War between Western countries

In the age of the internet, could a war still happen between Western nations?

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Unfortunately yes.
There are people on this board who unironically believe that the (((Allies))) were the good side of WW2 and can't wait to kill the Hun again.

This makes me lose all hope

not only could it happen, but it will. Until there is a one world government, the races are all mixed and everyone has access to everything they need and want, there will still be war

You're one to talk. You voted for mama Merkel.

This makes me kind of sad

The Aryan blood refineries aren't going to fuel themselves lmao

You are the kind of person I had in mind

Lord knows Paki dick sucking isn't going to help.

With the internet wars are over.


it works for your mother though LMAO


No more wars in middle east, no more wars in Europe with dialogue possible in the internet only non dialogue causes wars, no American who went to die in Europe spoke with Hitler or Germans.

Don't tell your daughter don't want her getting jealous.

>when we invade the ussr, Ivan should just give up because we are going to save him from da jooss!!!!
I wonder how well this would have worked at stalingrad

That's a false dichotomy
Bad things were going to happen no matter whether the Allies or the Axis won the war

I didn't vote to allow 2 million migrants into my country. When they inevitably outnumber you they are going to replace you and it will be ENTIRELY your own fault.

yes, most likely a canada/usa/mx vs south where mexico's only purpose is to be a meatwall


yeah but ur obese

It could but it is highly unlikely.
The world wars left a bitter taste in the mouth of European society. They're unwilling to fight any war against anyone but third world countries they can bomb from the air with impunity.

Only a little bit.

I hope so.

Do you think he did?

(((they))) want it happens.

If war ever broke out against Germany again I'd refuse to fight.

yes, either for aryans or for kikes

>cuck and brainwash Germany on behalf of the Jews for 70 years
>"reee why is Germany cucked and brainwashed"

Memory of a goldfish



>A wild Jew appears!

>Jew tells the Anglo-Saxon that (insert non-Anglo nation here) is the devil incarnate.

>It's super effective!

Same here, I'd basically refuse to fight agaisnt any white brothers

The future is ours. We will purge them all.


You voted in Jewish leaders for 70 years, that wasn't anyone else's fault but your own. You also let East Germany back in without culling the communists first. Now they own you. Mama Merkel is a monster of your own creation.

What bad things would happen if Axis has won?

>inb4 6 gorilions's dead

You will be charged with high treason against (((them)))

Bad goyim!


Wars in modernized countries are close to extinct because everbody know a modern war with the current technology would be far too devestating for anyone to gain anything from, unless the very point of the war is complete devestation.

Define "Brothers" just because we happen to live on the same continent or Brothers in the way for each Country to be on the pursuit of their own Ethnostate?

>each Country to be on the pursuit of their own Ethnostate

Most likely Russia will be the next country (((they))) go to war with. All the propaganda, all the hatred, this constant deluge of painting Russia as an aggressor is just pretext for waging another world war against them. Then, once we win, we'll just rewrite history once again and turn them into the bad guys for all eternity.

I don't even like my actual brother. I ain't willing to fight for you European fucks and in fact I'd rather war with you. You clearly have no idea what a country is or pride for that matter and are all better off dead.


(((who))) could be behind this post?

I wish we could go to war with Sweden.

>the races are all mixed
fugg off

I know it's metaphorical, but the guy in the picture survived the war.

>expect me to die for them and their Jewish overlords
>yet I'm the Jew
Your countries are merely fronts for Jewish scheming. There is no longer any such thing as a european. Stay mad nationalism is dead in your country

Not in my province

So long as the Jews still exist.

The sad truth

Which is the original?


t. Cain

Yes, though having the internet would either alleviate the tension between the people of the warring nations or only make it worse, it's hard to tell.

I feel as the internet would definitely alleviate the tensions between the countries at war since it'd be way easier to see the problem from the opponent pov

Sure, and it probably will within the next 20 years. Best part is, Sup Forums itself will probably go along with it.

>Be me
>Be 20
>Grandpa 90
>30th infantry WW2
>was truly part of the greatest generation
>brother (my great uncle) was in the 33rd armor regiment
>really believe that he fought for what was right
>so Did I
>start to read more
>start learn more about Nazism and world war 2 Pre and post Germany
>Realize America was in a war they didnt have to be in
>Grandpa is 90 now and just living comfortably
>Will never tell him what I truly think
>But those guys that served were part of the greatest generation, and the fucking democratic party and jews ruined it. They RUINED this country
>Hitler was right
>I cried last night when I was talking to him cause it was my grandmothers 87th birthday and I wished her a happy birthday
>Talked about Dday with him cause it was the anniversary, and how he sees the same patriotism in trump
>Tells me how much he loves trump and is happy he might die seeing this president in power
>I laugh cause I know hes joking, but I know he truly loves this country more than anything and was doing what was told of him
>All those soldiers, lost to a war we shouldnt have been in
>I just want to hug my grandpa now bros

Fuck, you guys would love him.

Pic related is him

Fuck off turk shit

If you define Russia as a Western nation (some here do, others don't), then yes, I think a war between Western nations could erupt very easily.

This famous picture was taken during the Ardennes offensive. Guy became a POW at some point and was eventually released after the war.

Don't know his name though.

I feel you ameribro, I truly hope we'll never have to fight our brothers again

War couldn't really happen between anyone except shit tier countries without nukes. Which it is right now. Like 20 around the world or something.

its about democracy but its true

Looks like it was on the exact same scene, jsut taken a bit later or earlier

This is true and it's why I'm 100% pro globalization and race mixing
And not some phoney globalization where some homogeneous group controls the rest I'm talking real globalization where everyone even the rich are one people

Why can't we just have white ethnostate and not give a fuck about the rest of the world?

God fashwave is annoying as shit

Thank you leafbro, deus vult

absolutely jewish

Western =/= European
Most modern interpretations of the "east" are rooted in the Cold War
Saudi Arabia and Israel are more western
We shouldn't be trying to keep up "western culture" we should be educating ourselves about what is actually going on
A lot of the people who talk about western values on here and other right wing communities actually have more in common with the east

We will likely go to war against the U.S. and win

Haha yeah right. my ancestors were fighting a war for Reich unlike you who has to hide behind a Flag because you aren't even German to begin with. but hey atleast you mixed mongol can call people turk on a internet forum because you will always be an outsider.
Brothers in the sense of each others living in their own ethnostate is perfect and nice,
Having other people Immigrate to your country because hey "Brothers because same continent" that aren't even related to your blood isn't. hence i wanted to get clarification.

And they all died for nothing Hans cause you and your ilk aren't even half the men your ancestors were. Germany will fall in your life time. Ficki ficki

Because nobody wants a white ethnostate
Nobody except your secret normie hating club
Do you except people to throw away the values that they have been taught since they were young and watch people that they grew up with forcibly removed
People might wanna slow down immigration and get rid of migrants but there are way too many non whites legally in these countries to ever have an ethnostate without having a leader that's hated by the people

if you define western as a nation with greco-roman tradition laws etc as a fundation and Christian faith and morality then it would make more sense


When you see what Germany elects consistently and the general mood in the country that is positive towards refugee scum etc, you can't blame us for wanting to slaughter you again. German obedience is a dangerous and destructive thing for the rest of us.

However other than the traitors who will always be destined for the rope, I have sworn that I will never harm another person of European descent. I'll never fight a war against them.

Kek, Dublin looks like little Africa already, stop pretending.

Ficki Ficki you pay me with your taxes to fuck your women. You'll be raising Mohammad jr

It's actually not that bad to be honest. I live and work in Dublin and can go a week without seeing an African or Muslim.

Even at that most of them only were foisted on us by Brussels and Berlin after our economy tanked.

So unlike Germany there are very few people here actively trying to niggerfy/islamise our society.

>b8 quality has declined this much

I need to get off this site

This is the same idiotic talk Poles and Hungarians spout.
Germany is the heart of Europe, WW2 was about getting a hold of it.
If Germany goes down, you will be next.
Thinking that the kikes will spare you is nothing but pure insanity.

West against the rest. Oh what a world it could be

Where did I say we would be spared? I just think we'll be one of the last in the queue because we're so unimportant.

Germany might be the heart of Europe as long as the concept of a European identity has existed but 100/200 years ago that is bullshit. No one thinks of Germany as the heart of anything but the destruction of the continent twice.

German unquestioning obedience is what has led us to where we are now. Right from the reformation to today. Germans follow their leader and never rebel.

Germany is going down I'm sorry to say. The rest of us are just trying our best to avoid being dragged under with them.

We don't need a white ethnostate, or to cull the non whites. I grew up with a based Sikh Indian as a best friend, he was just a normal funny guy. Talked about girls, racist memes, games, he was just an ordinary good guy. Never talked about his religion either.
And pol wants me to kill him etc. i would rather him living in my country than some of the retards I see.

instead we should cull all those who have below x IQ. They are the real degenerates and problem of this world. Cull everyone of every race who has an IQ below the average

So your plan is the be the last pigeon in the line that gets shot?
You are unable to see the big picture. Discussion is pointless. I am sorry.

Your true enemy is never someone drastically far from you, like niggers and spics and chinks. They are pretty much aliens or animals compared to us. Real enemies come from people similar enough to you that you can interpret their behaviour as evil or treasonous or something similar.

Right now German behaviour is pretty treasonous wrt support for post modernism and neoliberalism and consequent importation of refugee savages

>If Germany goes down you will be next
citation needed krautnigger. The time of the German is over. It's the day of the Slav and Anglo now. You had your time in the spotlight and have shown yourselves to be too autistic and obedient for your own good. Just pray that the poles and Czechs spare you when they reconquer your lands from the muzzies.

Gotta agree with this faggot.

I grew up in a town with an extremely high percentage of PhDs which means they came from all over the world. Myself and all the other kids never once talked about race, religion, or any of this faggot SJW shit. It was simply gaming, computers, pr0n, and lulz. SA forums were the rage and if one of the group even so much as mentioned religion or feeling offended they would be laughed out of the room for being a little bitch.

I'm fine with keeping non whites so long as they are down for the cause and don't have their panties in a twist over stupid shit.

Your retarded childless hag of a leader that let Europe be flooded with single militant men of a culture and religion that still have a medieval barbaric mindset will be the seeds of a future European war. Men lead the women and those men who are of a non white heritage get a free pass from the German culture and esp women who are emotionally drawn to anything that can be portrayed in the victim hood prism which they so efficiently masquerade as. I am hopeful the tide can still be turned back but the more Western European countries wait the more we approach total annihilation. When you change the people of the country by introducing people who had not the history o that naton and the primary race of that nation goes away something else re appears and that metamorphosis instead of a butterfly it'll be akin to something like a Xenomorph of Islam and world wide oblivion.

As long as you also cull everyone with an abnormal emotion and creativity range (AKA all asians) that'd be fine.

Thanks for sharing, man. I've had a similar experience with my grandfather. The patriotism and pride and courage these old men have is incredible and absolutely honorable. But if they'd only known. It's so infuriating.

Slavs will never reach the pinnacle of Germanic culture.
Look at their countries, Russians are not even able to maintain an orderly street traffic.

>age of the anglo
>countless attacks and rapes in the UK
>US is 54% white and main producer and consumer of interracial porn

user, YES, we need more d&c!

Zoom out.
You sound like Kikebart headlines.
If you think Germany is independent you are retarded.
My concern is to save the substance, the biological existence, of the Germanic people.
This does not mean Merkel is not a traitor but it does not mean that Germans bust be destroyed.
The state? yes.
The traitors? yes.
The people? no.

Kikes are NEVER on your side. Never forget this. They would use the next opportunity to plunge Europe into another war shamelessly, and after Europe is 30% we can wait 70 years til your grand children screech that its time to bomb the Hun again because it worked so well the times before.

This Western means Greek-Roman foundation .

Thats what I think Sup Forums should recognize, Its so fucking infuriating when someone says "Oh they died for jews" They died for the love of their country, and, like you said, the patriotism, Pride, and courage these men had at ages as little as 16 makes me want to be a better american, something we will sadly probably see again.

Russians are not orderly people. But they are FAR ahead of todays Germany in terms of things like mathematics (chaos and complexity theory for example). Anglos are cucks but they aren't proud of being cucks as Germans are.

I don't deny their individual heroism. But that shouldn't keep us from acknowledging that the vast majority of our nation's wars were fought for retarded reasons and often influenced by global elites (kikes)

You're misinterpreting what I said I mean remove the leaders my lawful means, that hate your heritage and hate your people. A lot of cultures admired what Germany represented,but right now it is a joke and if you guys keep mucking it up everyone else will like a domino. I've been to your country twice, before the ficki ficki wave, it was one of the most wonderful times I've had in my life . I don't want that to go away and don't want you to go away or the rest of Western Europe , because it's an existential threat to all of the civilized world if you guys don't get your guano in order and save yourselves.

> Anglos are cucks but they aren't proud of being cucks as Germans are.

stop lying to yourself . It is true that Germans are radical people, but dont forget it was YOU who programmed the Germans to be cucks after WW2.
When the pendulum swings back in Germany there will be tmass graves.

The majority of the Russian population is not part of the West and never will be. If you ever visited a slavic country you knew that.

You wouldn't go to war against white SJWs?

What's the point of a country without the people? They fought to secure the USA as a geo-political entity but it's all meaningless without the people. Just random lines in the sand.

Even now they're rewriting the history and showing these men as great warriors for diversity and liberalism. It was all for naught.

>My concern is to save the substance, the biological existence, of the Germanic people.
literally 50% of the men in your country died or were imprisoned in ww2. Think about that, half of all the men in a country gone in a war, which means nearly 100% of all men of military age (and therefore reproduction age) were lost. But your birth rate did not decline even a little. How did this happen? Your women bred with soviets, brits, americans, etc. Your german race is long dead, never to be seen again.

>you guys

There will be either civil war in Europe or we die out. Look at France, look at Sweden. Look at the UK.

Le BASED BREXIT means shit. Civic nationalism means shit.
In fact we need MORE rape, more bombings, more stabbings till something happens or we die out. And rightfully so.

Time will tell. You cant reverse almost a century of decay that fast. Especially not with non violent methods.

>the socialists were the good guys
You faggots invaded Poland, and then let the soviets invade Poland at virtually the same time.
Your shit ideology will never work because people don't want to be slaves to a system than can turn on them.