Listen up liberals and leftists. Trump won. There is no proof that Trump or his team was involved in collusion with Russia. Not one shred of evidence has been produced besides """anonymous sources"""" and """classified data""". The entire thing is just the desperate last gasp of an establishment that bet $1,000,000,000 on a shitty candidate and lost, and now they don't want to play by the rules because they didn't win.

Just admit it, Trump ran a better campaign. He busted his ass traveling all over the country, doing up to 2-5 rallies per day. Hillary disappeared for weeks at a time and could barely be bothered to make a single visit to some states which she had 'all wrapped up'. If Trump is removed from office by a bullshit scandal, and a democratically elected leader is forcefully removed from office, than the only other recourse to settle our difference is through violence.

If you want an end to this political violence, stop what you are doing right now. We dealt with Obama for 8 years and didn't cry crocodile tears like the left is now. If you hate Trump so much, maybe contact your Democratic Party and tell them to stop acting like elitist pricks that have no idea what average Americans are like and try again in 2020.

Trump won. Get over it.

Get over it.

>We dealt with Obama for 8 years and didn't cry crocodile tears like the left is now


if any CTR shills ever even posted on Sup Forums there have been 10,000 the_donald shills for every one of them


There is nothing more pathetic then a retard who can't admit that they lost, and get over it and move on.


and god bless the_donald for being so relentless
I'd take those obnoxious faggots over lefties anyday,
here's why: they don't go on shooting sprees and regurgitate fact and not Russia Espionage Fan Fiction.

a e s t h e t i c


Reddit get OUT

A lot of these people both in their personal lives and on a macro scale have always crybullied their way into getting their way at every turn. They didn't this time and this is why you see such deranged behavior out of them

Lost by >3 million
> voter fraud
Prove it.

Pro tip: you can't

I don't think this is going away. I'm pretty sure people wore "NOT MY PRESIDENT" shirts for entire duration of the Bush administration, and he was definitely a less polarizing figure.

I know they're in here, maybe not CTR, but from somewhere. There are always spies among us and vice versa.

>trying to reach liberals on Sup Forums

t_d = faggots
t_d >>>>> shareblue

can't blame td, I respect them more for actually pushing back desu

This is the only score that matters in the Presidential election. That has always been the rule.

he did. twice. and he was a good president.


as if Sup Forums was full of lefties before the reddit invasion, now it's just full of mainstream Republican dipshits that watch Fox News

Bump for great justice.

>play best of 7 series
>win 4 games to 3
>team that won series got outscored 20-19
>team that lost throwing a hissy fit about outscoring the other team
what a fucking joke libshits are


Thank you.

>shitty subreddit shills are the real shills here!
lol, come now sweety





what are you doing here, then?

Anybody who actually thinks Hillary was a better choice of the two is the reason America is being held back. If they all died tomorrow America would only be better off.

i really like that the kekistan flags allows me to spot redditors

>even after Chump cheated
>even after paying off the fake news websites
>even though we live in a sexist patriarchy
>even though all the retarded rural and suburban retards rode their fat-scooters to the polls
3,000,000+ MARGIN

Delusional Chumplets just cant accept reality....

Not really because you have the same voter base

I was here first. What is even the point of this thread? Is this something that's copypasted in the comments sections in articles or something?

>he doesn't know what the real vote total was, finally unsullied by filthy Russian fingerprints

How does it feel to be wrong yet again, republitards? How does it feel to be the world's shitbabiest sad group of pathetic manbaby whiner virgins in all of recorded history? Does it feel bad? You got the feels now little white boi? Well guess what. IT'S STILL HER TURN BITCH. SHE WON. ADMIT IT AND APOLOGIZE TO OUR QUEEN.

>I was here first
obviously not or you'd know the rules about oldfag-ing.
Go back to lebbit


So. Much. This.


>3,000,000 margin
>forgetting over 6,000,000 illegal beaners voted for Clinton

Dumbass faggot, neck yourself.

Uhm no sweetie, that's called fake news.

Drumph LOST.
Hillary WON.
Get over it.


Just wanted you to know, the terms and conditions apply, should the rules not be followed.

Trump won? He sure doesn't act like it.

The Russian investigation is far from over too.

>far from over

This may be true, but only because people are looking for something that does not exist.

Seriously stop poo poo-ing the president and get out and vote.


With all of these shills on Sup Forums and occasional leftys it may seem like there is a minor leftist presence on Sup Forums

This changes everything. Back to the drawing board.

>Trump won
uhmm... no, sweetie.....

>seem like there is a minor leftist presence on Sup Forums

It may seem that way, but I promise you, this place has become famous enough to be well infilration by any and all enemy groups. Probably most of them lurk, for the time being, after being beaten into submssion, but I promise you, our enemies read everything posted on this board.

Leftist are born to live a life of misery, it's their job to be whining losers.

Whole lot of butthurt libs here

this, if they continue to fight this they will be called out for sedition

i'm already checking up on my local businesses and avoiding any and all who donated to democrats


I sincerely hope it does not come down do the path we've all been down before...

New election coming now, you Russian shill. You all were so obvious even the Dems could figure it out!!


Just admit you fucking lost. We had a democratic election. Millions of people you never thought would ever vote selected Trump, because you forgot about them. You though they were worthless.

>We dealt with Obama for 8 years
oh wow, you "dealt" with a perfectly reasonable president who wanted the best for you for 8 whole years and didn't cry about it?
wow, what a big boy you are

>because you forgot about them. You though they were worthless
Yes, I used to think they were worthless
Now I think they are a threat to the US and the whole world because Trump actually won

Trumpzilla is destroying the village

This winning must stop !

reminder the federal prosecutor investigating DNC voter fraud wound up dead on a beach in florida with two bullets in the back of his head


What's the point of any post desu family

fuck you and fuck that gay nigger mudslime called barack. i hope hes fucking killed, his daughters raped and strangulated and his whore tranny wife beaten to death with an axe handle.

people like you deserve to be raped. obammy needs to be killed and his whore wife and daughters raped and drowned

It's over.

>8 years

Gross. Who's gonna rape the uglies? Not my job! I'll be hangman.

Trumptards won, yeah


it'll never happen again unless the left stops and stops now

otherwise a full on insurgency within and without the government will occur every time there is a presidential election

trust me you don't want this

also the russia thing, thanks for reviving mccarthyism, we will be using it in 2020, make sure the democrat nominee never ever even looked at a foreign postcard, it's on

The only valid reasons to vote republican are
>I'm rich
>I hate jews/blacks/muslims/people-who-aren't-me
If you have any other reason to vote and you still vote republican, then you're brainwashed

You forgot
>I'm notblacktransgaysnowflake who needs gibs to live
>I work for a living and dont want to all my taxes going to illegals and minorities who hate me and wish me ill. Who will never be satisfied to live in the society that was built without them, yet accepts them as part of it.

Yeah, it was just a COINCIDENCE that he had campaign workers talking to Russian hackers that wanted him to win!

yeah, so
>I hate gay people
>I hate minorities
the Republican party is the right party for you


What was trumps champain by the way?

keep it up scum

it's not going to end how you want it to

Yet you have no proof, funny how that works faggotshit.

the ones spouting this shit with us flags are the worst

but luckily they can eventually be bagged for seditious libel


it's been proved already

wanna do more recounts?

Bro, you are just throwing logic on the leftists mass. It will didn't work. Socialists don't have reason and arguments: they are sensible only to emotional causes (even if it's false at all).

Don't argue with communists; don't waste your time.
It's like playing chess with a pigeon: it will drop the pieces, poop on the table and afterall leave flying singing victory.

it's good though

more and more people are seeing how irrational they are, soon there will be a leftist divorce and people will come to their senses, leaving a very angry core untempered by sensible voices

they'll chimp out on soros bucks and get thrown into camps, and the normal people will applaud

i give it 1 year until this happens, tops, and it will be done with the consent of the broad majority