Brit/pol/ - R.I.P edition

>The future is Orange, declares Ian Paisley Jr of DUP as Tory deal edges closer

>Theresa May confirms start date for Brexit talks

>Hard or soft: How will the UK take its Brexit?

>Towering inferno, Screaming residents build ropes from sheets and lean out windows as fire at West London tower block spreads to "at least five" floors with firemen struggling to control the blaze

>Diane Abbott reveals she has type 2 diabetes

>DUP hopeful of Conservative deal soon

>Ed Miliband could return to front bench

Other urls found in this thread:

g-good morning senpais...

death toll easily over 100


Delete your account.

Since our country is well and truly fucked, what do you guys plan on doing in your old age to distract you from all we've lost?


RIP? Why? I've literally never had less negative emotions about a news story

Cocks day tomorrow

I'm in your thread

ok, i'm closing this thread due to aids.



>turns out based farron was the one who actually ended up sticking by his religious morals

*Blocks your majority*


Does anyone else get horny when Anna Soubry and Emily Thornberry slag each other off? I imagine myself hate fucking one while the other pegs to other in the bum bum

I'm already an alcoholic, I might get into heroin. Also those glasses on pic related's desk look like those 3D glasses at the cinema.


Daww, look how cute she is in this scene.
Don't you just want to hug and reassure her?

> Maria Burton.

based as fuck




Is Hitchens pleased?

I love her more every day

Please don't be a bender lad

Fireman looks like Paul Newman, who starred The Tower Inferno as the Architect.

I might have autism. What does that face mean?


I'll just read fantasy novels, play games and eat, as I am already doing.
If some madman right wing politician tries to take over I might consider joining the cause.
Otherwise, it'll just be a life of apathy and lethargy.

I'm the fag who posted a book idea in the last thread.

Is it really that likely that a peaceful religion will declare a hit on me for such a novel?

Should I fear the bhuddists?

s-sorry Tim-senpai... it is too late

Who would have thought?

Maybe he is redeemable. As much of an insufferable cunt he was, at least he knew to quit when he was going against his Christian beliefs.

Hi cousin
>messes your hair

Is she autistic?

autism isnt an excuse to be a faggot

oh... mean. I expected better from you Rightly So senpai...

Have you heard of the Rushdie Affair?

Yeah I always had a bit of soft spot for him in that regard, despite him being a remainer and general liberal.

Mate, there is a long long list of authors with Fatwa's on them. Salman Rushdie being the most famous.

I would still do it but you may need 24 hours police protection.


y-yes it is...

Nah, not that far gone. BPD and BPII with several other comorbidities I'd rather not mention.
that's pretty shit already


I came to post this image

Post murals

I'm predicting a disappointing 18 to 24
Much like our voting demographics

Just got back from working a month in hong kong lads and im lovin the new flags

Muslims will want to kill you anyway since Muhammad is supposed to be the last propher.

The company getting fucking wrekt in court but somehow managing to continue getting government contracts


Sounds comfy

>Vote Sinn Fein Vote Adams x
umm no sweetie I'd never vote for an IRA man xx

Whoever made this image is obviously American
Spitfire ale isn't even good



You might be onto something lad.

>Maria Del Pilar Burton
>Jessica Urbano

You have Mexicans too?

>white man bikes away from niggers in fear

Yes. Seriously.
Also, that film. It's called The Prince of Darkness, sorry. 1987. I'm watching it just now, haven't seen it for years. Check it out, research that story, maybe it can give you some ideas. It's really similar except he doesn't come from space. Watch it! It is realllyyyy, reaalllllyyyyy, rrreeeaaallllllyyyyyy gooooood! I'm not giving away any spoilers.

Guys I can't tell if it's actually retarded or just pretending.

I've never met one but seems so.

No we have the original Mexicans. ie. Spaniards.


I am Scottish first, European second and British LAST

Republicans have the majority of people that can actually paint murals well
There are maybe four well composed loyalist murals

Get back to mowing the lawns, beaner.

It's American

It's probably that British guy who left for the colonies, likely just goofing.

S.P.L.A.T has taken responsibility for the latest attack

They warn more attacks will follow unless the Eddy Hair Show gets put back on CBBC

Fuck meant to post this one
Compare and contrast the depiction of Cuchulain

W-what happened to holly Willoughby??


Tanned Britons

This video made me very sad, then it made me very angry, then I felt hopeless and I still do feel hopeless.

They dragged this man's name through the mud, they discredited him, they imprisoned him, they made him a laughing stock and smeared him with falsehoods.

They doomed us.

Beady Eyes.... tears he sighs.
Muffled English women's cries
English children big and small.
Winston Churchill doomed them all
Tony Blair soon had his turn
He made our old England burn.

I was ten years old once as well

If you don't vote white then you're a traitor.

reo ones are shite

where? the choice is between a nigger and an irishman


She is no longer Hollow Willoughby and has been seeded?

Then again, republicans think that bobby sands mural looks good when it is awful. But "Muh hunger strike mp!"

Nice get

I'd like Connor to win but he obviously fucking wont.

I'd like Nigel Farage to beat Usain Bolt in the 100M and Mo Farah in the 10k but he wont. I asked who do you think would win, not who would you like to.

Because they were busy winning the war rather than concentrating on finger painting.

I'm pretty sure you're a faggot first

what happened to that faggot who said he'd get a tattoo if the deathcount went past 10?

I'm certain that I am a lot older than you are, not just in terms of age, but also in terms of maturity and intelligence.

>Potato nigger

He even looks part black.

I'm looking for that picture of Nige slurping a full glass of beer where you can only see his upper lip. Anyone got it?

White in appearance, not white genetically.


From the OP picture it looks like only 7-8% of the dead are people.

it said that, kek

This was in Kensington, they likely wanted rid of the paki scum so they could build nice shit for nice people and make money.

I really hope the 130000000 isn't in britpol.

Only Burton God rest her soul.