The shooter was a straight white male

>the shooter was a straight white male

When will white males be deported?

>the shooter was a liberal

When will liberals be deported?



We can deport the shooter if you want...

Not a bad idea.

Why does the current ((((government)))) refuse to acknowledge the problem of White Christian terrorists. We need to deport them all.

nobody cares if he's liberal as long as he's white, or "white hispanic", as long as they don't look like charcoal they are white

>Deport white males
>America collapses because everyone's a 90 IQ shitskin
>Rapid depopulation through mass starvation and violence
>Whites reconquer America
>America is like it is now only with way fewer shitskins

Souns like a plan.

I'm actually getting a chuckle out of how hard the media is running his race, height and manners to women.
Sounds identical to the people who post troll bait on here.

Pretty sure Sup Forums would be fine with deporting communists.

Wrong. If it's a trump supporter, they'll let the whole world know. This story will drop in a couple days.

>When will white males be deported?

We'll self-deport.

I can't remember the last white christian terrorist.

I wish the government would acknowledge the danger posed by Liberals though.

They're deaperate to avoid culpability.

The guy was literally a stereotypical braindead Bernie Bro motivated by MSM hyperbole and conspiracy theories.

This is quite literally the fault of people like Stephen Colbert or Cenk The Denier.

It's honestly about time that someone did something to stop the plague of mass shootings being carried out by whites in America.

Australia's biggest news site literally has no report on the shooting on it's main page and it's top story is a rumor that Trump is angry with the special committe on Russian interference.

>mass shooting

>posts a stabbber with a single digit count

Australias media is the worst in the world, i never use it. Literal commie propaganda

this plz

>>mass shooting
A mass shooting is more than two. It doesn't have to be Port Arthur level.

>It doesn't have to be Port Arthur level.

So you don't have to isolate Russian pacific fleet and siege the peninsula, followed by defeating Russian garrison of 50k troops. Killing 16k or so in the process.

It is quite a level requirement for mass shooting.

Rate my stuff:

>as long as they don't look like charcoal they are white
You Sup Forumsacks spend thread after thread debating who is and isn't white, then still insist whiteness is an objective fact, and not just an "eye of the beholder" thing.

if all whites were deported to some uninhabited island, it wouldn't be long before black and brown people wanted to move there because it was the greatest place on earth. then shortly thereafter, try to impose their way of life on everyone and cry because nobody likes them, because they do stupid horrible things and are ruining everything for the peaceful white society. j-just like they're doing in America, France, Germany, UK, etc., now

>playing semantics when you should be recycling

>some uninhabited island, it wouldn't be long before black and brown people wanted to move there
Like Hawaii?

I'd love to be deported to a barren wasteland, then build a utopia.
But then the liberals and their shitskin pets would come and ruin it all.

Launch his body to Israel.

When will Democratic Socialists be deported?

I don't get it. Where would he be deported to? He was born in the US.

it could be made out of garbage in the middle of the ocean. they'd still make it better than most of africa or the middle east in 50 years.

Send his head to ISIS.

>one white demorat murders
>omg deport whites
>brown people, murder, rape and commit terrorist attacks daily
>don't deport they dindu nuffin


I'll take over from here, Comrade.

>He was born in the US.
So was the Orlando shooter, but that didn't stop Trump from citing him as an example of the "need" for his Muslim Ban.

Yeah, I don't think so, mate.

He is a democrat and the government will protect him because he was killing evil fascists.

White males are America. Without them, there's nothing worth staying for.

He's still alive. He's in a federal penitentiary.

I don't know how it works in the US, but in Brazil he would be protected and praised by the left.

Once everything the whites built is removed. The non-whites can then figure out how to build their own first-world civilization.

They released him on bail. He's been doing interviews all morning.

that would be like a german moving to china, reading about crime and saying, "when will all these chinks be deported?"


>the government will protect him
The all-republican government headed by the guy who promised to "drain the swamp", but instead fired the people investigating him and his administration?

Don't forget the AG owns stock in private prisons and is moving to max out mandatory minimums for minor drug-possession crimes, thus lining his own pockets.

pic "unrelated" to any form of corruption

>white liberals

ftfy and yes, they should be deported.

They will be deported as soon as Islam is removed from every society on earth, mentally handicapped jihadi.

OK, which shooter are you all talking about? Because the one I know doesn't need to be deported.

>>white liberals
You spelled "gun owners" wrong.