I hate women as much as the next user, but

I hate women as much as the next user, but...

At its very core, it's still the right thing that women are considered equal now, though? Be honest.

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The fa girl a cutie now...and I say that as a non week that's whites only.

Weeb* fucking phone posters.

Also, no. Women are useless fuckholes

>I hate women as much as the next user, but...

what sort of nigger are you?

What kind of a cucked little faggot are you?

Best friend has a clueless, thin, motherly type now, has no ideas, thinks about nothing, spends all time caring about her wide family and drop two ounces of booze into her. She gets MAD in bed. He is marring her.

Still he makes triple her money, he decides most things and she is just tagging along most of the times because she can avoid thinking and having an original thought. And most of her GFs are like that, its an insanity.

Make it so that people have to demonstrate a working knowledge of how our government is SUPPOSED to work before letting them vote and you'll eliminate all of the low information voters. A lot of them are women. Then they can be treated equally under the law and not cuck our system up by voting for gibs for other people.

Europe respects women so much that the women have doomed them all to Islamic enslavement. Don''t make the same mistake.

cucked fag or rostie detected, women are inferior to men, they need to be domesticated, it was by giving rights to women that west is falling, biggest mistake ever!

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife.

>I hate women as much as the next user
What? That's the gayest thing I hear all day

I don't hate white women.
They voted for Trump.

whats with all this fucking women threads lately
fucking lonely summerfags

Equality of opportunity is morally right.

Equality of outcome (lowering the bar for political points, racial/sex quotas etc) is self destructive, insulting to women, and morally reprehensible.

Go read Christina Hoff Sommers and continue to laugh at modern feminist cancer and be ye not conflicted anymore.

Same argument applies to any minority.

no, they belong in the home, stop trying to be a degenerate. They should be encouraged to marry and should be legally forced to do so if they fuck anyone out of wedlock

T. person in degenerate state where women are encouraged to have careers and fuck out of wedlock with niggers and spics.

Christina hoff summers is a modern feminist you cunt

Should be based on performance or intelligence children aren't treated as equals. Act like a child treat you like a child. Most women and beta males are childish.



Well they are superior under the law and society now. So equal is theoretical. Yes it's "right" for them to be equal, it's just that apparently it's also the end of your civ.

No, considering them equal is stupidity.

They should be treated equally before the law.

Women are being destroyed emotionally and psychologically by the impossible expectations thrust upon them to simultaneously compete as psuedo-men with men *and* fulfill their inherent need to self-actualize as women.

It is right for them to be "equal" insofar as they have individual autonomy under the law, but letting the idea that they ought to be "equal" in terms of social standards/expectations too run wild has been an absolute disaster.

>I hate women
I don't, I hate the fact that they are easily misled and use feels over reals.

Thinking that women have diffferent roles isn't hating women.

It's just that the overwhelming majority of people on Sup Forums who say they hate women are usually living typical millenial lifestyles where they are unmarried at late ages. And they feel so incredibly guilty about being like that that they need to proactively blame outside forces like women, the economy, etc so they can keep on living their lifestyle and still hold right wing traditionalist beliefs

In the past, the majority of Sup Forums was married and had children. You saw some traditionalist ideas back then, of course. But you didn't see outright hate.

When it comes to rights, women have it better.

As for being equal... science says no.

i fucking hate everyone, like genuine hatred for humanity. but i don't hate one group more than another

except americans, i hate americans more than everyone else

In the past Sup Forums was liberal and voted for Obama first term.

I'm not kidding, newfag.

no faggot

> ....And they feel so incredibly guilty about being like that that they need to proactively blame outside forces like women, the economy...

Thus being just like feminazis, SJW's and assorted PCtards.

Women should not be treated as equals, they should be treated as complimentary. They add to what you have, you add to what they have. If women forget that they have an expiration date try to go beyond what they're capable of, they're destined to become bitter, hateful, childless, spinsters.

The patriarchy is there to protect women from themselves.

Equality is a forced meme. It doesn't work and will never work. Women should be treated fairly, not equally. Equality and Fairness are very different things.One has substance and merit, the other is a thing of falsehood and fiction, a pipedream.

People have to pass a test before they're given citizenship. But we don't give a test to see if you understand our system of government well enough to vote.

I like your post, user. I approve.

>People have to pass a test before they're given citizenship. But we don't give a test to see if you understand our system of government well enough to vote.

This x666

but we are not equal we are different and we should receive different treatment its not about hate the worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal

equal to what? you are all garbage

What happened to all the flags?

As a woman, I have every respect for those great men who have created classic arts, developed societies, advanced science and explored new continents. As sexist as it is, I do reckognize the fact that the most skilled people on many top fields often are men. But that's a scientific fact, women's intelligence differences aren't as drastic as those of men's. Meaning that there is more men at both ends of the IQ curve whereas women are more often placed somewhere around the average IQ.

I have the uttermost respect for those intelligent and talented men. But there are also so many low IQ idiots (males) out there and you can't raise those to the same level as the best males. "All men are superior hurrdurr" is ridiculous since there's more retarded men than women. Those men would still deserve control and power over women even with way higher IQs than they have? Really?

> it's still the right thing that women are considered equal now, though? Be honest.
historically speaking, probably not.

>Women need to be domesticated
Evidence: Every hardcore feminist out there - they all have rape fantasies

That's a cute halfy

Should they be considered equals? Absolutely.
Are women deserving of equal treatment? No. That is something you get from building connections with people.
Women are mostly in competition with as. Even men treat eachother with disrespect from time to time.

No. They are not entitled to my respect. People have to earn these things, and by calling me a misogynist they effectively lose my respect, and thus are treated below me.

>I hate women as much as the next user, but...
obvious g8 b8 m8, i r8 it 8/8

>Flag = Pinnacle of authoritarian female societies

GTFO, and we don't want to see your titts either.

Fuck off shill. Old Sup Forums didn't even really have a horse in any American election at all, because it was asserted that every candidate was equally a Jewish puppet anyway.

Everyone deserves their voice to be heard. Even the weak and stupid. You don't need to understand the intricacies of government to see immigrants fucking up your country, and you deserve to vote for those who do. Countless more examples can be made.

seeing as how i know women who have gotten their dual md-phd this year while some guys like many of the losers here have barely made it out of high school, i'd say yes.

Of course not, cuck.

Equality isn't real.

She's a reformist feminist that rejects the marxist infestation and has been focusing most of her efforts on helping elementary school boys. She's doing much more than you do.
The failed school system is what creates cucks and degenerates that allowed shit like Sweden and Germany to get this bad.

So they get privileged by law and culture yet it's still a form of oppression? It's your fault for being a fuck up if you fail at life when you've been given the keys to the kingdom. I feel no pity for these rich kids that get millions from inheritance and yet fail at being normal human beings, why should women be excused from this treatment?

it was more lolbertarian if anything

Looks like somebody's getting hangry during Ramadan.

you can't just have no money, no clout, no prestige, no athletic prowess, no big dick, no remarkable accomplishments, no respect from anyone and claim you're superior because of your gender when you don't even have the wherewithal to prove it

>XX chromsome is the same thing as XY chromosome
Men and women are fundamentally different, and thus, are unequal. If you try to treat women as equals, they will bawl at the cold objectivity that men possess and be unwilling to shoulder the burdens of society because they'd rather be on a vacation.

>whites only

so that's why you liked her long horse face



All the fucking butthurt wymin in this thread.

I don't understand Maynard. I think he loves niggers and being white at the same time.

>So they get privileged by law and culture yet it's still a form of oppression?

It's not "oppression", it's just an impossible set of internal drives and external expectations to ever reconcile.

The point isn't to pity them. The point is to recognize the fact that they, and men too, were a *lot* more happy before they got all this "empowerment", and to get rid of some of these ridiculous modern social experiments (like state-sponsored "single motherhood") accordingly.

She's an artist now and still cute.

No, I think she's cuter than when she looked like a 5 dollar chink whore getting her throat fucked by strangers on camera.

Not in general, fag

then why would women with mediocre IQ deserve power over men whose IQ they can never have? why should they have a say equal to those great men you speak about when they can never be their equal


Yes but true democracy only works when the public is properly informed.

They are not. They are different by nature and must play their role. Out of the work place and raise the children at home

Fuck off, toothpaste. I want a functional government, not one run by the likes of Maxine Waters.

>be honest
Recognize and sage spam.

>Everyone deserves their voice to be heard.
Not even slightly true.

That I agree, I forgot which study showed it, but women have been getting more and more unhappy as they stray away from their traditional roles. What we should do is simply reinforce that such things are natural and that being a housewife is not something that should be shunned about.


This woman explains it very well here. The issue that I have is convincing others that such viewpoint isn't inherently bad. Heck, even Hitler knew of this.


true democracy can never work or exist for that matter

>At its very core, it's still the right thing that women are considered equal now, though?
In what way is it the right thing to do to lie and pretend unequal things are equal?

Yeah thats another way of putting it.



they should be treated very well, but they should not be able to vote, they are just too emotional, they are handing our nations over to every third worlder rapist with a sob story


too bad about the daddy issues

>Everyone deserves their voice to be heard. Even the weak and stupid
Nope, not if they're so stupid that they can't even hope to contribute. Government isn't hard shit, if you're too dumb to do some basic civics classes I do not trust you to vote.

You can't be a serious white nationalist and hate women. It is not part of the European tradition. Strict gender roles are, but that does not equal hating women. That means letting men flourish in their masculinity and women flourish in their femininity.

yes but also consider the following not only it breeds disunity for in a democracy there must be majority there for there is division when at the end all groups are part of a larger body of the fatherland superior to all disunity is the death of a people
also not all men are equal so they should not have equal say

noway is that the facial abuse chick?

>Kelly Jiayi Wang
Kelly Balthazar? maybe she changed her name

I love women but dont think they should be considered equal to a man

It is. For all the problems it's caused, it's necessary. You can't have half of the population disenfranchised from public and private life.

>inb4 women are equal
>pregnant woman can decide not to become a mother, faces zero consequences
>man has no choice whether or not to be father, faces 18 years of child support
>man and woman get divorced
>woman gets kids, child support, alimony
>man gets nothing
>woman accuses man of rape with zero proof, man gets expelled from college, man charged with rape... just because
>man accuses woman of rape, gets laughed at
>woman hits man, not a problem
>man hits woman, OMG SEXISM

All animals are equal, user, but some animals are more equal than others.

>letting highly emotional and irrational beings vote

lol look at that cross eyed chink

The true red pill is knowing that the womens suffrage movement was to in theory double the number of worker units, effectively reducing wages. A lot of families can't afford a middle class life with a single earner anymore. Sad!

They aren't treated equally though
They get the best of both worlds

Women are equal! The most marganilized in our society are gay men that are bottoms. Bottoms make 17% less in the work place and are often-times overlooked for management positions. Tops are 60% less likely to contract HIV! This isn't just a moral issue it's a health issue. Shame on Donald Trump for not protecting the most vulnerable in our society.

Women aren't equal to men. The bible tells us this OP. Women are here to please us and take care of the home and watch the kids.

I think she's white

Nevermind, looked at the other picture


Do you, like, pay to have that icon?

I haven't been to Sup Forums in a while.

You need to post your name and birthday/SS# in the correct fields.

>Fake flag
>Cancer quality post

Good job mods. Just when you think it can't get worse

>men creating everything of importance in every field is reality, women are incapable of achieving the highest levels of their fields due to biological limitations
>reality is sexist
This why you shouldn't be in the work force or have a vote. Even the smartest among you are capable of insane gaps in logic.

Fags burn in hell
You choose when you post under captcha

Women are children. You don't give children the right to vote

Let me drop you a redpill, sugartits:

>Most IQ tests are constructed so that there are no overall score differences between females and males.[9][126] Popular IQ batteries such as the WAIS and the WISC-R are also constructed in order to eliminate sex differences.[127] In a paper presented at the International Society for Intelligence Research in 2002, it was pointed out that because test constructors and the United States' Educational Testing Service (which developed the US SAT test) often eliminate items showing marked sex differences in order to reduce the perception of bias, the "true sex" difference is masked. Items like the MRT and RT tests, which show a male advantage in IQ, are often removed.

That's right, IQ tests are specifically designed so that there are no differences between men and women on average. No wonder psychology is such a Jewish science with this kind of kikery going on behind the scenes.



You are delusional if you think women are equal to men.

Women have legal rights and social privileges that men lack.

Being this new

equality is nothing more than a meme. If two things are reasonably different, there is almost no chance they are equal. That would be a false abstraction of the mind.