Why do you conservashits keep trying to hold us back?
Hey! Anti-gay nutjobs!
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Marriage outside of religious ones are not a right, they're a privilege granted by the state to facilitate family creation
Your union will NEVER be a real marriage, either
I even cant anymore...
Really fucking same gay mariage story again?
Its sick and disgusting and against everything that is good or natural.
Is that reason enough, dicksucker?
>committed relationship
>fucking twenty men in one night with no rubber, pozzing little kids
So in your gay world all straight relationships are shit, while gay relationships are all roses? GTFO. Gay men are the most degenerate cock riders ever. Go wash your AIDS infested asshole
>shields under fags
>(((gay marriage)))
You're the reason there were fags in the NatSoc party. Disgusting kike, democ-rat.
there is literally nothing wrong with gay marriage
You would have to get married under some off beat religion that supports it.
If you can get benefits for marrying another man, I should get the same benefits for being single.
Only arranged marriage should be allowed
Make the first two void. The first by forcing marriage to be made in a religious setting. The second one by outlawing divorce.
>we got this degeneracy through
>we got this degeneracy through
>wahh why won't you let us get this degeneracy through
This. Don't worry though. Most of Sup Forums is just gay guys larping out of boredom.
I think all of those should be banned.
come on, trump is married to a tranny
You make it sound like mutations are bad.
>tfw your whole identity is determined by what you stick you dick into.
>gays in a committed relationship
Bwah, hah, hah, hah, hah. That's a good one! You're got me rolling on the floor here. Tell me another!
Don't take indifference to you as "holding you back". Go. Marry your roommate if you want. No skin off my ass.
Just shut the fuck up about it already. Trump has no intention of changing the law. So you can relax.
Society is desensitized enough that no one cares.
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
last i checked marriage was for providing a stable a stable family structure for children and fags can't have kids
Hell is for ever!
For ever!
Most gays are pedophiles. They shouldn't be allowed near children and should be forced to wear an armband denoting their faggotry.
But their souls are none of my business.
And it certainly isn't the governments business.
They are if they're unfavorable, which homophilia certainly is.
>gays being committed while having orgies and getting HIV
Really gets my neurons going.
It says nothing about marriage being instituted for procreation in the bill of rights or the constitution. Fuck off you idiots.
Daily reminder sticking your cock in a mans shit chute is fucking DISGUSTING and being against that is a perfectly rational response. Kys.
>Be me
>Gay my entire life
>Suck dick thousands of times
>Been with hundreds of men
>Prostate is the same texture and shape as a old weathered bean bag chair
>Ass hole loose enough to fit a 2 liter bottle of coke with room to spare
>On my death bed
>Slowly passing away from stage 11 AIDs contracted directly from a South African silverback
>Take one last breath
>Last words to exist my 28 year old body
>"L-Lol sorry God"
Instant heaven.
Marrying is for procreating, anything else are just faggots with mental disorders wanting to play house.
All legal marriages should be called civil unions because that's what they legally are.
Beautifully worded.
Marriage exists to facilitate the creation of a family unit. Gays can't have kids, and it isn't desirable that they should given the strong correlation between gays and mental illness, domestic abuse and pedophilia.
>Gays in a committed relationship for 20 years
I'll take shit that never happens for $50, Jim
It's too inaccurate nowadays, nothing civil about getting married to the average bitch.
>things are already shitty and you're evil for not wanting to let us make them shittier
I am gay, but I understand the hesitation, since many of us act like complete degenerates.
I don't get why gay marriage is this big of a deal. Why are homos so keen to have the government involved in their relationship?
The first two should be outlawed too.
Ha! Gaaaaaaaaaaaayyy
Should a man be allowed to marry a 5 year old if the guy knew her for 10 years? Fucking retards
it's all about taking down the bricks in the foundations of society.
Every brick is another step closer to total collapse.
Fags don't care about marriage. This agenda isn't from them. It's from commie kikes who are only using fags to attack the foundations of White Civilization. "The issue is never the issue, the issue is the revolution."
>it has to be in the constitution for it to be a law
I don't see your logic there.
I don't have anything against gay marriage but I vote against it so that you morons won't start pushing for pedophilia next. Gays are much more likely to be pedos.
>thousand year old fertility right that signifies a man and a woman creating life
>two guys with sore bums and filthy dicks
This is why you can't get married you filthy little faggot it's not for you maybe start your own tradition like a cum bum union
What a commited open relationship?
You are the only ones holding you back.
>Do you want what we have? A family, kids, etc?
Reevaluate your fucking life then.
>maybe start your own tradition
They did. It's called bugchasing.
>It says nothing about marriage being instituted for procreation in the bill of rights or the constitution. Fuck off you idiots
Neither does it define what a person is so let's extend the bill of rights to cats.
equal protection clause, bitch
educate yourself
How then do you explain infertile couples, or old people who want to marry, but are incapable of procreating?
The state has an interest in a larger population so it grants economic privileges to married couples. Being that gay couples cannot reproduce, there is no reason the state should issue a marriage licence to them
He has a point, those other examples should be outlawed, too.
Because they suck shit
I wholeheartedly agree, the fact that people can think that "love is sacred" between a man and a woman when it was only found on sexual pleasure is preposterous. Besides homosexual relationships are the purest form of love, it's been around since the dawn of time, and the fact that degenerate slobs can't accept it is even more despicable.
>equal protection clause
Fags always had the right to marry a person of the opposite gender the same as non fags.
Gay marriage doesn't even make any fucking sense,
People get married to have a family, gays can't have a family.
They can already do whatever degenerate shit they want in bed, getting married changes nothing since they can't have children.
"Gay" marriage will never be real marriage
>committed relationship spanning decades
Aren't political cartoons supposed to be realistic?
>How then do you explain infertile couples, or old people who want to marry, but are incapable of procreating?
They are an abomination, but still not just disgusting.
>implying the Democrats are pro-gay marriage
Did y'all use one of those flashy things from Men In Black in 2015?
Madame President Wannabe still opposes gay marriage, as does most of the Democratic leadership.
The Supreme Court and the rule of law are why homosexuals have full human rights for the first time in American history.
You people didn't do shit.
It seems these new flags have brought absolute garbage quality cancer with them
>implying we conservatives don't want all three banned
Poz loads are just the same as your love.
Funny image you have there. Too bad it's the exception and the majority of gays are very promiscuous (much more so than normal people) and are also much more likely to engage in some degenerate fetish (look up bug chasing).
The happy gay couple that are just like everybody else in a committed relationship is a meme with very little basis in reality.
Because Romans 1 says that you're deserving of death on account of your sin unless you repent and believe that the Lamb sits at the right hand of the Father, from whom you can find genuine forgiveness for what you know to be evil.
I thought you couldn't re-marry being divorced.
>what God has done, the man can't undone
Or something like that.
Civil unions are a whole different things, though.
Because kids aren't easy to adopt by a single man, so they group up to get one and call it a "civil right"
While I wouldn't say the bad apple spoil the bunch, the bunch isn't looking that great to begin with
1st pic can produce children
2nd has produced children
3rd will never produce children
>Aren't political cartoons supposed to be realistic?
As with everything else in politics, the right is drawn to reality, while the left runs in terror from it.
only in the catholic church. others churches are bullshit, they only care about money
wrong, they did not have the same rights and privileges as a hetero marriage. they weren't even recognized in all 50 states, you stupid hick
>3rd will never produce children
Progressives would tend to disagree with that statement. Behold the miracle of gay birth:
who gives a shit? procreation has jack shit to do with a marriage
>muh children
>I even can't
Back to tumblr with you, mate
I can't wrap my head around this. Why is this a thing?
Literally WHY would someone want to contract a deadly illness? What's next, cancerchasers?
no. marriage gives you tax breaks precisely so you can start a family and produce a future tax and pensions payer. gays are a genetic dead end
There's where you're wrong faggot.
Psy-ops to allow shills to run scripts.
>I can't wrap my head around this. Why is this a thing?
If a fag gets AIDS, then he doesn't have to worry about getting AIDS anymore.
Because civil marriage is the government's recognition of religious marriage, in that marriage benefits the state to have a married couple reproduce and -make- (not just house) more citizens. The government officially recognizes the biological pairing and religious sacrament because the union has the ability to make more citizens which benefits the state.
Opposingly, homosexuality is a biological aberration that deviates from the norm and is anomalous to the heterosexual biological imperative. It appears to help serve as a population control. It exhibits in higher numbers in animal populations when the population is under stress or over-crowded, and incidents increase as the population stress/overcrowding increases. In humans the chance for a homosexual son also increases the more children a woman bears.
Since a homosexual pairing is anomalous to biology and is incapable of reproducing citizens, there is no reproduction benefit to the state, and thus gay 'marriage' is not needing of reward by the state. Gay marriage is a participation ribbon.
-overcrowded animal populations and homosexuality:
-more sons, higher chance of woman having a homosexual son:
-Homosexuality has a biological basis:
-Homosexuality has biological function of population control:
Remember to archive
>huffingtonpost com/g-roger-denson/is-homosexuality-populati_b_784449.html
Not posting original
hey fag, gay marriage isn't illegal anymore stop complaining
Is it not simpler than that
3rd is gay...
> sex is private thing
I give a shit on whether someone is gay or normal
as long as he can hold a weapon and fight for the Reich i will acsept him.
>and keeps his gayness for himself
Nobody can choose with which sexuality he is born, but everyone can choose how to deal with it.
The primary task is to support the Volk,
That means = to subordinate its own advantages to a larger goal
What the fuck
If you want to be married I don't give a shit. I do take issue with gays who try to bully churches and bakeries that would be violating their religious beliefs. You are cowards who pick soft targets. Go see if you can get married in a mosque you brave freedom fighter
Catholicism now is cucked and all but at least it still holds conservative principles true. I'm an agnostic but sometimes I wish this nation hadn't abandoned God.
In what state do they send gays who try to get married to jail?
Why though? What function does marriage serve other than to be an upgrade to your relationship status? It doesn't mean anything unless you're having kids, straight or otherwise
The ones on the left could have children and make a family. The fags only make AIDS and get a divorce. Gay divorce rate is near 100%.
They should all be gassed.
Why is it whenever gays are portrayed in media they are always token model citizens?
removing the classification of homosexuality as mental illness was a mistake