59 unfilled Pentagon positions

What does this orange nigga even do?

why do we need more jew warmongers?

let the positions go unfilled.

These are key anti terrorism positions also btw, almost like he wants an attack to happen

Tells everyone how great he is and takes credit for the actions of other. When he's not doing this he is watching Fox News, listening to Alex Jones, and having someone read Breitbart News headlines to him.
Also, he spends a great deal of time telling lies and obstructing justice.

It's not just the military.

Yep. We voted for smaller govt and less war. What the fuck is the problem? Most of these govt jobs are pointless patronage handouts to political flunkies. What the fuck do these SES do all day to justify their paycheck? Self-licking ice cream.

Tweet lies, brag, golf, and stuff his fat face.

Be should fire everyone. Unfilled positions may be empty, but that's better than having leftist traitor garbage fucking everything up for paycheck

Trump is supposed to fill 59 positions at the Pentagon? What the fuck is the point of Mad Dog? Does he need Trump to wipe his ass too?

Fuck put me in one of those positions at least I'll be loyal

Eating (he's obese afterall, he hides it with shoulder pads and probably some sort of man-corsette). Google pictures of him while golfing, he's a literal land whale.

And also, spending tax payer money vacationing in Florida during the Winter Months and New Jersey during summer months. No other President has vacationed as much as Trump. He's a fucking lazy fat ass, who wants all the glory without the work.

And triggers human debis like yourself.

heard they got a taco bell too.

found the unemployed Democrat

>found the unemployed Democrat
Jesus, you guys are so lame...

like Jeff Sessions, winney boy - bu,bu,but I get nervous...(when I'm telling a lie and get caught on national TV...)

He needs to fill the damn FTC so the WBA RAD deal can be approved

>retarded shit posting for the sake of retarded shit posting
Enjoy the (you)

>lol, ice-cream
>Remember to Like, Comment and Subscribe pls :)

>not using the Oxford comma

I thought we just elected him to play golf and tweet? Or to gather liberal tears?

idk what the president is really supposed to do desu, seems kinda hard

>bloated, huge wasteful government
>don't fill the plush, useless jobs that democrats created to pander to their campaign contributors

What's the problem here? These positions should probably just be eliminated.

You're talking shit about Mathis. By the way, his balls take up 20k positions in the Pentagon. Fag.

I hope they never are.


dont forget instigating fights on twitter.
most shit tier president ever

WTF I love a bloated inefficient over-sized and expensive military now?!

the dumb nigger increased military spending. which he pribably recieves kickbacks from all the defense contractors and companies the money funnels in to

>pribably recieves kickbacks
Wtf I hate trump now

>only 59
The Pentagon should be demolished.

Kys faggot

So many tears itt. Kek. MAGA

Save tax money.

oh you showed him.

one golf trip will pay for half of those annual salaries so...
