Chris Chan understands what nazis dont

Chris Chan understands what nazis dont

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Waifu material

Youtube link?

Isn't it neat that all he had to do to find acceptance with somebody was to turn the degeneracy up a few notches?

I can't believe they put that idiot on air.

Wasn't this degenerate hardcore anti gay and then he becomes a trans thing and now he's all pro gay

wouldn't be the first time. There was the sonic contest, the house fire, the background of sandy hook, and many other appearances.


A camera man probably recognized him.
>do not hate, hate is not so good. To be paranoid is a bust

My fucking sides

He is still disgusted by, and hates, gay men.

He tries to cover his ass for it by saying he's a "woman in a man's body that likes women"

Basically Chris became so desperate that he decided that becoming a tranny was/is a feasible way to attract women

he'll do anything for pussy, the rumour is some girl (troll) gently prodded him into this tranny shit.


I wonder what the "S" in "SLGTBQ" stands for.


I like how the news describes him as a UVA student and then goes to show that autistic interview with the dead stare in his eyes.

Sonichu, ofc.

Can imagine seeing this shit on your local tv? I would lose my shit

probably "special fucktard"


The fucking Nazi missed out the QI+.
Report this man for hate crimes.

the streams are converging

>sonichu is now a woman


>please don't post his vagina please don't post his vagina please don't post his vagina please don't post his vagina please don't post his vagina please don't post his vagina please don't post his vagina please don't post his vagina please don't post his vagina please don't post his vagina please don't post his vagina

No joke.

What would Bob say about this?

The S actually stands for straight

>the background of sandy hook
Wait seriously?

I miss the old days when CWC was actually funny


Friendly reminder that someone on Sup Forums actually bought Chris's 'Sonic totem' for $1500

>What would Bob say about this?
it would never have got this far

It was never funny
It was always heartwrenching



Link/image plz




wew indeed

Oh yeah? Ask him about the Pickle Man, he'll show you what hate is.

I want out of this meme-based timeline.

How does this retard manage to make it into the news constantly and unintentionally? It's like something out of Forrest Gump.

Holy shit, he was basically reciting a shitty poem

>do not hate
>hate is not so good
>to be paranoid is a bust
>feel love that comes from us
>try to feel love that you can offer from within yourselves for yourselves

I hope he starts making more Sonichu comics so that the internet has more material to work with.

I'd love to know how many calls and emails the station got.

>Chris Chan understands what nazis dont
My Nazism is an orientation. You'll show me tolerance now, right? Or are you a fucking bigot?

Rip in piece, Lumberjack Bob...


user please this isnt a ylyl


I can't feel anything anymore.
I see this and simply don't know what to feel.

Pity? Sadness? Laughter? Anger at the journalist? Anger at the world?

I just-- don't know. This has trascended anything that can be said about it.

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

Remember to add beans

honestly, the tomgirl saga sucked ass so far. is there any chance of getting the old christian christopher weston chandler back?

Straight. He was making a letter for straight allies to feel accepted. So he actually had good intentions

I wonder where the pickle suited nigger is now

"straight" but also "sonichu", in the most chris chan fashion

this cant possibly be real

He is, he was given $1000 through Patreon to do another issue. He's been doing videos working on it - they were hidden behind a Patreon paywall, but a soldier for the cause leaked them.

It's the same old shit. He's now begging for money, blatantly, because Barb has spent all the money, and they're having trouble making the mortgage (that house should have been paid off long ago, but Barb needed a brand new BMW, don't you know). Barb is pretty much bedbound now and in bad health, and Chris has taken over the house, he's filled it with toys.

His latest is they need money because his bank account is in the red, but he bought $90 worth of video games last week.

Chris will never change, lol. I stop in once a month to see what's going on, and it's just a slow, steady march toward's barb's death, the house being foreclosed on, and Chris dying in an alley, frozen solid, clutching the last of his toys.


Pick one.

It's not as good as "the song of christian" or whatever it was called

I bet the cameraman is one of us and trolled the newscaster into talking to Chris.

i dont know what he meant by this but (checked)

We could make him run for mayor or something as Christine, no way in hell he'd be able to run as Chris giving his criminal record. I think Charlottesville is a small enough town where he would have a chance of winning and if somewhere like Tumblr found out an autistic, landwhale, transgender person was running for mayor they'd probably support him in a heartbeat.

Just realized Brianna Wu lives relatively close to Chris. They should meet. They are true and honest kindred spirits.

"Oh, god, i gotta stand around campus in the sun all fucking day with this cunt reporter, fucking trannies, I fucking hate this...oh, fucking that Chris Chan?!?!?!?!"

>slow, steady march toward Barb's death

I have a feeling some user will take him in when that happens. He's still got so much more lulz to give.


>I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
It's not all bad user. You only see all of this on TV and the internet. Shut it off, look outside, and you'll find that most people are still sane.

He lives in a small town in Virginia so there's no way in hell the local population would elect an autistic tranny. Now if we convinced him to run for president, that would be good.

Wait, did you say do or don't?

Why wasn't Brianna at this meeting? Hmmm? You'd think a candidate like him would be on top of important causes like this. Tsk.

his condition is deteriorating
he seems to even be losing his ability to form coherent sentences
poor guy

Fucking lmao

although at that point I think he was already a tranny and wasn't wearing his classic shirt anymore

Nobody ever gets that straight.

>chris shrit is tucked it

it's not real

Wouldn't running for mayor be a more realistic goal, what could we motivate him to run for president though?

Sad and lonely


He wore the shirt up until he set the house on fire, I think. Last month I was catching up on his classic shirt, he thought he lost it in a fire, but it was in a damp bag of clothing, covered in mold. Hey, it's for sale, guys!

Yeah, and Chris spent that long money before he shipped it.

Nah he had it but hadn't worn it in a while before the fire. He was already well into his tomgirl saga by then

t. Christorian

It doesn't matter if it's realistic, I just want to see Chris in the news. If he ran for president he could probably get into the debates.
>motivate him
He really hates Trump because Facebook told him to, so maybe he could run in 2020.

what does the S mean? sonichu?

Plus he never attended UVA as well, just community college

>ywn eat out Chris' pussy
Why even fucking live?

I'm ashamed of how many times I've seen this fucking picture

Yeah, you should go ghost, but for a bunch of different reasons.

Chris goes ghost to be with Sonichu when

It says Slug bate
They quoted him.

>He really hates Trump because Facebook told him to
This is why Zuccerberg scares me. There are many other people who are as unreasonable as chris.

hes a poet. hes a poet now. that is what he'll do in his twilight years (his late 30's), he will be a poet. hes gonna write poetry now. he should be a poet and write poetry, about life and sonic the hedgehog. chris chan, one of americas greatest poets.

It's not a vagina it's a hole where his penis used to be.

Has he made it as a case study in some college psychology textbook yet?

>Cut open flesh that looks nothing like a real vag
Ew,remind me why Trannies think those are "Real Vaginas"?Its a wound that tries to heal,I've seen the result of infection.

I would kill for a Louis Theroux or Werner Herzog special about Chris

If you could, would you? Unironically?

OMFG Someone in the editing room at the news station must have been laughing their asses off when they decided yep lets show this freak in the news segment.

Chris sounded like the creepy insane guy in a slasher men when he explains why everyone must die.

Of course, he has that thicc form


you guys have no idea how happy I am to see chris is still active in the world

CWC 2020

he knows all