White Londoner surrounded by africans, muslims and east euro's. Legit help needed. Don't brag how it is better where you are, I need help to get the fuck out. South east london, it's a lost cause, the community is theirs now. Any advice on council shit appreciated.
White Londoner surrounded by africans, muslims and east euro's. Legit help needed...
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>scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue
no it isn't
just act cool and yell at white people, try to blend in my dude
Thanks for your input sheep rapist and likely aussie nigger.
Don't you have some sort of chance to move out into the country side somewhere? I'd imagine it'd be cheaper.
Put a hat or hood on and keep your eyes forward. No funny looks. You're in niggerland, now, user. Doesn't it just feel so progressive?
The options you are given is move to birmingham or manchester which is muslim/nigger central. I live in muslim/nigger central---london. They don't give you the option to move into nice suburb/country.
its betty gud in Leeds
white rose un-ironically > red rose
don't mind me, just posting in this thread because no meme flags
do carry on
Start gofund me ha. I'll put 5 on it
You are a fucking retard, scar tissue is clearly not as good as normal tissue. That's the entire reason it has it's own description, definition, and physical composition (such as oh say, the distinct lack of blood vessels or quality nerve endings in scarred portions of the body) so you are seriously just a fucking poor baiter.
3/10 made me reply and educate everyone not as dysfunctional as you.
Come to Ireland user. I'm pretty sure you can qualify for most social welfare programmes (housing, etc) to get you on your feet. You can also speak English which makes you more qualified than 90% of our workforce.
Fucker/ I grew in niggerland/ niggers/ muslims do not scare me, it is not because I am afraid. Fuck them, I just don't want to deal with people who have no idea what ethics are. (No offence to you, I understand your point-it's not through fear, it's a desire to be around better humans)
That's racist mate. Stay right where you are and enjoy the diversity you voted for. Always remember, you asked for this.
where abouts lad? Dublin I guess
Please, helium suicide, google it, then pursue it. I truly hope you do, because you should have been a cumshot.
Take up a menial labour job that pays well. If you're up against non-whites trying for the same job, just act as if you are willing to slave as hard as they are.
It won't be enjoyable in the least, but it will mean you can save up enough money to gtfo.
If you can get a few hundred quid you can probably find a bedsit in a not bad compared to london suburb up north for a few months until you find a job and move somewhere a bit better
Dublin yeah. I live in the more suburban area outside of the city centre which is comfy as fuck. Sorta like a small English village. Dublin city itself is a piss-stain. The rents are outrageous, London-esque that somehow foreigners from 3rd world countries can afford.
What you could even do if you want to qualify for everything here regardless check if you have Irish ancestry, which could qualify you for a passport
Establish a contact, then a job, then a residence, then a family outside of London. Specifics depend on your skills.
I'm genetically %50 irish, and would love to go there (Considering how little immigration you guys have, while , most of your youth love immigration, while experiencing fuck all of it(london is %60 foriegn) and I would like to go there, but circumstances preclude me, but cheers.
>scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue
You rape sheep. But seriously, joking aside you have no idea how badly London has been overrun by people that are not like us.
I am seriously after help from people that can help me. regarding council housing, and benefits. Don't judge me I used to be a nurse, until I had to quit when a relative had a stroke and had to care for them full time.
Have you ever tried injecting steroids into your ass after a couple years build up of scars? Do you just make shit up looking for (you)s?
stay and fight
>They don't give you the option
They who? Who's "they"? And why only Manchester and Birmingham? I'd rather just stay in London, senpai
What is the issue in first place? Did someone attack you or did they invade your flat share?
The best advice: wait for couple of months to save money and move out. I would advice anyone to move out from London unless they work in Soho and centrum.
Maida Vale is still really nice and quiet.
Move to Ireland mate. Its not too bad here. You would have very few problems moving here. You speak english and Ireland has agreements to take care of british citizens. Work is pretty easy to find if you are willing to work and living costs aren't bad once you are outside Dublin. Save some money to rent a small place for a few months and give it a trial run. It is always better to base your judgement of a place after living ther for a while rather than just a short holiday.
gross neckbeard with no mustache; wear funny hat and dress and your golden
also don't forget: a salad is awaken
This is your future. Gentrification and everything else. You are a minority. But you need to have your financial back against the threat as well.
White people in London do not speak cockney anymore. They speak like jamaicans. SO WE ARE SURROUNDED BY FOREIGNERS< AND OUR OWN CHILDREN SPEAK LIKE BLACKS>
Just breed with them so your chilfren wont be persecuted for being white. Then start freezing your semen and bury it so a future society has white race seed upon which to rebuild after the brown barbarians collapse
>move on
Dude, can't you read?
Sell everything you own and move away, now. Get away from London.
Why did Rollins have to go cuck
I expected Jello to be a faggot about everything but at least Rollins was proto/r9k/
This that guy that desperately tries to make espousing libcuck "virtues" look manly?
you let it get this bad now reap what you have sown
What's he done lately? Take any stupid positions? I haven't checked in on him for about five years
I feel ya on that user
Oh pol you silly slut,you could have took notice.While the European race (via london)died out as immigrants took our place. What did you do? Took the piss. Maybe we deserve to die out. |They are scum, maybe we are too. We don't stick together.
That pic is lying, scar tissue is actually easier to break and takes more time to heal, just sayin
It's actually temporarily stronger in the brief period towards the end of its regeneration. Then, it goes back to regular strength. A similar misconception has spread for things like broken or fractured wrists.
I like you, Brit. You're a rare breed--you've got more balls than the Amerifat.
What a stupid quote. Good luck with your shitty scar tissue on your heart that can't conduct electrical currents.
Set another council flat on fire. I lived in London from 2007-2010. Had a great time. Last year I spent 6 months back in London, my fucking god what the hell did you guys let happen to that place. The London of 7 years ago was unrecognizable. I barely saw any white people, and the whites I did see where polish and Lithuanian. I couldn't fucking stand it, I booked my flight back to the states as soon as I could.
(((Maida Vale)))
Last year I was in islington, which used to be nice and posh. Still nice, but fuck I lived opposite a school on packington street, nice brand new school, looked pretty fancy. And then I saw the kids who would leave that school... there was like 1 white kid to 20 shitskins... they're outbreading you guys bigtime. Whites will be a minority in 20 years. I mean ffs Mohamed has already been the most popular baby boys name for like the past 10 years
to OP's pic:
No shit, Sherlock.
how desperate are you,,,,if your ready to jump,,consider, living in a caravan,,or on a boat,,or even in a shipping container,,,can be done in east kent,,,herne bay area very white,,,,theres a colledge lecturer living in a van parked on the road that keads into ramsgate, he has a gym member ship and uses gym to shower etc,,,you gotta be prepared to risk a new way of living
Ok does those facts stop being real in south east london?
for benifits info,, call the mary ward legal centre in holborn,,, free advice from do gooders who used to work for gov
So what does my genetic english peaple matter?
get a shirt of St. Georges cross. wear it everywhere
come live in the mountain in montuckey wit me brit bro, so long as you pay your way down here, you can stay with me and my hillbilly bros
Convert to islam now and by the time the rest of the europeans are subjected to it, you will have risen in the ranks.
Join the military.
Stand your ground white man
How far back can I go?
Past my Grand father?
muh punching nazis