Repukes in CRITICAL CONDITION. Hoisted by their own petard!
Repukes in CRITICAL CONDITION. Hoisted by their own petard!
>Would have been shot again and killed if there wasn't a guy with a gun nearby
Karma is a bitch so go on mock a dying man for doing nothing wrong
>Mocks dying man
>Is op piece of shit?
If you don't like people having guns go be a Eurofag and leave us to the burger grilling
u dumb nigger. #2a isn't to sneak attack commit murder u dumb cunt.
He will still defend the 2A, so whats the point here? You're a faggot with shit for bait...kys
>Man defend your freedom
>Gloat when he's attacked by radicalized loonies
Rethuglicans are so fucking dumb.
Just remember, when the deep state officially takes over thanks to useful idiots like yourself, you'll be a voteless slave like the rest of us
Soooo you're implying he would back away from those words now?
eh, nope
if he comes out of the hospital stating "if others had guns the guy would have been stopped sooner" then i guess we can say he is /ourguy/
Where do you think you are?
If he was interviewed from his hospital bed right this second do you think his opinion on the second amendment has changed?
The answer is no.
>Repukes in CRITICAL CONDITION. Hoisted by their own petard!
Pedophile, it was armed people who saved his life from your fellow baby-murdering leftist psychopath.
Don't buy this shill thread. He and everyone else there was saved by other guys with guns.
That's not karma. The guy who got killed received karma lol.
Pretty sure he will continue to fight for the right to bear arms.
I cant be the only Trump supporter excited to be a target of loony liberals, if the Bernie bros want to suicide by a concealed carry gun owner PLEASE let them!
I get your sentiment but this is pol, wouldn't bother.
>muh rights are rights only when someone don't use it against me
That's not how it works, retards. A right is a right. Seem weird because for these faggots everything is a right these days. Right to change sex, right to adopt and brainwash kids, right to exclude witheys.
Now I'm just waiting for ISIS to get rid of the west.
Stop falling for such bad bait.