At what point did Sam Hyde fully jump the gun and become a full blown textbook salesmen?

At what point did Sam Hyde fully jump the gun and become a full blown textbook salesmen?

Right after Heidecker fucked him over, of course.

When he realized he didn't have the balls to make it in showbiz.
I don't blame him, the late night alt-comedy scene is known to be pretty cutthroat and ruthless.

Why did kikes let him on TV in the first place?

That's what I don't get.


Sam was literally taken down by jewish tricks, not because of "not having the balls."

he used to be a car sales men, prob charmed his way to the top

some higher ups at adult swim watched his vertical videos and MDE content and thought they were hilarious and gave them a shot, that's literally it

So they had an exhibit A for their racist white male trump supporter narrative.
It backfired, though, because it came off as a show of strength, rather than as a marker of weakness.


go to bed Sam and Charls

Your post implies he had a choice in being blackmailed out of showbiz.

Sam has made enough money off of bitcoin though so a show isn't necessary.

He was working on the book for four years. They have write meetings from 2012 on youtube.

Buy the fucking book

He bypassed that completely and went straight to suckin dick for cash.

there are people wasting hundreds of dollars on his Patreon and he hasn't put out anything worthwhile for them in the past two months. I'd temporarily close donations than be such a whore, desu.

interesting. so their goal was to paint sam hyde as an ignorant racist, but he's hilarious and everyone loves him.

makes sense now why they would bother giving a right winger a voice at all for as long as they did

He said in his latest video that he is working on 10 long term projects.


What kind of projects are they? Stand up/ Ted talk tier stuff

the people in this thread dont know shit

sorry idiot, but a real gumdum knows that MDE never dies

Around the time you become gay and masturbation to muscular man.
Stop posting this faggot, faggot.

He didn't say.

I just hope Joy Ride Universe is in there.

fuck you i'm a glubnub i know mde never dies

The legend never dies.

m d e n e v e r d i e s

o b a m a I s a h o u s e n e g r o

I smiled.