What /FTG/ is: >A daily thread where like-minded individuals can talk about how to improve Western female culture >A place where women can discuss our unique roles in society and the responsibilities that come with it >Self-improvement tips both physical and mental >Lite religious discussion >Evidence that Sup Forums isn't just a sausage-fest
What /FTG/ is NOT: >Right-winged Tumblr >Secretly feminist >A girls-only club >Tranny LARPers >A safe-space >An e-celeb thread >Somewhere to get attention for being a woman
question to all , how many children would you want? i think 4-5 if i can manage it.
Jaxon Cook
good picture OP
>cijenim da su Hrvati pravi narod, za razliku od mješovitih američkih slabosti. dijaspora je narod imamo svoju zajednicu Ne miješamo
Oliver Cook
Go get yourself one.
As much as my husband can afford desu
Nolan Turner
As many as possible ideally, God asked us to be fruitful and multiply, I think realistically maybe 3-4?
Liam Jackson
>mfw I see these threads there is hope
Aiden Johnson
probably as many as i'd be able to comfortably pay for desu
Benjamin Hughes
My gf and I have spoken about it a lot We've come to the conclusion that we want as many as we can sustain We said a minimum of 4, but we're both happy up to 8. We agreed that we don't mind even if it means sacrificing some luxuries so that we can afford another child. I come from a big family (I have 5 siblings) and she has 2 siblings, we've both always wanted a large family.
Logan Long
Oh shit I used to post in the old Alt-Fem Neo-Traditional threads we had here months ago. We started a campaign to make tumblrs and instagrams and facebook accounts to spread images of feminine things, white families, babies, traditional clothing, European heritage, etc.
Where are my other fem/pol/s at?
Jose Price
After 3 I'd start to wonder, but if thing are working out and you want to try 4 or 5 I'd feel like it were my patriotic duty to oblige.
Ethan Richardson
Yar as many as we can harbor. My love of loot will provide fer me and my kin. Build your own swashbucklin' crew to take on the world is what I say.
Levi Lewis
3 would be a good number.
By the way, this is a good question to ask any potential mate very early on. If your girl says she isn't sure or doesn't want kids, drop her. She should want children, maybe after a few years of marriage is okay, but she should definitely want them.
Carson Brown
I want at least four, with my oldest preferably being a boy. I have no upper limit, but finances will of course come into play. I'd also like to adopt.
Eli Cruz
Nathan Wood
>Oh shit I used to post in the old Alt-Fem Neo-Traditional threads we had here months ago. We started a campaign to make tumblrs and instagrams and facebook accounts to spread images of feminine things, white families, babies, traditional clothing, European heritage, etc.
I was talking about these threads in the previous thread have you got any of our old content saved? I could've sworn I saved some but I can't find it on my laptop Going to check through my phone gallery now
Michael Wilson
I would give up travelling to have more children, in the past people shared rooms, until the children marry there should be no problem sharing rooms. "Privacy" is a Jewish invention to encourage porn and masurbation addiction, a family doesn't need privacy a family should be enjoying every minute together.
kek i agree as long being pregnant doesn't become life threatening
Henry Morris
Are trannies allowed
Colton Watson
Red pilled women are so few and far between.
>tfw you will never escape this degeneracy and live in a log cabin with your aryan waifu
Cameron Robinson
Delete this image, pornography needs to be outlawed, short hair goes against Gods commandment for a woman as well.
William Carter
wtf is wrong with her vagoo
Brandon Moore
Good resources. I might put them in the OP in the future.
>not reading the OP
BLACKED is a meme. In my experience, women tend to be more racist than men deep down. Pic related
Jaxson Rodriguez
No, transsexuals are mentally ill and need to be locked in the asylum, God made man and woman, you're a man not a woman. You should be hanged and whipped in my opinion
Luis Rivera
Parker Brown
so Nazi wimin only? why not just talking the the other nazi thread?
Jack Long
Imagining the sight of my wife calling one of the kids a degenerate for doing something they weren't allowed to makes me kek
>"I told you not to buy those jewish comic books. Burn them at once, you filthy degenerate!"
Nathan Jenkins
If any of you ladies are Mormon, I recommend the blog Nordic Sunrise, which is run by a nationalist mother of six.
question for y'all, where do i find qts if i am an autism? online dating is a meme but i cant cold approach women. do i join a club or something
Chase Anderson
I found some of our old alt-fem content on google I had no luck finding any of it on my phone I'll post the 3 I found >pornography needs to be outlawed this desu >short hair goes against Gods commandment for a woman as well. in that part of the scripture, it is also stated that men shouldn't have long hair, which I've always felt conflicted with because I have degenerately long hair
>so Nazi wimin only? why not just talking the the other nazi thread?
Because girlies like to hang out with other girlies and talk about crotch bleeding and other girly things. Let them. It's a good time to do boy things, like building a fort or setting things on fire.
Bentley Clark
Are minorities welcomed? I yearn for a more traditional society but seem to be the only minority that shares the same view(in my area anyways). While I want to talk to others about this, the people who are mostly interested in this are white men and with the recent barriers placed on race and gender by (((people))) I find it difficult to do so. I am alone amongst my own people and I'm not sure how to fix it (if it can be fixed).
Jeremiah Peterson
shit, didn't realise I posted the thumbnail I'll post the proper sized one in a minute
Henry Garcia
tfw being southern
Carson Clark
3 absolute minimum. up to 6-8 would be great, but if the wife doesn't want to be perpetually pregnant, that's fine desu.
Cut your hair short, men shouldn't have long hair. We have moved past the caveman days, liberals want to go back to that which is why they eat nothing but berries, fornicate in public, and don't wear clothes in public but we are civilised and have moved past those times. God gave his commandments, sometimes it's hard for us to follow I will be the first to admit this, but I think a lot of the time you find it turns out for the best and for good reason, God asked us to do this he knows best.
Bentley Campbell
>mfw Latino ex gang member in the military >mfw no matter how much muh tradition or muh white race shit you talk about at the end of the day you will still be sucking my cock because your primitive instincts and bad boy fetish will take over. Dont trust these hoes my dudes
Gavin Foster
3/3 pic related is my favourite desu thanks mate, I'll take a look through it in a minute
Carter Torres
If you're white and you willfully gave up your ability to reproduce you are a traitor.
>not reading the OP
Disclaimer: as a man, you should not trust women for dating advice, but this is unironically the best I can give. >1) Meet a qt who isn't crazy >2) Talk to her FACE TO FACE with confidence. >3) After talking to her FACE TO FACE a few times, ask her out on a date (FACE TO FACE) >4) After a few dates, ask her to be your gf >5A) If she says "no", repeat steps 1-4 >5B) If she says "let's slow down" take her on a few more dates and ask again. If the answer is same as before, repeat steps 1-4. >5C) If she says "yes" congrats you have a gf
Eli Morales
I've yet to see any titties in these threads
Christian Green
I remember that one stuck around. I have half of my archive on my PC and half on my laptop that's sitting at my soon-to-be husband's house. Yeah I'm pretty fucking excited. We're getting married. We're both redpilled and sick of seeing gender, fertility, life, and culture twisted this way. And to answer 's question, I used to not want any. A part of me still isn't excited about kids but I know I need to have at least 3 for the white race, and our genetics will make some beautiful kids. I'd go full on homeschool mom for them.
Cooper Hughes
I'm southern and I may even say it. But typing it is nog tier desu.
But seriously... Approaching them is very natural and you need to get reps in. Rejection is inevitable. It's good to just get it over with. I'm glad I got it over with when I was young.
Brayden Anderson
That's not a question to ask women. That's a question for your guy friends. If you're not normal and don't have friends to help you out it's like tossing darts blindfolded.
And it turns out even girls above your level aren't hard to talk to if they're not dumb, and you might score one or at least get laid with one that you didn't think you could.
Julian Bell
does that mean ur a wymmen
William Lee
Reposting since you killed the thread. >implying women becoming prostitutes is men's doing Women turned schools into daycare. Women gave themselves alimony. Women gave themselves all sorts of subsidies for having children, spitting at man's duty. Women gave themselves no-fault divorces. Women continually expand the public sector, robbing all the country's men since women don't pay taxes. Women pushed for ridiculous disparate impact legislation, making companies invent useless sectors like HR for them just to avoid prosecution.
Women got their vote and they married the state. Women systematically campaigned against every male role and duty, to be replaced by the state, reducing man to a bipedal penis. Against their own obligations, abandoning their duties for the state to take up. Now that fucking moron in your image is complaining that women are no more than prostitutes. That's what women wanted. Women voted to separate man from woman in every arena but the bedroom. That is NOT man's doing.
Giving women was undoubtedly a mistake. One of the worst ever made.
Joshua Jackson
I imagine this thread is at least 50% tranny, 30% larping men, and 20% actual grils
Jack Kelly
Did ya'll forget the rules? Better start posting them, otherwise this is just a thread full of dicks.
Gabriel Davis
The bible says God will gift you a prudent wife, be prudent yourself, a woman shows her true nature very quickly and very easily just don't give up your values for her and be willing to drop her like a rock if she goes against God, same to you girls if a man tries to make you go against God drop him.
Adam Anderson
How to pay off a mortgage and fill my white girl with kids, with the current child care prices when all the baby boomer parents have moved out into the country to retire?
I don't think leaving my kids with someone from Gumtree is necessarily the best idea & friends can only baby sit so often, wtf do we do? Who the fuck wants to pay $100 per day 5 days a week just so both can work?
Oliver Rodriguez
i thought this was a thread for guys to talk about how to fix women fuk y'all
Ryan Sullivan
Take your wife to the bedroom Delete this porn
Gabriel Hernandez
She didn't kill it you autist. The thread was maxing out.
Carson Lewis
It may not be a goldmine but hopefully it helps.
Gavin Sanchez
Nationalistic minority > globalist of any race Do what's best for your race, user, but keep it within your race.
Archive norwegian bro. Where you at?
gtfo degenerate
Adam Cook
You've got to go out and try faget.
Oliver Nelson
this thread isn't for you moron
Grayson Hall
I'm not white so I guess it's cool
Adrian Roberts
If you're religious or open to religion, churches are a great place to meet girls. Women, on average, attend church much more than men, and as a Christian girl, there's nothing more attractive to me than a guy worshipping the Lord (especially with his family).
Kevin Bell
okay finally a reason for this thread to exist. More like this if you want to be productive.
Ethan Hall
using a newflag its lame and ppl wont take ur threads seriously
Liam Reed
Fuckin' BASED
Justin Green
OP is a faggot, but it's okay. We love faggots.
Robert Watson
but i scared my family is not religious but i have been thinking of joining a church
Michael Perez
I am a woman. Yes.
If you want to see breasts, marry a woman.
It's worth it, user. It's what we live for.
Dylan Mitchell
Thank you for that picture please post more if you have them
Also congratulations on your marriage, I wish all the best for you and your husband. reposting the first one in non-thumbnail form
Thomas Sullivan
>not secretly feminist
Lie. So many of these "traditional women" are very much secretly feminist. When a woman says she's anti-feminist, what she really means is that she's anti-some feminism. In particular, she's anti-feminism that has created a male backlash, and therefore lowers her value on the sexual market. Conveniently, she will exclude from her definition of feminism all of the feminist subversion that she can safely get away with excluding.
Let's talk about bringing back marital consent and corporal punishment in the home. Let's do that.
Tyler Wright
The bible says not to cross dress, women shouldn't wear pants but the biggest problem is she is wearing tights without a skirt. Underwear shouldn't be exposed to the public.
Elijah Flores
Belay that degeneracy, knave. This port be fer the loading and unloading of wholesome lassies only.
Jeremiah Edwards
beautiful picture. Makes my heart happy
Jason Harris
why do you try so hard to fit in here
Alexander Lewis
OP literally just had a decent thread.
Cooper Thompson
Brev I gave up on woman a long time ago, like I said women come to me to fulfill their bad boy fantasies then go back to their boyfriends and have nice relationships. We both end up getting fucked over by bitches. One dude is just a one night stand, a fantasy, a dangerous savage to play with for the night and the discarded, while the other one gives his love,time and devotion to a girl only for her to go and get savagely fucked like a worthless slut by a thug or a douchebag. Feels bad man, but i'll rather be the douche that fucks the other guy's gf even if I have to go home to an empty bed wishing i had some sort of emotional relationship.
Matthew Smith
what on earth are you on about
Luis Long
t. reddit
OP needs to stop shilling for marriage and talk to the women in her own life instead of trying to "redpill" "women" on Sup Forums
Cooper Ward
>tfw no coattail bf
Anyone who voluntarily gives up their ability to reproduce is a traitor.
Connor Collins
When you're a fornicator and a sexual deviant, you attract fornicators and sexual deviants.
Adam Russell
6. The only upper limit is that I don't want to have so many that it becomes impossible to have a personal connection with all of them
Justin Martin
I made myself clear.
Sebastian Hernandez
Jeremiah Rivera
Connor Thompson
and you should stop posting on Sup Forums. go talk to people in real life.
David Barnes
le im a nazi am i cool yet
ur trying too hard
Samuel Myers
My laptop is about to die so I'm switching to mobile, but here's an archive link just in case this thread gets locked: archive.is/NwXEm
Liam Russell
spoiler to women though
tights or spandex or whatever and you cover it up with something else and make us look the shit out of it and want to find out more is irresistably hot. sorry for posting too much in a woman thread but just in case some of you don't know that.
Colton Carter
>A Good Female thread on Sup Forums Wew this is new.
Evan Peterson
There is no reason to be. You will be awkward and you will get rejected. But it literally won't kill you user.
You just go introduce yourself and ask for her name, talk to her like you would talk to any stranger if you have to, but go talk to her. Check out Chateau Heartiste's blog.
Dylan Thompson
>implying I don't believe in marital consent and corporal punishment
I don't try to "fit in". I try to save the white race.
Faggot. I'm trying to get you guys to help redpill women.
Blake Gray
no u thats true, im gonna get a wageslave job soon for that
Justin Smith
Flags were a thing on this board for a while, if you weren't here for (((The election))) you'd know that
Juan Edwards
2-3. I just worry that having more would mean that I couldn't provide as much opportunity and time for them.
Nolan Wilson
Are men in suits more attractive than shirtless men?