Sup Forums is now 90% American flags

>Sup Forums is now 90% American flags
>Euros are the only ones that change theirs

Are they too ashamed to show their faces on an American imageboard?

Other urls found in this thread:

Proof niggers are the ultimate autists that cant take the bantz


Nah, some of us remember the old Sup Forums and /new/ before unfunny Sup Forums-kiddies took over this place.

what makes you think that europeans are the ones with european flags?

>Why can't I just live my life without being reminded that I don't matter to some people?

What a self-centered cunt. MOST people don't matter to MOST other people.

>being this stupid

>not a single indian posting with their own flag


The irony is that the car is owned by a black guy who is trying to call out racism.

>They call it Home Depot
>We call it Nigger Depot
>Nigger Racing

What did he mean by this, exactly?

Pretty sure with all these Nazi flags around a lot of Europeans would get arrested for browsing this site now.

Has anyone noticed this place actually got better without those shitty Euro flags posting about how much better they are than America?

what''s that page?

Same with my fellow leafs
Guess the day of the rake came

>mfw shitposting as never been so easy

There are no more Canadians here either.

proxy niggers sekrit club

My mistake. Found the leaf.

Isn't that car owned by a black man?

I need that race car


Boycott the new flags, its only intention is to strip away nationalism.
>Its fucking (((gloablism))) on Sup Forums

they're the only ones using stock Sup Forums like a pleb

It's actually a lot easier to spot shills and shitposters. They gravitate towards the EU, Pirate, and Gay flags. Really wish they fucked off from the Pirate flags though. Best combo are leftists bitching with the an-cap flags.

I see more australians than americans to be honest.
I just like the old flag system personally, so.. yeah. Why does it matter though?

Every thread nigger you post the samme gif
>Spotting leafs isnt hard, but spotting you jews that shit too easy

Reminder that anyone bitching about removing national flags is a newfag who has been here for less than 2 years.

You need to go back, you whiny shitbag.

They should make custom flags next to normal ones. Problem solved, everybody happy.

Thank you nazi

I would put whistle tips on just to make the niggers go WOO WOO

What the fuck was this car/sign trying to convey?

I've been on Sup Forums since 06 but I didn't go on Sup Forums until a year ago

im proud to be canadian

We're all still here lads

>literally shaking

that's clearly a big joke

I will buy four-chan and ban 'mericans.

ayy lmao

How old is Emerson?

> proud to be a fucking leaf

This picture is truly horrible.
I don't understand how anyone could look at it and feel anything but despair at the state of the world.
Thinking about how niggers are still existing and haven't been genocided yet is a surefire way to ruin your day.

>muh old Sup Forums

There was a time when Sup Forums had no flags at all. That being said I prefer this over just having national flags. Before everything just devolved into shitposting about "x country is not white" and such. The same shitposting that pervades Sup Forums.

I live in Tampa Bay.

I've seen this guy.

This area is nonstop hilarious.

I had a neighbor down the road with a confederate flag that had the nazi SS on top of it for years.

But fuck the snow, I ain't moving back to boston.

>proud to be muslim

all the sweeden and germany flags are gone lol those poor bastards

It's a semi famous car. Pictures of it show up all the time on social media.

Time for archive

This. Fuck OP.

wtf im ameribro now

u kill my ironic hitler

They hate us cuz they aint us.

Why does he always look like hes on the verge of suicide

>The man who owns the truck and sign, Anthony Daniel, is African-American.


Haven't been on Sup Forums in a couple weeks. Any explanation for why they brought the old flags back?

All leftists look like that, it's a side effect of constant doublethink/cognitive dissonnce.
I'd prefer if they didn't look like though, it would be better if they would do it.
Sadly, as with all things with leftists, they half-ass it. We need to take matters in our own hands, and assist them all.

Now I'm sad

Because your youngest demographic is 60% subhuman and your future is Rhodesia.

also shitpost on /ref/ for the lulz pls

I knew it

can someone tell me how to change flag pls
i missed the memo

Show your face then.

Read the story, you dumb nigger..


If a white man drove that he would get 28 years in jail.


>there's no red ensign

Just claim to be trans-nig

What is it with leftists and shaking? Is it some kind of disease?

Euros were too scared to say their real opinions before because of Momma government. Couldn't be more cowardly.

I'm an American. I do think it should be flag based on IP + flag of choice though.

I know I'll always proudly fly our beautiful flag proudly.

>youngest generation
>I'm only 23
>been on Sup Forums since I was 12

Fuck me how times have changed. 60%??

>i'm a a proud nazi, the slang term coined by jews to attack national socialists as troglodytes

it's a flag you autist calm down

Just because that's how it was done in the past doesn't make it inherently superior. Fuck the joke flags- I will continue to proudly post as a burger, & to take joke flag posters less seriously than posters who maintain their national pride (even Canadians)


>admitting you're american

kek fucking saved

Did you pray today Omar?


>yfw CWC commits a spree shooting/suicide by cop and goes down as one of America's deadliest spree shooters

>we're patriotic Americans
>gets controlled by kikes
Top kek, your patriotism makes you the best goyim to ever walk the Earth

Go back to Sup Forums weeaboo

The fact there is a 1 in 2 chance I'm actually talking to a White man is why I rarely address Americans.

People like you prove why geo-centric flags are shit. I've seen this thread like 80 times already. Stop being so fucking obsessed with where people are from and look at the content of the post.


Just fuck off already reddit.

What a baby



What a fucking retard
It's near 3am

Just ban making meta threads about flags now please mods.


There's been a significant decrease in the number of leaf flags too.

Though your digits are a sign to listen to your post, you have to understand the novelty will wear off in a day or two. So the meta threads will die off then. Come back on Friday dude. Since the flags were changed ((((again)))), its to a degree a current topic that pertains to this board.

>I cant even live without being reminded that I dont matter to some people
>I cant handle not mattering to everyone single person alive
I think we just found the issue with these special snowflakes

I'm an American but i'm also a National Socialist

Euros are sleeping youdumbcunt

Of course you're a kike

cause life gonna be all peaches if bigotry is gone