Someone tell her Pepe is a meme used to express all sorts of ideas-not necessarily racist ones


Non-white here. I'm not trying to pick on Renee, but jeze, I wish she could figure out that Pepe isn't a hate symbol. She just seems so clueless.

Stupid little stunts liker her, rejecting someone's Pepe friend request and then claiming
>muh racism

I mean, all they do is to turn people off. And the pepe she was given by the Jacob guy wasn't even bad in any way! It was just a picture of a frog! No head dress or symbols or anything.

It's ridiculous.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nah he deserves what happens.

It would never work. It's not like she's going to listen and learn anything.



Non white here. Kill yourself.

Is this really a black woman? Or is she just Jewish and doing a dolezal?

someone photoshop her as Hitler and spam her twitter.

>0 minutes ago
You wanna tell me she went to her email, opened it, and made a screenshot, all under 1 min, i think she faked it

good idea

she probably can't understand

This is how well they have people brainwashed, you could take any symbol and throw a swastika near it and they'll get angry.


dolezal obviously

no, against Sup Forums rules

I did my part.

She emailed the owner of the guy's email! Sonic or something.


what did you do

If only she knew how bad things are about to get.

way to be a troll you fucking faggot

her public facebook has been untouched, so I think she's ok

she obv has agenda

>Asking Sup Forums for help
>getting upset when they help like Sup Forums

Stop bumping your own threads you desperate nigger

shitskin here, i would love to beat your fucking ass pussy.

For the glory of kek

bump bump bump

Always send the most disturbing you can get your hands on.

Ay ya yay!

No, tell her no one cares, and her insipid indignation and need for blood is the most stereotypical thing she can do as a jew.

It's easy.
Photoshop a Hitler moustache on her profile pic, then call her a white supremacist.

user... what the fuck?



like this?

is she requesting racist pepes

smells like summer


Frogs turning the freaking cats gay


We are just better off fuckin with her and bombarding her with racist pepes until she goes insane.

How new are you?


I've never even seen that one. Pretty sure it was made by MMFA and ADL to discredit everything not rabidly liberal

Just send her Hillary Pepe's


Hello newfag

Enjoy your stay whiteboi

>noN white here

meant for

kek! I love these sick ones. They disinhibit the mind almost, and show just how cruel and evil we can be. Spooky and exhilarating at the same time.

that's fucking disturbing

Centipedes? In MY vagina?

you racist bastard

I wonder if pic related has been posted.

what the fuck is wrong with you? why would you save that disgusting image onto your computer?

Stopped reading after non-white. You don't put that in the fucking beginning of your wall of text you moron.


So many summer newfags getting riled up over these

Pepe was cool and the bigots fucked it up.

lol she will like this one.

mail adress?

life is meaningless so then people have to project meaning on meaningless things

non-white, non-white,


Can someone see if she made that hitler pepe?
I've never seen it around here at least.


against Sup Forums rules

Pepe is a frog of peace
She needs to stop being such a frogophobe

here's a foil version

Pretty much this. I hadn't been on Sup Forums for the longest time and all of a sudden I see Pepe on CNN being blasted as a racist meme because a bunch of you asshats somehow got it associated with making fun of sub-humans. Waste of a good meme.

she didnt,

think she is religious?

Well yes, it is just a cartoon frog.


use this instead



kekd and saved


I thought that was the Zyzz on the right, from the thumbnail.

>Someone tell her Pepe is a meme used to express all sorts of ideas-not necessarily racist ones

You are clueless.

cherry picking bitch

are you actually black?

>pepes this rare and dank

one of my fav's

can twitter ban you for graphic memes?

It's better off as a racist thing, normies won't use it if it is.

She is transracial, you shitlord

Someone send this. I don't have an account.

How is he still so smug?

ugh....that's so revolting....:-/



go and stalk her

over 9000 hours



send her this

lol where are all those basement pepes coming from