Was Obama really that bad?

He didn't start a Jewish war or do immigration reform to let millions of spics to come in. Plus, Trump is repealing most of the shitty things he did.

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>didn't start a jewish war

Obama was the OPPOSITE of bad. He put our economy in full recovery after right wing retards wrecked it and ended the right wing retard war in iraq. Now trump and his trumpanzees are about to ruin the absolutely stunning economy Obama gracefully left him.

You answered your own question. Trump wouldn't have to repeal anything if it wasn't so shit.

He was worse than this ugly nigger's fat stinky arse.

How exactly is he ruining it?

Obama wasn't nearly as bad as Sup Forums likes to pretend but he killed Gadafi which was the beginning of the end for whites in Europe.


Low IQ, as expected of Americans

>destabilized the middle east
>"didn't start a jewish war"

Obama will be remembered as an experiment and nothing more.

good father, good husband, probably a decent guy overall.
Terrible president who when you think about it, didn't do a god damn thing during his time in office except fuck up healthcare more than it already was.

No, he was far worse! Fuck that mutherfucker!

How's Libya looking these days?

yeah. its great that i have to pay $213/ month for the health plan i got when i was 22 for $60/month now.
so fucking progressive

What happened in Libya wasn't his fault and you know it.

>Hurr, I'm so smart
lol, ok kraut. Let me know when Cuckoldistan has a university that makes the top-25 globally.

>Wasn't his fault
Libya was stable, it's now a hot for terrorism.
>Wasn't his fault.
How about it's just nobody's fault? Go in, fuck shit up, and let's the ashes fall where they may.
>Wasn't his fault

Is AJ Love the ideal woman?

>He didn't start a Jewish war
Are you completely stupid? He dropped a hundred thousand bombs in 7 countries for his (((masters))).


He is a Marxist and hates Whites. He stoked racial tensions every chance he had and his foreign policy was shit. He had some potential but that went out the window months after taking office.

It's a shame such a beautiful woman will be lost to ideology, never producing a mulatto baby

he committed treason.


I must say that I hate using the washington post as a source.

Always archive or screenshot

Jobs (This was first google, the actual study exists)
Most divisive vote, not whether he was most qualified
Federal Reserve| Green stimulus| Deficit

He's a clown and you know it. He was more ineffectual than Carter. Worse if you look at his budget deficits he rates worse than any 20 of his predecessors. Was given a Nobel Prize one year into office for nothing, then encouraged Arab Spring on several of US's most traditional allies in the region (Tunisia is rekt, Egypt is rekt, Jordan stayed safe because they repress Muslim Brotherhood and did not listen to calls for Muslim Brotherhood representation). Lost it with China (APEC excludes China because....and those visits to Indonesia, our biggest Asian trading partner). Carter had failed Iran rescue (not his fault), Obama had Benghazi (his fault) and 2011 Chinook shot down (not his fault).

>inb4ing on the inevitable post blaming Obama for tripling our debt in a global economic crisis

how do you archive?

>or do immigration reform to let millions of spics to come in

Faggot shareblue op is correct in that though. Libya and Syria were done by Obama and Clinton at the behest of their masters in The House of Saud, not strictly for the benefit of the (((kikes))).

Obama was a black slave master

The Saudi's and Israelis have aligned on those issues. Read the jpost.

Also later on he and Hilary Clinton not only suggested reforms to law enforcement (which were due) but also begin criminalizing the entire institution which directly spurred on what ended with several police targeting. Trayvon Martin case also did not criminalize witnesses for perjury.

A fucking leaf.

Bush, Clinton, and Snr all did them. No point in pointing that out due Obama in particular. If anything Bush was the worst offender.

I for one thought Obama was a great president caught in the middle of the worst economic crisis in decades (which wasn't his doing), elementary school-level partisan bickering that forced him to use executive orders by the end of his administration, and an increasingly polarized and fucked up society that's been going downhill since the Cold War ended (or the 1960s depending who you ask)

he was absolutely terrible.
>dragnet CIA surveillance
>tried to get US involved in syria, americans said no, ISIS magically appears
>NDAA act provisions
>wall street owned
>endorsed shillary
>endorsed macron
>endorsed white genocide
>corporate shill
>jewish puppet

the only reason people dont hate him is because he had the media on his side from day one until the end.
when people started waking up, he started releasing those "cutesy" videos of him and biden.
he's a disgusting nigger and i would stab him in the face no problem.

the Craziness set in motion begin under Reagan. Took off under Clinton (Glass-Steagall), Rampant under Bush, crashed under Bush (2006-2007 Housing Bubble). The culprit? Fannie-Mae and Freddie Mac who were Privatized GSO sponsoring millions of 30 year bad mortgages to people with no credit. So I blame liberalism which manifested in both Dem and Repubs

>He didn't start a Jewish war
What are you retarded?

>absolute shit tier foreign policy
>increased racial tension
>targeted conservative groups
>fucked with medical system

That's the low hanging fruit, but the reality is that Obama was very disrespectful to both dems and republicans. He would not return their calls, he would only talk to "yes men", and if you wanted to even be a yes man you needed to suck up to his wall of aides. He wanted to be the iconic image of a leader that JFK is remembered as, but when Obama's cuban missile crises rolled around he was bullied by smarter leaders.

Nice negresspost.

Obama blamed white people every time there was an issue, well better yet white police man.
Blacks always play the victim because its what they have been taught by KIKES, since they destroyed the black community. Remember black people used to dress and act conservatively, GANG BANG CULTURE, was a jewish trap on blacks. its why detroit and chicago are how they are today.

THINK I'M FULL OF SHIT? research blacks from the 1930s til 1990. Notice the massive swing? Notice who own the record labels and was being the good goy? yeah. With Hitler greater Israel would never be in motion, and Muslims would be happy living in their home countries.

either bama was framed to be the fall guy to make sure a nigger never gets elected again or he was the biggest joke of a puppet

because how can u allow your home town to be murder capital of the country as president , all the change he promised was for worst, and the racial conflict increased x100

either he did this deliberately or incompetence

What do you mean? We're talking about President Barack Hussein Obama

This question isn't even interesting.

The question I would like to know the answer to is not whether or not Barack Obama was a bad president. I would like to know if he understands just how bad he was. Was it the intentional, directed destruction of a nation or just nominal nigger incompetence?