What will China be doing in 50 years Sup Forums?
Will they be too powerful?
What about Japan and those countries?
What will China be doing in 50 years Sup Forums?
Hiring roof Koreans to shoot the invading Ahmeds.
oh boy here we go again its the 9:30 asian redpill thread. get the fuck in here bopys
is there a quick rundown?
I came
>What will China be doing in 50 years Sup Forums?
Eating each other because they have too many chinks and too little food.
I want to be a slave to two asian women.
I'm not even a footfag but this shit id so hot
Alright, i'll askā¦ sauce?
Race war in Africa. They're trying their hand at colonialism. Won't be long before Africans blame them for anything.
Japan will be there. Just there. Do something or nothing. Korea will look at North Korea in disgust as they slide down slowly much as Taiwan did in the 1980s.
>tfw no asians in my country except the old gooks running Chinese restaurants
I feel like I'm missing out
under the bus
They'll be living the American dream that is simply just a dream.
Also probably some wars in Africa and with neighbors.
Fuck the Chinese.
americans have bad teeth too
Take vitamin D, my dude. Your British clouds...
I don't know why people keep starting threads with foot fetish stuff, but I'm super ok with it. Anybody got a code for this one?
I hope China colonizes all of Africa and enslaves them all.