I thought major fires bring towering buildings down on themselves. Were we lied to, Sup Forums?
I thought major fires bring towering buildings down on themselves. Were we lied to, Sup Forums?
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yes, reminder the Planes on 9/11 were CGI
Didn't they use the same breakthrough CGI technology used on the scary god mother trilogy?
oh dammit not you again. fuck off already with your tinfoil nutter bullshit. the planes were real, get out of your fantasy world. literally tens of thousands of people saw it happen live in nyc.
>american engineering
twin towers had explosives to bring them down.
>fuck off already with your tinfoil nutter bullshi
*CIA disinformation bullshit*. Remember, the enemy posts here enough that they have standardized reaction folders.
but building are supposed to be tall
It was a Japanese geezer who designed it.
Better designed building than WTC. Steel frame of building was probably protected by reinforced concrete unlike in WTC.
Steel frames were protected by concrete on wtc 7, NIST failed to model it in their finite element analysis.
Digits speak for themselves, truth will always win.
The planes were real, no one was in them tho
what did penta satan mean by this?
A little known fact is how the planes all inexplicably diverted from the shortest possible path to the towers and instead went just out of Radar range and disappeared for about 20 minutes. Now anything could've happened in those 20 minutes or so but Im of the belief that the passengers where hauled off and later executed in Jewish blood rituals, the planes themselves where then controlled with the flight control systems a Jewish aristocratic had invented and possessed complete control over.
inbuilt flight control systems* the 747's all had them at the time of the attacks.
confirmation confirmed
>I'm 14 and was didn't see it happen so it must be CGI.
You're a fucking idiot.
rabbi dov zakheim. former comptroller of the pentagon. his company did the remote control flight systems
Bait or retard??
This building is to small compared to Wtc