>Elsa Schneider, 98, was out and about on the streets of Berlin with her grandson Alex Schneider, 40. Alex was pushing her wheelchair to help her get some fresh air
>While passing a traffic accident, the Schneiders came upon four police officers cordoning off the area
>Elsa, who suffers from age-related mental illnesses, mistook the uniforms for Nazi uniforms and quickly performed the Nazi salute and said "Heil Hitler"
>The police were extremely upset by this and chose to arrest her for making an "obscene and hateful gesture in public"
>The charges were dismissed fifty minutes later, after they'd found a safe way to transport the woman to the police station
Elderly senile German woman arrested for doing the nazi salute
/our gal/
poor thing...
she grew up in an age where she would have been shot for not doing that, wether shes a nazi sympathizer or not this is clearly her youth surfacing via dementia.
Nice fake link.
Is that the lady from the video of the grandma saying "Heil Hitler" at the dinner table?
>Would have been shot
No, just no. There would at most have been the same scorn levelled at her that the brits did to people who flunked the war draft during both world wars.
>she grew up in an age where she would have been shot for not doing that
leaf education
>>Would have been shot
looks like he's corrupting this story
Which is sad since this isn't news, its just an old person suffering dementia and thinking its wartime again.
You're a fucking retard
>'Heil Hitler' was a phrase said among supporters of the military leader during the Second World War.
>It was often shouted along with a Nazi salute, which involved the person extending their right arm in the air.
Lol wtf is this article
>Fake link
>Elsa Schneider was the name of Blonde Nazi in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Good work, OP.
Good, fuck this old bag :)
She needs to know that this is 2017, and there are things that you just don't do in today's society.
If she can't get that through her thick, racist skull, then she needs to do time.
Here's some related work
>thinking its wartime again
It is wartime again.
She's triggered by all the degeneracy. Need to purge the degenerates, including her grandson.
You took a wrong turn at reddit, cocksucker.
How can you not hate Germans
>it is wartime again.
you're taking Sup Forums wayyy too fucking seriously.
bombs aren't falling from the sky, foreign powers aren't conducting nightly bombing runs on you either.
a few sand niggers blowing them selves up here and there is nothing like total war.
Anyone who had to live with that war raging through their country & backyard can say whatever they want.
>shot for not saluting
Dumbfuck it was Nazi Germany not 1920's USA. We once beat foreigners to death for not singing the national anthem at a baseball game.
Different people have different opinions.
Deal with it
>bombs aren't falling from the sky, foreign powers aren't conducting nightly bombing runs on you either.
Hostile foreigners are streaming across our borders.
>a few sand niggers blowing them selves up here and there is nothing like total war.
It's a different kind of war.
In practically any war, you can avoid fighting just by not fighting back. Just let them take what they want, let them start living where you live, let them choose your leaders and write your laws and tax you and take the tax money for themselves, let them take over your courts and police, let them build their temples and tear down your churches and treat their beliefs as the official truth and your beliefs despicable lies, let them do what they want with impunity.
If you're being invaded and not fighting back, there won't be much shooting, but that doesn't mean you're not at war, it just means you're losing in the worst possible way.
you have childish logic, and are doing liberal mental gymnaistics.
Please go talk to people outside of Sup Forums. Sup Forums presents a very narrow and warped view of the world. While its funny, interesting and entertianing it makes you think the world is falling apart when really things are going just as they have for thousands of years.
Since you live in Canada, assuming you're not a newfie just walk down the street and go talk to some brown people, might expand your horizons a bit.
>just walk down the street and go talk to some brown people, might expand your horizons a bit.
This is the most ridiculous of the liberal lies. Racism correlates positively with contact with people of other races. It's not reduced but increased by experience living with other races.
Why? Because accurate perception and honesty are racist.
The people you perceive as racist generally will have more contact with other races, and on less of an artificial, arranged basis, than you do. They're living in situations where they can't avoid contact. So they learn what people of other races are really like.
why did you type so many characters to say absolutely nothing
>kikes educating the goy
good goy, nazis are demons just like you heard your whole life
You mean "Happy Times."
no, talking to brown folk makes you realize there's trash of all colours.
ever seen a trashy hike throw a niggerish tantrum in a restaraunt before? I have.
People are shit because of the culture they're raised in, not because of their race.
Black hoodlums are no better than white trash.
but that doesn't mean all blacks or all whites are trash.
because I like pressing buttons on my keyboard, fight me faggot.
>We once beat foreigners to death for not singing the national anthem at a baseball game.
Still should. Don't know how many times I wanted to knock out those mexican cunts that didn't stand for the pledge of allegiance every morning in school.
Oh I agree. It is a little overboard to be sure, but it beats (huehue) letting people shit on us and our identity.
that's some profound bullshit there, friend. Yes, white trash exist. That doesn't nullify the fact that blacks are , IN GENERAL, shittier humans than whites.
>kekistan flag
>yfw redditors are more cancerous than leafs
>People are shit because of the culture they're raised in, not because of their race.
Yeah, right. And downies are stupid because of the education they're given.
Genetics is real. You get pure black sub-saharan africans, and you're talking IQ of 70 and one tenth the self control of whites. They're basically plains apes rather than full-fledged humans. You can raise them any way you like, they're still going to be a problem like wild animals if you let them run around in what you want to be an orderly, civilized society.
Anyway, culture is its own fucking problem. Muslims are never going to stop pushing for a Sharia state, their communities will never stop producing terrorists to punish failure to submit to them. Jews are never going to stop reaching for the levers of power, or start regarding the goyim as more than cattle God put in the world for them to use for their own profit. Those are poisonous cultures, and we need to keep people who follow them on the far sides of borders.
But they're not.
Thats just what you've been fed. I've met equal ratio of black hoodlums to hard working blacks as I've met white trash to regular whitefolks.
You've just spent so much time on Sup Forums you've lost touch with reality.
and you're just a newfag whose going through the "nazism and unironic racism is funny" phase.
>We once beat foreigners to death for not singing the national anthem at a baseball game.
God bless America.
>The police were extremely upset by this
nuke germany already
Pic related.
Frostbitten soldier about to get shot.
Good she must be punished. These monstrous nazi grannies are a threat to Germany's way of life.
you also go back
The Nature vs Nurture question.
its easy to think that blacks are just geneticly inferior. Since it makes you feel better about your self. Its similar to how bullies harrass other people to feel better about them selves.
Once you start meeting people you will meet plenty of people who are just stupid cunts of all creds, and you will meet lots of brilliant people of all creds.
You need to move past the simple tribal mentality and get some exposure.
>I've met equal ratio of black hoodlums to hard working blacks as I've met white trash to regular whitefolks.
And what's "white trash"? Low income, maybe rural, they do things you don't approve of like say racist words?
And what's "black hoodlums"? Actual violent criminals.
If you have honestly seen equal ratios of decent to criminal behavior in white and black people, you've lived a sheltered life with little contact with blacks. Blacks commit roughly ten times as much violent crime per capita. They huge amounts of non-violent crime as well, but the police mostly give up on enforcing the little stuff when there are enough blacks around, everyone just lives with "nigga stole my bike!" like it's the weather.
Good; fuck you Nazi pieces of shit.
Stop being so FUCK racist you piece of shit. This isn't 1920 you stupid stupid fuck
>its easy to think that blacks are just geneticly inferior.
It's easy to see that blacks are just genetically inferior.
It's also easy to deny it, when you derive social advantage from doing so, and are punished for not doing so. It's cowardly and disgusting, and does no good for society, but it's certainly not hard.
There's no difference between Whites and Blacks
and they also live disporportionally in poverish neighboorhoods which are a cycle.
Have you seen Eastern Europe? its litterally a giant fucking ghetto full of violent white trash that will murder you for a dollar, very similar to a black ghetto.
Why? because they're in a hole, and instead of actually building up black communities, we've arrested their fathers and created laws to target black communities.
Then liberals come around and absolve them of any personal responsibilty for their actions and viola you get the shitty black culture of the US where being a welfare whore is a valid career choice in their eyes.
if you compare it to black communities in Canada where you have a very similar gene pool (re run away slaves) but have much higher economic status because they have a better enviroment and receive proper education.
To extend this, we can also look at Native reserves, and compare those that live on them vs native who don't. Trashy individuals who will lie and cheat for a crack rock vs productive members of society
You're a disgrace to our flag. Change it to Nazi because that's what you are. Ur not Canadian
How am I deriving social advantage from it?
if anything it means more competition for white collar jobs i.e. my job.
I've just had enough life experience to know that genetics don't really determine a persons character or inteligence.
to push past this discussion, why do you even care so much about them? shouldn't you just focus on improving your self, to put in the words of Louise CK >The only time you look in your neighbor's bowl is to make sure that they have enough. You don't look in your neighbor's bowl to see if you have as much as them.
So you have a retard here proud that he uses anecdotal evidence in favour of statistical evidence and he thinks that makes him better than you.
Stupid cunt of your creed you are m8. But then all of your creed are so what are you gonna do.
>life experience
Science doesn't give a shit about your anecdotal experience. Intelligence is hereditary as are most personality traits.
>Jewy CK
Gas yourself
fuck off back to tumblr
>It's 2017!!
A fucking leaf.
>will murder you for a dollar
I am assuming you are american, therefore you are fucking incest victim. From where you get your information? Fox news and breitbart?
holy shit whats up with the flags?
This, user
funny how there's a direct correlation between socio economic status and crime re blacks and the fbi stats
Lious CK is one of the most based comedians out there, if your only rebuttle is to refer to him as a jew, then you are frankly a fucking retard.
nah, CNN is the only news source I trust :^)
/Our Gran/
someone pls tel me how 2 flag
You mentally deranged faggot. Enjoy your aids related death or eventual suicide.
t. never lived around significant numbers of niggers
Even niggers don't like niggers. They move into white areas for a reason.
The dropdown menu should be under the Files button.
flaggers are fucking cucks. don't be a flagger.
>funny how there's a direct correlation between socio economic status and crime re blacks and the fbi stats
>Lets pretend America is the entire world because my "God works in mysterious ways" explanation falls apart when you don't cherry pick the data
>Lets pretend the crime rates aren't still severely lopsided even when socioeconomic factors are controlled for in America
Dunno why I'm replying, you've outed yourself as an "epic memester" with that post in general.
this nigga serious?
source of the patriotic beating?
lol yeah i figured that out after a quick look around. when the fuck did this feature happen?
Ha. Conservative Granny™ had it comin'. Put her away!
>>It's easy to see that blacks are just genetically inferior.
>>It's also easy to deny it, when you derive social advantage from doing so, and are punished for not doing so. It's cowardly and disgusting, and does no good for society, but it's certainly not hard.
>How am I deriving social advantage from it?
Okay, how about for an experiment, for the next three months, you tell everyone you interact with that blacks are genetically inferior, see how that goes for you. Then come back and tell me whether you derive social advantage from denying it.
The way things are set up now, people individually are punished severely for telling the truth about racial differences, and rewarded for denying them.
Be honest with yourself for ten seconds: you've grown up in circumstances where being racist was forbidden and punished. The easy thing is to agree that racism is bad, that the races are equal, and rationalize it in your mind so you believe it's really true. This takes no courage, intelligence, or willingness to examine evidence, it's just going along to get along.
When someone comes along and starts presenting evidence that the races are not equal, and the only rational position, the only one consistent with reality and able to predict accurately (i.e. areas with higher black populations will have more crime, affirmative action will increase incompetence and corruption, etc.) is racism, that's not something you rationally disagree with, that's something that you immediately find insulting, because it implicitly accuses you of having been lazy and cowardly by bowing to the pressure of your school and the authorities around you and even distorting your own thinking processes to make yourself more comfortable in your dishonesty.
Next you'll tell me that being anti-racist takes courage, since we live in such a deeply racist society, where we have affirmative action, anti-discrimination law, and people are fired or kicked out of school for saying anything racist.
hell yeah
what could this be
>funny how there's a direct correlation between socio economic status and crime re blacks and the fbi stats
Funny how blacks still commit dramatically more violent crime than whites even after you correct for socioeconomic status (i.e. compare equally poor blacks and whites).
>kekistani flag
pot calling the kettle black eh
>Lious CK is one of the most based comedians out there
Whooooooooooooah, take it easy boy! Reddit is behind the corner. Here are only nazi ponly lovers.
>leader of the free world according to MSM
>arrests grandma for apparent nazi salute
top kek
In the US, the richest and most educated black people commit more crime than the poorest and least educated white people.
I can't upload the pic because I'm on mobile but someone likely will, it's a vrry well known thing.
It's a slide thread. Take a look at the link if you don't believe me, user.
>where she would have been shot for not doing that
You are an utter faggot.
It's about time that German police starting arresting fascists, as the law states they should.
Also, why isn't antifa an option in the new Sup Forums flags. This is discrimination and I call on a change immediately.
Nice bait
>The police were extremely upset by this and chose to arrest her for making an "obscene and hateful gesture in public"
is the german police really this retarded? Oh how the mighty have fallen...
iq says otherwise, so does genetics
>>The police were extremely upset by this and chose to arrest her
Remember the police are not your friends
They are psychopaths and cucks
Fuck them
>tfw for one sweet, innocent moment, she was living in a world that wasn't shit
That 'direct correlation' is much less significant than the correlation between race and crime, and socioeconomic status can be adjusted for. The discrepancy remains. Louis CK is literally an anti-White kike who has entire reams of material that is just "fuck we White people sure are evil hyuk hyuk won't it be great when we are dead?". Then he goes back to his Jewish family and asks the kids what they learned about their great traditions at Hebrew school. Louis CK is the living embodiement of "my fellow white people".
>and they also live disporportionally in poverish neighboorhoods which are a cycle.
who are these fucking faggots on my Sup Forums
> trash of all colours.
but the amount of trash differs. Like 1-3% of white people are psychopaths, but 99% of Chinese people are
I tried to look it up again but couldn't find it. It may have been apocryphal. The story has been around a while though, supposedly happened during the Depression a couple of times.
Every word typed here including these are wasted potential effective effort drained from another thread.
Nigger what the fuck are you even doing here then? Gas the kikes race war NOW! Day of the rope, traitors go first.
Berlin is 40% white
20% if you take out the Poles and Romanians
Oh my fucking fuck please go back.
I don't know why you respect the union.
no desu~
idk Sup Forums was better when it wasn't full of edgy autists, or maybe it always was and I just outgrey it
>arguing from anecdotes
Look at FBI data rather than making shit up.
>Le new fag
>Le ironic nazism for lull
There's a large body of literature on the effectiveness of nazism for people who aren't scared of breaking social taboos. Don't be an illiterate.
Only a redditor would get buttmad enough about racism on /pol to write paragraphs about it.
ironic racism != racism
Sup Forums was originally a natsoc containment board you're not fooling anyone.
no it was made to divert the flood of political banter to its own dedicated board (and off of Sup Forums)