
What is it?

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Low IQ Fluid Gender Blue Gen Ztards getting ready to shit everything up their ancestors gave them.

*Blue Haired

>What is it?


A fashion accessory

Shitposting as an outraged kang because you're bored.

>remembers when post-modern used to be hyphenated, and used to refer to a time when literature was written. le sigh.

Postmodernism is cancer.

essplain REAL post-modern philosophy then please


That's postmodernity, not postmodernism.
An umbrella term for the architectural, artistic, philosophical notions and critique of the postmodern era. Not to be confused with the (((poststructuralism))) of the Frankfurt School.

>Why do workers have political views against their own interests? Are they retarded?
>Oh, no, they are not retarded. It's the SYSTEM! which is built in such a way that they're completely brainwashed and don't question the fact they are constantly going against their interests.

I think the early issues of Wired were postmodern. Seinfeld was postmodern. Don't know what else.

When someone says:
>I can do what I want, it doesn't affect you.

Basically that traditions and meaning from the past are useless because you can yourself assign any meaning to anything that you want. Nothing has any inherent meaning or purpose outside of what you understand it to be or mean.


Symptom 14 according to their own rules

dugin rants about it a lot.

Wow, he isn't saying what you think he's saying. You watch alot of Jordan Peterson, don't you?
Retards will retard.

The definition hasn't changed.
That's called Marxism, you idiot.
Can't you at least try and be consistent?

Wow...a non idiot.

I fuckin love this
The guy in the right panel should be holding a sculpture of a paintbrush instead of a paintbrush though

This dude nails it well

I knew that English degree would come in useful one day

Pic related: a post modern think tank

then what is he REALLY saying?

A fancy way of saying there is no "right" or "wrong". Just different perspectives on things.

How weak these people must feel to take photos like this. I could not imagine any of the girls fighting a man armed with a similar implement. Do they believe this, or is it just larping?

It's the true enemy.

Not LGBT, blacks, or orthodox marxists. Everyone hates postmodernists. Even trans people are starting to hate them.

That Peterson doesn't understand postmodernism (especially since he frequently espouses it in the same breath as reviling it). You clearly disagree, which accounts for your uppity nignog response.

Divide and Conquer

Societal decay

Shitposting on Sup Forums.

Read this and quit asking for handouts

this is the most retarded fucking picture I've seen on here. Please sort yourself out communist faggot

Closer, but user already solved this little mystery. It's the concept that we can't really know anything outside of meaning, and that meaning is applied to things (things are DENOTED) by us-- and it follows that without giving the meaning to said things, the attributes we're told denote said things only give a limited and incomplete understanding, and thus prevents true knowledge of thing; hence why things "change", even apparently static concepts. Because people try and attribute their own meanings to things, in order to comprehend them. user put it much more simpler and concise, though, and i'm just expanding on what was already said, to help clear things up. But it's really not so simple as "postmodernism means like there is no truth or right or wrong, there just IS, man". No, that's just hippie talk.

the swapping of our perception of reality from objective to subjective

premodern = truth is inherent, natural, divine, etc

modern = truth is discovered through the application of reason, scientific method, rational thought, etc

postmodern = truth is created and valued according to its utility, ie "untrue" things can be truth so long as that truth has value (irrational numbers for example)

>What is it?
The real question is what is Google?

new-left bullshit.

Sort yourself out bukko!

You are an offended idiot. LOL

The belief that tradition means nothing and that modern day edgy beliefs are the way to go

Its nothing to fear goy

>infinite interpretations can be derived from text
>therefore infinite interpretations can be derived from the world and objective truth is a unicorn
>relativism for everyone one! no one is right no one is wrong don't argue or else you're engaging in a power struggle

As I understand it.


Again, subtle close, but still vastly misunderstanding the concept, a la Peterson, the Christcuck.
>postmodern = truth is created and valued according to its utility, ie "untrue" things can be truth so long as that truth has value

There anons, a more accurate picture is being drawn for you minute by minute.

It's funny to see how a supposedly intelligent man can be so confused and uppity all at the same time about his own beliefs.

and you're a faggot that needs to kill themselves, please go back to whatever cesspool you came from

Only an uneducated idiot could think that. Just do a little reading. Leftism has nothing to do with postmodernism, and it certainly isn't new.

Answer the question dumb fuck


Only retarded people do the power struggle argument in that way. Power struggle is GOOD. It's the bond of all relationships. I'm gonna go cuck some fuck now, and that power struggle is immense, control over two individuals instead of just one! (Not really, but just making a point about relationships, and not very subtle.) And the infinite interpretations thing...that's not it either...that is simply Gadamer-ian hermeneutics.

>Objective reality does not exist
>Logic and reason are obsolete
>All human activity is a power struggle
>Humans ought to concede to the groupthink of the identity to which they feel they belong and act in their self-interest
>Most societal institutions work in the interest of straight white males, and thus should be dismantled
>Do not engage in dialogue, as dialogue is simply another construct meant to benefit the straight white male

Sounds like something a jewish social anthropologist made up.

Jesus died for our sins so if we don't sin he died for nothing!

You're seriously unable to back up anything you say, aren't you? (Pic related)
Already did, shitlips.
Wrong again.
Yeah, a single Jew invented everything wrong with the world, his name is Jesus.

>Objective reality does not exist
>All human activity is a power struggle
>Humans ought to concede to the groupthink of the identity to which they feel they belong and act in their self-interest

I agree with these, the rest can fuck off and die in a hole though

Flawless logic flowing from a true wellspring of genius.

Fuck off you pretentious cunt.

Advanced triplenigger ebonics


I'm not the retard who conflates SJW postmodernity with a philosophic theory borne from decades ago, that has nothing to do with
>Most societal institutions work in the interest of straight white males, and thus should be dismantled
>Do not engage in dialogue, as dialogue is simply another construct meant to benefit the straight white male
>Logic and reason are obsolete

You people have been eating up Peterson's shit, just like always, Sup Forums lapping up bullshit cause it sounds good to you. Postmodernity in action!

Should all Kekistani flag users be branded as Reddit shabbos goyim?

kek this couldn't be more wrong, that would imply that postmodernists would say that things like religion and morality are true which is the opposite of what they do

The classic thinkers in Greece diddle kids, and roved about naked, drunk on watered down swill wine.

Contrary to popular belief, postmodernism isn't causing society to rot, it's simply trying to explain the rot that's happening on its own.

>plebbit retard assumes self-proclaimed feminist "postmodernist" SJWs are actually studied in anything but Gender Studies
>doesn't fathom this post with conflation of poststructualism and postmodernism
>could do with more education or age



Degradation into a uniform amorphous mediocre type - the "rhizomatic" schizomass.


Fuck it's been a while since I've seen this comic

In any group of trans folk a bunch will be postmodern inclined because it provides a scapegoat to ignore their own problems and a school of thought that they think accepts them. In any trans group there will also be a few silent people who have more absolute hate towards postmodernism than any pol user.

They can see that they are being used by it for it's own agenda. They can see it reinforcing the worst behaviors. They can see it stopping wider society from accepting them. And they recognize that the goal of postmoderism as relates to trans people isn't "a female brain in a male body should be regarded as female". That would be a modernist assertion of biology causing gender. Rather post modernist fetishize and use trans people as the first step to trying to eliminate gender as a concept entirely. That's why it's "identify as" instead of "am". That why post modernist recoil at research into for a biological marker to see if someone will be trans. But it doesn't matter because if thr trans people who see this point that out than they are hated by both the in group and the out group.

Postmodernism is a fucking cancer holding back progress. It will undue centuries of hard labor.

This is where I call bullshit. The non-hyphenated, new word "postmodern" means something entirely different now. Gone are the days of applying it to art.

LOL. Whatever you think is good to think, you go ahead, there's no need to justify this with any further reply. Keep getting your ass handed to you.
Indeed. Peterson explains this all very well,...just unintentionally, and by example, all while misapprehending his own postmodernist thought with something "more", and yet simply undefinable. Call it Postmodernist Christian Philosophy. Conflate gender studies SJW crap with postmodernism (cause you can) and watch the gorms imbibe.
At least you've made an argument. yes, it's changed. Things change. Doesn't mean the concept of postmodernism has, though, it simply has more gainsay to level at reality, especially thanks to the fools whom A: conflate postmodernism with poststructualism (and then refuse to research what is told them, in lieu of ad homs to save their skin, and B: retards who proclaim themselves to be postmodernists, when they are really either just a dumb millennial who doesn't comprehend the difference between the philosophy of postmodernism (the art, the literature, the philosophical) with the notion of postmodernity (muh 300 genders, muh oppression, muh equality, muh multiculturalism, ect)--- OR they are dumb teacher (a la Peterson) who conflates the two for the dumb pleb millennials.

a death sentence

Come one guys, what is wrong with you? Why has no one posted this yet?
>Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault By Stephen R. C. Hicks, Professor of Philosophy
>free pdf and audioversion

Very good book honestly and very condensed. Also Jordan Peterson approved.

>posts wiki of Western Canon andtries to pass it off as postmodernism
You prevaricating fuck. Marxist thought pervades Poststructualism, as that is what the theory is based on, but postmodernism isn't just a theory. I know I'm throwing pearls before swine here, but what can you do.

What's the difference between post-modernism and nihilism? They seem quite similar to me.

It refers to a time in history as well as an art movement, same as "modernism".

Really the postmodern era is over now. I say it ended at 9/11. This is why SJWs are desperate and look ridiculous, they're desperately trying to preserve a dead ideology.

Postmodernism is the mindset of the post-WWII west (and post-Communist left). Modernism was associated with fascism and communism, totalitarianism. Modernism was associated with a certain optimism in utopian destiny of technological man. But that led to totalitarianism, so postmodernism was a skepticism towards that attitude. But skepticism as your entire worldview is self-defeating, paralyzing.

So new movement in reactionary tries to solve the problem from a different angle. Instead of being vaguely skeptical towards modernism while still trying to preserve many tenets of modernism, we go back to before modernism, to classicism or traditionalism. I don't know if this is doable either since no real examples of the new reactionaries have taken power. The problem is you can't really go back. You can't uninvent technologies, you can't undo mass communications and so on.

yeah man you got some real insights like
wow ur so smart I'm glad you've even tried to define it in this thread even once instead of just shitposting 18 times about how smart you are.

>Leftism has nothing to do with postmodernism
It just so happens that the majority of postmodern philosophers were radical leftists.
Foucalt was a memeber of the Communist Party in France, Lytoard did work for "Socialisme ou Barbarie", Derrida associated closely with a group focused around Tel Quel (a far left journal), Rorty cites Socialist Party candidates and union leaders as his greatest heroes...
Just pure coincidence, the philosophy has absolutely nothing to do with radical leftwing politics though.

Post-modern was the birth of self-reflective metafiction, which basically took a big giant SHIT upon identity politics or heard-mentality politics before it became the big crybaby monster we see today.

10000000000 genders

this is why postmodernism is stupid

Disingenuous concern trolling masked as moral outrage.

Also complete ninnery. Anyone can write a book, you absolutely gormless faggots. Take it from the people here who know what the fuck they are talking about...Hicks' book doesn't comprehend postmodernism. Egalitarianism? Maybe of a sort, not that that denies individualism; but it's certainly not complete equality, not universal equality, because that is antithetical to the notion of ideas being able to compete, which is core to postmodernism. Epistemology? Do you even know what that means? Social subjectivism is Ayn Randian crap that is no espoused in postmodernism. Metaphysics? Postmodernists deny metaphysics as reality? And so many people like to say Kant was a preeminent postmodernist. But no, again, a blanket assumption. On human nature, yeah, that's about right, we make up the world through the war of ideas and of economy and of power, why do you think the power elite got where they are...they wouldn't be there if it wasn't for this general rule. God did not give his will, or at least, it's not in evidence. In the economic realm there is also disagreement, so no again for the socialism- there alot of non-socialists whom would ascribe (probably unwittingly) to postmodernist thought. Why oh why must you fags have such low ability to comprehend forms of thought? It's baffling.

That literary movement was related to the SJW movement. The "all viewpoints are equally valid" or "there's no ultimate valid narrative" idea leads to "how do we implement this in reality? we must raise up the viewpoints that people scorn, since those viewpoints are equally valid but are being treated as worse"

Look at the Sot-Weed Factor, classic postmodern novel, it mocks a classic story of American history and turns it into a gross sexual farce. It's typical thing that SJWs would love.

This is where I admit I am lost. I see le SJWs slinging "postmoderism" around as though it is a modern movement to make any belief or behavior legitimate. Your prior posts confuse me. I admit I am here mainly to bitch about how some of my favorite literature is now in hindsight with writers dead being politicized.

In other words, the slippery slope of hyper-individualism as Panacea, instead of dead end..
atomization of humans AND values into fungible units.



Foucault was poststructualist (denigrator of society-critical theorist), so you're missing the mark in not identifying that fact. Derrida is a deconstructionist (bloviator) and hence isa bit of an idiot. Rorty is OK. And yes, Lytoard and him proclaimed socialism -- i'll give you that, it's a fact, but that doesn't conflate the two concepts (postmodernism and socialism) together, as you said.
>Just pure coincidence, the philosophy has absolutely nothing to do with radical leftwing politics though.
Good, you`re approaching freedom.


I like watching (((Seinfeld))).

postmodernism basically means "lets ignore science"

In order to knock down bad ideas. Also you read the Sot-Weed Factor and took it literally and personally? You're part of the problem, plebbit.

Literally triggered by the pre modern definitions. Enlightenment was a mistake.

Completely unironically: What books or writers would you recommend on postmodernism?

All those confirmed satanic

It's always been that way. Your values have always been traded. They were traded all across the western hemisphere, but not before being assimilated by Rome.