist to not ever have word immigrant in our legal system
>They're absurdly implausible i
Go to dark web and see guro shit our boys in Azov and Tornado did. Proto tDotR already been tried and result? Literal NS Battalions


Day of rope is where mixed race, race mixers, and jews are killed
It's only after the full shitskins are kicked out that it happens so it doesn't solve all the problems :)

This. Unless there is some different origin for the meaning of "day of the rope". From what I know is that it originates from The turner diaries and in that turner just rounds up all the Jews/non whites and puts them in ghettos before deporting them into the mountains where they probably got killed. The guys who get hanged are race traitors so they are all white.

How are you ever going to get to phase 1 "Ethnic state with a revolt"? No one is going to allow that shit. US isn't going to let anyone form their own shit and neither will the world. The moment a 1st world country enters a civil war you'll have every other nation coming in trying to get brownie points. Do you think the us military is going to have a coup or some shit? Fucking laughable. Like I said, this is mental masturbation over something that is implausible it not outright impossible in the modern era. I'm willing to bet if you larpers actually evolved and tried to make a ethnic state somewhere some country is going to come and fuck you all up.
Still doesn't solve your major issues which are incompatible ideologies which is more damaging than some guy being a nigger or a spic. Not like you can look at something and know what they believe- it's not skin color. Sad part is people are willing to give the government the power to police thought-crimes in an attempt to solve this.

>No one is going to allow that shit. US isn't going to let anyone form their own shit and neither will the world.
US befriends whomever, idealistic retard. Check out what Saudis and Gulfs do. No, your political rights as a non-white subhuman/homo to travel to Europe/Saudi are not worthy trade surplus and connections for the US government. Get over it. You are not that relevant
>The moment a 1st world country enters a civil war you'll have every other nation coming in trying to get brownie points. Do you think the us military is going to have a coup or some shit?
That's already happened (and is happening) in Ukraine. When uprising goes in Britain/Russia(most likely soon)/France. Do you think ANYONE can do anything? Hell no. And there's a good reason for it
>fuck you all up
Because you quarter mexican (or whatever subhuman you are) are important to world leaders? Lol. Sweden and all of Scandinavia were that prior to 1975 with racial eugenics and shit. It's perfectly normal and fair to not allow subhuman non-whites in.

