Why haven't you become a Southern Baptist yet, Sup Forums?
Why haven't you become a Southern Baptist yet, Sup Forums?
Because I'm Catholic (aka the only true Christian group)
Because i'm not a hypocrite
Because I don't join clown churches
denomination is irrelevant to me, but mormonism has the most developed redpill, in that it redpills you on the original european white natives.
wtf I hate Southern Baptists now
Christian Identity is more bang for your buck
>wtf I hate X now
When did you realize that you are the cancer?
>white nationalism
well no fucking shit they didnt denounce it
it says fucking "white nationalism" and not "white supremacy" right fucking there
fucking stupid ass libtards whoever wrote that article should an hero
>getting butthurt about Sup Forums memes on Sup Forums
>Why haven't you become a Southern Baptist yet, Sup Forums?
>white nationalism
>at least three niggers alone in that pic
What? Is this power of Chirst cuckery?
This past year I learned to never take headlines for granted ever again.
Cause I'm a missionary Baptist and we everywhere (not just south)
>fucking stupid ass libtards whoever wrote that article should an hero
Couldn't have said it worse myself. Thanks for manifesting your stupidity to everyone.
>Chinese nationalism
>Indian nationalism
>Arab pan-nationalism
>Nigger nationalism
>White nationalism
Because I don't want to go to Hell.
religion is stupid
I have.
t. Oklahoman
>refuse to renounce
Why, that's practically the same as wholesale endorsement!
I'm also not retarded.
>not realizing that this was a shitty reddit-tier meme that started during the election, when a bunch of newfags swarmed in