The war has started

While you right-wing wussies were dreaming about "the day of the rope", he went into action.

you can't tax the rich. that's why they're rich.

you can tax dumbfucks who won't be rich after you tax them, but if you simply tax an imcome bracket you'll find the "rich" don't actually have any income at all, and all their money is offshore, making them broke according to America

Cut rich tax so everyone can be rich.

what did this dummy accomplish? hes the only one that got permabanned lol and he rallied the right and redpilled undoubtedly a few people against his ideas along the way

You don't need the money of the rich. Will they take their factories with them? 100% income tax, rich leave the country, nationalize the factories, currency reform.

Peace of piss. Money is just paper

well if they don't pay their taxes then someone angry with them will come and just take it from them. they owe the public a fair share or they stand to lose it all.


look up rappers and actors in recent memory filing bankruptcy and then being driven by their personal driver with their bodyguard to a private airport and flying home on a private jet to a home that isn't about to be foreclosed

the rich keep their money in assets and investments and foreign accounts and don't have gorillions in the bank. even lower middle class people can manage to report extremely low taxable income by dumping into 401K and other methods

Yeah, we know. If you look at US history, it's always us Dems who want a good fight (see JFK and Roosevelt). Republicans only want to collect guns like old women collect porcelain angels off QVC. It's always been that way and always will be.

We dems don't flaunt our martial superiority though, Because we are way too cultured for that.

Republicans are truly a plebeian race. They are too ignorant to enjoy the finer things in life, but they're to effeminate for conflict.

It's quite depressing to be paired against such an unworthy adversary. So is life.

>only person killed was him

Well he's responsible for more dead leftists than I am, good for him

Trying too hard donkeycuck

Yeah, and so far no casualities other than his dumb-ass self. He gave his life so that we would all take these "harmless" raving lunatics on Facebook who spam propaganda a whole helluva' lot more seriously. I predict an increase in security for "lower" higher-elected officials. If Scalise had not been there with his mandatory security, that lunatic who couldn't hit a bull's ass with a base fiddle would have cornered and killed them all.

The factories have already left the country you fucking moron

they'll have a shell citizen own their factories from Switzerland

this is why you're poor. no imagination.

Im kinda glad someone had the balls to go after those who are directly responsible for passing shitty self serving laws unlike your right wing psychos that just kill innocents. maybe lawmakers will fear the people enough to vote for the people they represent instead of voting for themselves.


Yeah, this cocksucker is all yours, deal with the fact that liberalism is a mental disorder.

Have you considered suicide lately? Because every commie that has done this just hands over the "state," property to other oligarchs, usually Jews just like the capitalist oligarchs we have already.

this is an extremely delusional post

rich people pay taxes. they just pay on a very low percentage of their income. and no one is coming to take it from them.

move to a county or state with no property tax and buy property and invest your money and make large contributions to your 401K that your employer matches and now you have big dividends, liquid assets, and pension

erstwhile jimbob gives a third of every dollar he makes straight to daddy gubbermint and the niglet conservation fund

>"the day of the rope"

>he went into action
And lost.

desu. This was a fucked up tragedy. My prayers go to his family and I hope he makes a full recovery.

Do us all a favor and starve to death in the streets already for being a lazy jobless waste of human flesh who uses widows n' orphans to justify your gibmedats.

>he went into action

>he fired 50+ shots

>he was the only fatality

This is going to be one hell of a lopsided civil war.

The rich are the true gibsmedat.


That's main street in Belleville. The round about in that town is retarded and makes people in the circle stop for people entering the traffic circle.

Yet he killed no one and died in the process. What a hero.

What happened, user? Older with a lengthy criminal record and can't get a job? Young and useless but everybody knows your name when you log into vidya? Recent graduate with a useless degree and a head filled with propaganda and under-employed at a Starbucks? Or, just make something up. Entertain me.

>he doesn't know how many zeroes to make a million

*didn't :^)

Saged for Larping

Pic Related
Its Op he is in the apartment next to me with the blinds open

You seem triggered. Want to talk about personal problems? I'm willing to listen.

Nothing funnier than upper middle class talking about income equality.

is this a gay porn or some kind of beta male web series?


How the fuck do you make it to 66 years old and then fucking lose it like that?

Very, very nice spacing.

Clearly you are one of the three types I listed. Deflect with playful digs and attempt to slide the topic all you want. You wished harm upon our government officials in your first post, and justified it by waxing on about "the people." Pro tip: You are a burden upon society. Pushing victimhood politics and labeling our officials as "the rich" and "the people" as poor is transparent, pathetic, and treason.

Angry poorfag believes it will get tax relief if someone else pays more.

Mine was already like that. But the people in the traffic circle have to stop for people entering the circle. It completely defeats the purpose of the traffic circle in Belleville.

50 rounds and no fatalities while the American public will rally around the Republicans. He sacrified himself for a useless cause and didn't even succed thete. His life was always worthless.

AntiFa are now worried that the FBI wi
ll be paying more attention to them

The trolls are safe. Keep on trolling Antifa.

When you left-wing morons fail to start an uprising...

Your disposable hero didn't live long to tell his tale


I'm thinking you've run away with tail tucked or your phone ran out of battery while you were taking a massive dump. This kind of shit is getting people put on watch lists now. Good luck buying an airline ticket. (Not that you would.)

Poor Fag Detected