Should we nuke usa?

Should we nuke usa?


You should try.

How? The nukes you have are ours.

do it, bitch

Go ahead and see what happens, buddy.

gay flag

If USA refuses to stop exporting their faggoty SJW culture to the rest of the world there should be consequences

Fucking do it faggots

Do it. After those nukes immediately get shot-down over your own impoverished muslim-rapped countries, we won't have nearly as much dirty work in the long-run.

Yes please

I double dog dare you...

yes at least try, what would the usa do, throw burgers at us?


Nah that would be too quick, let them eat each other. They're a melting pot nation. When the Jew money stops flowing, that will be the end of the worst world leading nation to have ever existed, thank fuck.

all survivng white americans will be welcome to northern canada to re arm and regroup

But no colored Americans becuase fuck niggers

why else you think all our McDonald's already strategically embedded?

New York City
Los Angeles
and D.C.

Auxiliary targets
St. Louis
Kansas City
and Berkeley

On standy-by with coordinates, comrade.

That goes without saying. No kikes either.

t. houstonian

Das the way I like it

Yes, through demographics. Export all the shitskins you've imported to America to destroy their kike nation. Also nuke Israel with actual nukes.


We should strike a deal to nuke each other's degenerate regions

Go ahead but leave Dixieland alone, trust me you don't want to piss us off

Fuck the EU

Nuke all the major cities.

Country is white again
Jews are dead
Liberals are dead


whats wrong leddit? cant collect your
fuck off faggot.

That's pretty fucking retarded OP, even for a shitpost.

Do it.

I triple double dog dare you. Pussy.

Feels good being a rural redneck and suburban retard sometimes. We're not too bright lack them city folks.

>outright tripfag flagposter expects to not be ridiculed for the cunt nigger he is
kekekek posters we recognize amirite topkek well memed felllow ethnic kekistani!