You going with Musk to Mars or you going with Bezos to the Moon?

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why the fuck would you go to the Moon. Mars has more potential

Helium 3, so it would be cheaper to fly to the moon refuel, pick up equipment and spaceship modules then continue on to mars

Yeah they can go. I'll stay here on Earth, the place that has everything I need readily available. Enjoy living in a desolate box with nothing to do faggots.

Neither. Building a space services business to cover the whole sector.

Fuck Bezos, that dude is a queball faggot.
>i dislike Musk as well but id rather party out on Mars and mine for alien tech with him than that amazon faggot

I'd love to go to Mars away from 99.9% of Humanity.

>if i make my public goal completely unrealistic, no one will be disappointment when i make next to no progress getting there.
genius conman

Only with fusion candles.

>with nothing to do
>never played in the sandbox as a kid

Fuck, I bet you grew up playing dumbass games with structured story lines that walked you through the entire story.

It's literally a fucking planetary sized sandbox, you can do anything you want, anything.

im going to uranus

>not venus

Just move to a nigger ghetto, no humanity for miles

neither, they're both retarded. Mars is retarded it offers nothing of value over the Moon and the Moon is closer. Go out their and grab and asteroid and crash it into Earth if your demands aren't met.

Yeah, wearing a ridiculously bulky suit that depletes of it's oxygen supply. By anything do you mean bounce around in a fucking wasteland with nothing in it? Just go out into the desert and take some drugs.

Good point.

There is nothing to get from venus.

Literally you would be creating a new world.
It would be similar to colonizing the US. Opportunity abounds if you know how to exploit it.

I don't think anyone knows how to exploit it.

"Fun." It's suicide.

Yeah where are you going to get oxygen, water, food? What about building materials? Shipments when it's a huge endeavor to get there in the first place? What happens if one doesn't make it? It's a pipe dream right now. These fags are only talking about it to enrich themselves even more. Also the US had native resources like flora and fauna and a breathable atmosphere, the two are not comparable at all. You techno-religion fags are the fucking worst.

We'll never leave the solar system. Enjoy your probes.

Mars would make a better base for asteroid mining which is probably the biggest incentive for businesses to invest in the colonization of space

Hard to say who I'd like to work for less. Musk I guess, at least his work isn't soul-crushing.

I'll wait for the KANGZ to show up. They should be here anytime, amirite white boiis?

>It would be similar to colonizing the US.
US already had air, water , fertile soil. Travel to America costed like several thousand bucks in the today's money. If want it "similar to US" you need to wait till mars has air and trip costs $10K.

>better base for asteroid mining
>jumping down gravitational well

I think I'll stay home and beat off.

A moonbase is more feasible.

>Hard to say who I'd like to work for less. Musk I guess, at least his work isn't soul-crushing.
I was literally talking to a guy today who knows a former Musk employee that decided he had to quit because his life was a stressful hell.

I cant stop laughing at you fucking plebs. What we NEED is a colony on the night side of the sun.

I choose Bogdanagrad

that's cute kids now let's get serious.

cloud-top colonies in Venus is the only sensible choice.

similar Gs, comparable temp range, comfortable pressure

get it done faggots

Hyper wealthy and "smart" Jews still trying and failing to convince the goyim that space is real.

This guy knows what's up.

I'm going to 16 Psyche.

Its a solid metal asteroid theorized to be the core of an ancient Mars sized rocky planet that was destroyed during the formation of the solar system.

Its mineral worth is estimated at $10,000,000,000,000,000 or 93,500 times the world GDP. That's a lot of latinum.

I'm going to live on the planet my species evolved on and enjoys its bounty.
Have fun dying in a wasteland worse than anywhere on Earth for absolutely no gain.

>Its mineral worth is estimated at $10,000,000,000,000,000 or 93,500 times the world GDP.
ANY asteroid has thousands times of world GDP in minerals (gravel).

>earth companies want to make money
>mine asteroids
>bringing them down to earth is a loss
>why did we invest in this again?

This is a 130 mile diameter asteroid made of nothing but heavy metals. I'd like to see you build a Dyson sphere out of gravel.

Is it still 96.5% carbon dioxide at that altitude?

What is it with tech guys and Mars, anyway?

Why would anyone bother to make a dyson shell or sphere?

If they have the energy to do it, they don't need to do it.

Too many science fiction books.

Who needs Dyson sphere when i monopolize construction market of the world undercutting gravel prices?

(BTW Dyson sphere is mechanically impossible).

yeah i mean you're going to have to bring your own atmosphere, anywhere you go - that's a given

but since atmospheric pressure would be similar, 'leaks' would be no more rapid or dangerous than here on earth.

There is no platinum on 16 Psyche, it's $10 Quintillion of iron. Do you have any idea how long it would take to sell that much iron?

What is Musk going to do start up another welfare based company.

because it fulfills my 80's/90's sci fi fantasies

You could never sell it at a profit. There's simply no way to recoup the losses.

>Too many science fiction books.

There's no point in mining He-3 when we still haven't worked out D-D fusion.

>company brings an entire asteroid of gravel to earth
>still can't get the truck full of gravel to the work site

fuck, I misread. $10 Quintillion in iron alone, I guess there could be some platinum in there, it's 200km across.

>where are you going to get oxygen, water, food?
Water's easy to get on Mars. It only looks dry because it's cold. The ground's full of ice.

Oxygen's not hard, since there's water, it just takes energy. Food's a similar problem, since the soil is rich in the nutrients plants need. You have to build airtight greenhouses to grow crops in.

>What about building materials?
Just like on Earth, you can get building materials from the ground.

It's not going to be easy. It'll require advanced technology and a large initial investment. I'm not really convinced people are actually going to go through with it in the next couple of decades, but it's clearly possible.


Delivery is not in my plans.

we're nowhere near having that kind of thirst for iron.

not yet.
but it's nice to know we got a little bonus chest waiting for us as soon as we get to that level.

gonna feed off that for a long time while we stretch our legs

If its a planet core then there's platinum, gold, all the heavy metals that occur naturally in planets.

The iron and nickel are what you'd dig through to get to the good stuff.

Like choosing between the Easter bunny and leprechauns.

Also 3He on the moon is 50 parts per billion. 150 million tons of regolith per ton of 3He.

Just use tritium to make it.

it's not a planet core, that's retarded.

>tfw when space isnt even real

Yearning destinations you'll never reach while the Jew picks your pocket daily. Fuck off.

No, it's risky but it's not suicide.

>but it's not suicide.

You first fatty.

>$10 Quintillion in iron alone
The fuck are we going to do with all of that iron though? The only thing successful mining and return will do is make iron ridiculously cheap- the whole prospect of profiting off the venture will be impossible.

Internet ping to the Moon is one or two seconds.

Internet ping to Mars can be up to 45+ minutes.

You niggers need to be taking into consideration the important things.

> This ^
> I thank Elon for his pronouncement. Based on who is substantially moved by his pronouncement, I can more readily identify brainlets and know who not to talk with w.r.t to real science/engineering.

What's the magnetic field game like on Venus?

Feckin belta loada hea feggit

all of which you can just get on earth. Why not build places to live in Antarctica or other places that aren't developed on earth?

>You going with Musk to Mars or you going with Bezos to the Moon?
Nah. I'm going to hell in a hand basket with Trump.

>tfw instead of bitching about third worlders playing online games and clogging up the loadtimes with their abhorrent ping, we'll be mad about third planeters and their even worse ping

>when your country didn't exist during the space race

Build cities in your space colonies. Materiel weight isn't as much of a concern when you have less than half of earths gravity on Mars.

It won't make iron cheap because you won't be able to make a profit selling it at market rates when you have to get each ton from the fucking asteroid belt and Rio Tinto and BHP Billington already pull A BILLION TONS OF IRON ORE from the earth EVERY YEAR.

Space is for autists.

>Build cities in your space colonies
Cities for who? The robots? What do people do that earns them their keep?

>Speed of light is a constant

Germany doesn't exist at's a much a country as the notion that humans have trespassed beyond LEO.


The German had aspirations once, with colonies just like other European powers. He once demanded greatness and sought to better his people. He held a presence in Africa as well as Asia and the southern Pacific.

Look at him now: the caged German. No dreams or aspirations to escape the sinking ship of Europa while the vermin pour in to your borders and eat the corpses. You deserve your fate.

right, because the moon could never be a staging area for a mars journey.

US didn't exist during ships race too. So?

Robots that are programmed by Bosley Medical Group implant technicians.

The moon is a cluster fuck die to political shit. We cannot go back there because we do not own it and the other countries would just get upset.


It's why so many of them seem tweaked out and have such shoddy speech patterns.

We also have the most powerful navy on earth. Not sure what you're driving at

Its a barren desert of a planet much farther away from earth than the moon. If anything the moon is more fun because of the lower gravity.

>forbes com/sites/robertglatter/2015/11/27/lsd-microdosing-the-new-job-enhancer-in-silicon-valley-and-beyond/#49c9a6fd188a

I'm not German but I am rich. Fuck off with your spurious bantz.

cutest 40yr old salaryman!

You can't (((inspire))) or fleece brainlets which such straight forward endeavors.

LSD helps you to dehallucinate.

Why make a separate landing? Landings are risky and burn a lot of fuel. It would be more efficient to just use the Moons gravity well to deflect trajectories. In many cases, it would be much simpler to have an orbital waystation in earth's orbit. Hopefully with a space elevator for efficient movement of supplies.

The moon would not be able to support such infrastructure without a ridiculous amount of capital injection. Everything is cheaper to build on the earth.

Psh, the moon is too easy. Also, more gibmedats for Mars.

elon's gonna need to move to mars by the time that bitch amber heard is through with him

Automated space ship factory on the moon first. Then we probe and mine every planet from there.

Simple order of operations.

We don't need humans to go anywhere.

Metals, terraforming gasses, and new engineering and material sciences, as you'll have to figure out how to make shit that wont fucking melt

The moon is a 72 hour trip. Mars is 180 days at best.