I don't like Mussolini, he wasn't that redpill. Hitler is okay but Franco... that's the true redpill men!
Franco would have make the Inquisition happen again
Franco looks like a Turk. Really Spaniards and Portuguese are unsurprisingly sandnigger looking. I mean fuck just look at them.
If we are going to talk about redpilled fascist then we should mention Coudreanu as well.
Here I come to save the day
Codreanu, Degrelle and José Antonio Primo de Rivera are the holy fascist trinity
hitler wasn't fascist. Dont even dare to put a god like him with those 2 plebs!
>José Antonio Primo de Rivera
didn't Franco kill him?
mussolini was an idiot, put Metaxas in his place.
Hitler was a pleb, he is the main creator of Israel and he is the reason why the world is so cucked
Well the other ones are posing like hipsterish intstagram attention whores. Franco is the only one looking at the camera
>all got btfo
meant to say, o7
Burger education?
Yeah but that has more to do with a change in time than Franco
Also we were poor af back then. So yes. We had jobs and no moetgages but we were incredibly poor, just like china now.
It seems like you have never been to Spain, dickhead
Replace Benito with Mosley
Franco betrayed his own party and turned Spain into a standard liberal economy, then got cucked by Juan Carlos even though he groomed him to be his heir.
Hitler sold out to big capital while holding speeches in front of unions, which he outlawed once he was in power and proceeded to murder the revolutionary part of the NSDP. Then he turned the economy into a feudal corporatist ponzi scheme which dragged the country into an inevitable war.
Mussolini was arguably the best of them, at least he wasn't an autistic faggot and had theory; although being utterly hilariously incompetent in policy, economics and military.
All of them were cucks, as well as the pic related sell out
It's clear you never set a foot in both Spain or Portugal
they look more whuiter than you will ever be
Says the faggot with the most cucked ideology. Besides Mao and Stalin, your leaders were pathetic.
Lenin didn't solve nothing and was used by Stalin. Trotsky got ice picked. Allende kill himself after fuck alone his country and let the inflation at the 1000%.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that commies are the most submissive faggots of all; lost their culture, property, rights, dignity, food, freedom, and the list keep going. Purge yourself.
fascism is great but Hitler was a retarded nigger and two-fronted because muh politics.
Fuck off with this faggoty pussy. Was in charge of Germany for two and a half decades then dun goofed it by starting an unwinnable war.
Lenin did help Turkey continue genociding. Without gommies Turkey would've been completely destroyed and divided in 1920s.
The Moors and arabs raped them in the pussy in the 1200s. Thats why
You're forgetting someone
t. amerifat
>dey wuz nordic ayyrians until them moors came n shieeeet
Are you okay in the head?
Lenin won the Civil War you moron. Trotsky deserved ice pick, Stalin did nothing wrong.
Allende was a DemSoc and I'm sure the CIA had nothing to do with it right
>Lenin won the Civil War
So? He didn't solve nothing. The last Zar was pretty shitty but during Lenin's regime I can't see really any change different to dead kulaks.
>Stalin did nothing wrong.
Yeah, and that is because he doesn't care about your shitty ideology and people. Instead he prefer do anything necessary to maintain his power, and that include starve commie subhumans as well.
>Allende was a DemSoc and I'm sure the CIA had nothing to do with it right
He was a fucking Marxist you liked or not. And about your muh CIA, Allende was working for the KGB and as far as I know, the CIA has nothing to do with his economy policies. And at least Pinochet do the right thing with faggots like you.
>can afford everything you need to survive
it's not poor because you can't have all the fucking jew gadgets and bobbles you'll throw into the trash 2 years from now. holy fuck. maybe you fucking retards should've created something or changed your industry if you wanted more money. you guys aren't like china at all. china understood this so they implemented a fascist government for the greater good not so people can buy useless fucking bobbles
that list is bullshit cause there was tons of kikes sending the commies money. where is kike, banker, and other similar people supporting the soviet?
>besides Mao and Stalin
Both were horrific and literal white niggers.
Hitler was never a fasict.
He was a National Socialist, hence NaZi