If two is a coincidence and three is a pattern, what is five?
If two is a coincidence and three is a pattern, what is five?
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a bunch of traitors openly following a kike
Liberals are so shitty and stupid looking. Look at them...just trash. They don't deserve to live
well, aside from that
Many such cases!
there is no aside. bernie is the pied piper of cucks
A team?
Bernie doesn't overtly incite anything personally, yes he constantly implies the wealthy are evil and corporations are slavers. These people are very emotionally driven and gullible to any argument, they lack skepticism and hard critical thinking, I mean they bought Bernie's free college and free healthcare lines. Bernie isn't the cause of this, following Bernie is a symptom.
You voted for him, didn't you?
Fuck no. I'm not sure how you came to that.
I think everyone should avoid the free speech rally in DC.
its a trap.
Portland killer wasnt a leftist no matter how hard you try.
Do we really need to list out the right wing murders that have happened this year Cletus?
Berniebots are self-selected for credulity, extreme views, and a Jesus complex. Consider that their identity as Berniebots must have been less about winning an election and more about public righteousness.
Yes, I'd like to know.
Also, yes. Bernie supporters are terrorists who should be rounded up into some sort of outdoor temporary lodging environment.
All Bernie Bros are homicidal maniacs
Again we already know about the Facebook post. You are however forgetting his:
RIGHT WING Facebook posts
His involvement in alt right marches
His actual assault of two Muslim girls
His to date rhetoric naming leftists as his sworn enemy.
Gonna take a few. I need to bookmark these
All of those make sense except the old guy. What the fuck was he doing for the last 40 years that made him think socialism is the answer?
He has a long history of leftist politics and protest. His local newspaper published his lefty letters to the editor today.
>RIGHT WING Facebook posts
meta-trolling. you know like when Sup Forums posts anti-trump shit. basically what you're doing right now.
>His involvement in alt right marches
see above. he was kicked out btw by the """alt right"""
>His actual assault of two Muslim girls
surprise surprise a leftist being racist
>His to date rhetoric naming leftists as his sworn enemy.
because leftists aren't far left enough for him
Seems like Bernie wants to lead his revolution.
Kinda like the Bolsheviks, or the Weimar Republic. Seems the after effects of both didn't go so well for the kikes.
>"alt right marches"
Totally meaningless. At best the same as the "involvement" of undercover cops at anti-WTO scrums.
>Muslims said --
>bitter disputes with leftists
That's most of what they do all day is fight with each other about what Marx really meant by a particular word.
These are terribly feeble excuses.
Hold on I'm still compiling my list.
so, I remember it was always a big fucking deal when Obama chose his brackets
didn't know what the hell they were talking about
is fucking it???
harrison followed several alt right talking heads on FB. Self admitted white supremecist
"Screamed get out of my country be4 shooting two indian men" stated he was inspired by trump
Again notably was a member of "alt riech" FB group. Posted various alt right memes
Attacked students because of the mockery of the right
And yes, all but the right have resigned Christian to the right. Mostly mentally unstable but your arguments are weak for assigning him to the left.
I am definately missing some of the more lower intensity ones where right cucks just started autistically screaming at innocent people but its a start I await your feeble excuses for why this isnt a far right problem.
At least leftists attack the govt instead of innocents
Archive please
>nytimes com/2017/03/27/nyregion/timothy-caughman-james-harris-jackson-terrorishtml?_r=0
>washingtonpost com/news/post-nation/wp/2017/02/28/fbi-investigating-shooting-of-two-indian-men-in-kansas-as-a-hate-crime/?utm_term=.4dab12e242c9
>rawstory com/2017/04/trump-fan-terrorized-kentucky-students-with-machete-after-complaining-about-campus-mockery-of-conservatives
He'll probably paste the Wikipedia list, which is mostly bullshit. It even includes the crazy guy who crashed his plane into an IRS building.
>one guy
>da gubmint
Sure, the government is one fucking dude.
we were given the 2a to defend against a tyrannical govt.
Shut the fuck up you liberal
a reason to spy on them
What about the youngster who tried to take out Trump during a rally? Update it
Communist disease. PURGE immediatly.
they're life's rejects, and turn to liberalism to try and put life on tell me a story mode
wow, you're so obviously a shill you're going to get fired. Anti-semitism is a strictly leftist agenda. Trump has proclaimed himself the least anti-semitic person ever so if you don't love jews you are a retard.
Again, taking on the government is not shooting one fucking guy.
Lame ass motherfucker.
he was a britbong
Yes it is.
Is he an active representative of the US government?
Oh wow what an argument. Tell me again how the Nazis could not possibly have been behind the Reichstag fire.
>stated he was inspired by trump
lol no
Bruh we knew commies were violent for 100 years
Literally Palestinian strategic thought.
>that OCD comma though
red flag.
Free palestine my man.
Are you kidding me ???
Did you just ignore all of the investigating Sup Forums did?
Once is accident - Twice is coincidence - Three times is enemy action. A Viet Nam saying
There was no "investigation" I am telling you that his actions and speeches speak louder than his nonsensical FB posts.
Liberals are basically living on borrowed time, and deep down they know it.
They wouldn't have survived Darwinism if it still existed, they're the weak who nature wants gone.
They should just be glad they're sponsored by life's winners, instead of trying to attack them and turn the world into a loser convention where they can finally fit in.
a (((coincidence)))
all you retards claiming the left are violent are fucking shills to the highest degree. the left is nothing but drugged out hippies, weaklings who can't fight, and cucks bowing down to niggers. it takes a true alpha male to be violent.
>You guys are alright.
How could you forget about Hillary supporter Omar "put 50 fags in body bags" Mateen?
a happy accident
Brother I used to be a post-Zionist and could talk your ear off but all that matters now is that Shlomo won. There is no Palestine to free, there is a coner of the Ummah under Hamas, and the backwards-charity of using Palestinian lives to get attention and money.
What I don't get is why they are fucking attacking the Right and Republicans when it is a FACT the DNC fucked them over in secret behind closed doors deal. Saying that the DNC literally doesn't have to listen to their supporters and can push for any candidate they want. Bern outs were fucking stabbed in the godamn spine by Democrats and then their geriatric jew socialist slug turns around and tells them to vote for the very woman they dashed their hopes of free gibs.
Look beyond Bernie and at the ideology. All of these people are communists.
NPR did a special memorial program that did not name him or say anything about Islam (or his DNC-connected Obama campaign donor father).
And now you understand why all the babble about Russians.
>His actions
He was an atheist that despised religion. His actions were those of a militant atheist.
>his speech
He shouted rhetoric at a free speech rally to try and make a political statement that the others attending weren't really ready for free speech he was trying to make a point about free speech and their hypocrisy.
Like for example I go to a pro gun rally and start shooting people to make a point that guns are actually bad or I go to a sexual liberation parade and start jacking off with a butt plug to show people don't want true sexual liberation.
They're subhuman trash, user. No logic or reason.
Has there ever been a successful right revolution tho
It's called the American revolution
we know what the DNC has done for decades. They get the bullet too, but they arent the ones actively in power
it's true
you look at any antifa meet and it's pure
>women (usually feminazis)
>neckbeards (trying to sidle up to any females)
>homeless drugged out losers (blaming the world for their failure)
>gay boys
>old women from the 60's
It might as well be a "we want cock/female/a home bad" convention
the american revolution was a bunch of marxist cucks chimping out because they stopped getting free gibsmedats from the crown. They then proceeded to import millions of niggers because their wives just couldn't get enough black cock.
stop connecting the dots goy
if they had any kind of life, they'd be out living it
Antifa's for life's rejects
Proof that the far left is full of unhinged, sadistic misanthropes.
They were not in the slightest rightists
Also the English bringing in William and Mary, which was looked at as a model by our Founders.
>repeats the same shit every thread
>call others retards
>is a cuckold scaredy cat
>calls others retards
they were robbed of all their savings multiple times by a total simpering cuckold of a politician that colluded with his competitor to give up. Hillary supporters are faggots and women, but bernouts are flat out retarded.
Lol all I see are five fucking morons who said fuck having a normal life and that will be forgotten very soon. Five morons who forgot they weren't on the internet anymore. Enjoy the sunshine, embrace the rain as God 's nourishment for earth, and live and let live. Why are people forgetting that life is too short to be so political. I mean these deranged fucktards, it's like, run for office and try to make a change if you have such a big problem with things or fuck off.
He didn't do shit to the muslims girls except tell them to gtfo of America he only got violent with the three retards that tried to fight him over his beliefs. Anyone living in a big city learns early on not to make eye contact or fuck with a nut job on the train never know when they might get stabby.
Bernie's job was to rally the radical left then comfortably slide them over to Hilldog's campaign. He was never seriously running for President.
The problem was Assange fucked the scheme all up when he revealed what a hoax and scam the entire Sanders campaign/DNC was, and the Bernout lunatic radicals are now flaming out one by one.
They do this crap precisely because they don't want to have to think about/deal with the rot in the political party they allegedly belong too. They'd rather LARP as The Resistance than deal with the absolutely massive problems with their own side. When you can't handle your internal problems, pick a fight with an external enemy. This is common behavior in politics and always has been.
Dude I hate Amy Schumer too, but she isn't a criminal
Bernie's the kike you dumbass
It's nothing. Anyone could with 5 trump supporters who violently attacked other people. 5 is not a trend per se.
you poor delusional twat.
This, I like this. Fukin crybabies
Why exactly do you think Pinochet threw socialists out of helicopters?
>Turn to liberalism
>supporting bernie
Sub 80 IQs need to be removed by force as well.
Time for RWDS
Those people are puppets for the jew's.
Years of brainwashing and degeneracy does that to you.
Bernie's job was to get the lunatic fringe left involved in the primaries and then tell them to vote Hillary after losing. Shouldn't really be surprising that a lot of his supporters are violent crazies.
>three is a pattern
three is a conspiracy you retard. five is patently obvious.
It is then a certainty.
fpbp, bernie is a commie and his supporters are violent terrorists and traitors