Anyone else Don't Care Anymore Pilled??

I seriously don't care anymore.

My country is literally going to be dead by 2100.
Every Single Canadian, will be dead by 2100 or so.

What's the point of giving a shit??
If it doesn't happen to ME, I don't fucking care anymore.

So red pilled, I blue pilled myself. Pretty /comfy

Fuck it all and Fuck Canada

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off with your faggot flag.

Those don't exist in Canada. Even the fat bitches are flat.
If a girl does get implants, D cup max.
Girls with big tits get reductions here, cause there is shit tons more men then women and leafs are degenerates. As /pol knows.
Imagine being female and dealing with that shit. Plus most Leafs are ugly as fuck.

Ya, big white tits don't exist in MAN-ada, which is going to be dead by 2100

More than half of Canadians, are 50 and over.
There's only 35,000,000 people here. More than half will be dead in the next 40 years or so.

There's no point in being a Canadian nationalist since really there is no Canadian nation. Justin Castreau is 100% on the ball when he is says we are a post-national state. That said I'd like to see the regional identities of Quebec and the East Coast preserved for future generations. The rest of Canada can burn for all I care. If you're from the Prairies then may god help you you're alright people and deserve better. Toronto and Vancouver each deserve a 50 megaton bomb for their fuckery.


>muh aging population

More than half of Canadians are over 50.
Even if you had a baby tomorrow, by 2100, they'll be 83 and almost dead.
Millennials don't marry or have kids because we can't afford it.
There's more people 65 and over, than 15 and younger in Canada.

Everyone dies. This is reality for the future of Canada. it's literally going to be a ghost country.
Trips me out hard.

It's a fact.
>Canadian seniors now outnumber children for 1st time, 2016 census shows

>More Canadians are 65 and over than under age 15, StatsCan says

Everyone dies.

How exactly is it going to be a ghost country with the amount of migrants going into Canada each year?

I ran it through archive

>cbc ca/news/politics/2016-census-age-gender-1.4095360
>cbc ca/news/business/statistics-canada-seniors-1.3248295

50% of immigrants leave in their first 5 years of coming here.

Because most of them don't stay here. It's going to be quite comfy actually.

I decided to stop giving a fuck when I realized most of my fellow citizens and other Westerners are too fucking gone to be worth saving.

I'm just going to care about my family and loved ones from now on, the rest of the world is beyond saving.

So, not going bluepilled, but focusing on what I can change - myself.

I didn't cause I knew you would. Thanks archive bot

>mfw highest birthrate in the country


>govt wants 100,000,000 population by 2100
>pump in migrants like there's no tomorrow
>2017 shit is bad
>2027 virtually all social programs are fucked and collapsing
>Libcuck gov can't even pay goblins enough to come here
>total collapse. civil-war, complete reversal to the old ways
Bring it on

Keep on keeping on.

What are the "old ways"?

Even if you had a baby tomorrow, it will be 83 by 2100.
Over half of Canadians are 50 and over.

It's right, there no point to be a Canada Nationalist, there' no Identity or basic culture to preserve, but, what's your European country of origin?, move there and fight for your real culture of origin.
Canada will be completley racemixed in 40 years. It's pointless to fight for that fag shithole, no race to preserve.

Welcome to the club breh

Beer, hockey, not having half your pay robbed by various levels of bullshit government and most importantly:
Not criminals, not LGBQTXYV weirdos, not turd-worlders coming here to shit it up and gibsmedats.

If I want my Italian Citizenship I need to live in Italy for 2 years, without working.
I'm not rich. I'm Canadian.
Most Canadians don't have $200 in their accounts. They are the most in debt people in the world.

I'd love to move back to the old country. This place fucking sucks. I got 10X the relatives in Italy, than here.
One set of cousins came to visit and could not wait to leave. My dad offered to sponsor his cousin to live here and he refused outright, no hesitation.
I'm proud as fuck to be Italian. Makes me so sad I grew up in this dump called Canada.

This holy.

Nihilism = ultimate liberation

Never remember Canada like that. Maybe someone told you stories.
Pierre Elliot Trudeau wrote the Charter in 1982. That's "old" to most Canadians

Hashtag Fuck Ya!

I'm having a bretty gud time

What the fuck, you're a paisan? what ya doin there? come back here!
This is a fucking shame, these niggers immigrants can have a citizenship faster than you that are of Italian origin.
Come back to Italy, we need all the purest Roman Italian blood we can get, come back to the Motherland, that fuckin place is literally rotting, don't waste your julius caesar blood in that toilet. Greetings from Italy, stay strong

Just embrace the chaos, ride the tiger

>leaf thinking he can outrun his ethos
brake yourself before you rake yourself

>tfw Yugoslavian born in canada.

I'm punished slav

>being this new
yes Canada once was a great country.

Paisan, come va??
My dad have the opportunity to get all his kids their citizenship, but he didn't want to stand in line for a couple hours at the embassy.
Sadly I passed up several trips to dick around with an empty house all summer. I regret it so much.

No idea, but my nono HATED Italy, he refused to return. No idea wtf went down. He spoke no English and I don't speak Italian. Another shame. I know simple lines and shit and sound like a dummy.

Shame is right..........................

I've lived here my whole life. No idea how old you are, but probably not over 20.
Canada was never like that. You're imagining.

From which region do you come from?

Amalfi Coast.
Holy fuck I wish i could go home.

See the old man in pic
That's how old.

Literally don't know of a single girl who's gotten one

Plenty of regional cultures just no overarching national identity in Canada. I'm not moving to England because my ancestors haven't lived there for over 300 years and because the UK would rather invite Poles and Pakis over actual Anglos.

we'll be kings of toronto in just a few decades

Literally you come from the Paradise on earth, one of the birthplaces of civilization, Amalfi, Sorrento, Pompei, Herculaneum
Nera Amalfi there is still the Villa of Emperor Octavian.
Let me tell you something, you have to be so fuckin proud of that, my roman friend.
I've been to Amalfi 3 weeks ago with my wife, amazing. Come back paisan and raise your family here, in the roman empire.

boy am i glad i have a dual citizenship, im leaving next year to go back to mountain jew land.

which province do you live in?

>Toronto and Vancouver each deserve a 50 megaton bomb for their fuckery.

Can confirm. Would be willing to take one for the team. Remember me.

best news I've heard all day. how can we get that number higher?

>My country is literally going to be dead by 2100.
>Every Single Canadian, will be dead by 2100 or so.

Explain yourself. Explain why you're righ but every economist and scientist is wrong on the subject?

I don't remember there being so many blacks in my city

Aryan Death Squads

>literally don't know a single girl
Fixed it for you

Sad life man. Then again, you're Canadian.
Being that old on this dump.............

One without girls with big tits. I know 2 who got reductions cause guys wouldn't leave them alone. Then they got fat cause guys stopped paying attention to them

Eastern Canada was practically a paradise if you don't mind the weather until globalization wrecked the economy

I think I did today.
Like, I've been taking them but they're only taking effect now.

Once you realize how stupid people are and don't want to be saved, it feels like the weight is off your shoulders.

Ya, I was just thinking, I'm kind of glad I never went, cause then I'd know what I was missing, while being trapped in this dump called Canada.

I'd impregnate beautiful Italian women by the dozen.

One day, I will return home.
Dio lo fara

Ride the Tiger is a good read on this. If you haven't read it, you probably have an innate understanding of the concepts espoused in it.

>Being that old on this dump..
we can't be partying with the stars every night user
even old farts come here to sift through the shit for nuggets of wisdom.

Only things you know about Canada comes from here isnt it ya goof?

everyone is so hysterical and retarded right now that there is no such thing as level headed discourse even among your own "side"

and being the volunteer trump internet defense force is tiring, don't really give much of a shit about anything he's done so far and find it far from apocalyptic but the brainwashed faggots will keep being brainwashed and the whiny randlets will keep whining and they will all stay irrelevant so who cares

This combined with the kekistan altright bullshit culture has made me turn my back on /pol. I only visit out of ritual, besides that I don't even give a fuck about modern politics or even ideology.

Canada is a nation of immigrants. My family has been here since the 19th Century and I have no Anglo or French blood in me. Get over it.

I will, thanks man.

>Explain why you're righ but every economist and scientist is wrong on the subject?

See this reply The Canadian Government can explain it to you. I'm these facts from them. The Canadian Government.

I'm just sitting back and watching the country burn. I hope to move so I can do it one of the last all white cities that contain no crack heads

I've been there many times it's not much better tasty food , Africans and commies everywhere any attempt at organisation or planning results in a clusterfuck


You're part of the "over half" that will be dead in the next 40 years then.
The new kids won't remember your "old ways" and no one will be around to teach them.


No one lives for ever. Why would you want too?

>this is literally the only good scenario possible out of hundred of others

feels bad man

Africans? , all africans are in the Milan area, northern Italy, africans here are picking tomatoes in the fields for 3euros a week, then the mafia dissolve them in vats of acid, the process is pretty organized

Ride the Tiger

DON"T WORRY little leaf, I'm not leaving Canada anytime soon. I know how triggered leafs get when people talk about leaving Canada. They make up stories and get upset.

Canadian paisan here. If I want to move to Italy do I need to fucking live there for2 years without work like the other Canadian said??

The culture, our way of life is being erased. You will not enjoy OUR country anymore once they're done with it.

Every public square is full of brown people selling bits of string and harassing people.

>Anyone else nihilistic and edgy?
That's called being a cuck, leaf.

That's the info my brother gave me, and he lived in Europe and visited the senpai back there enough times.
Call the Italian Embassy.
Ask your parents if they still have theirs. Be easier if they do. My dad never renewed his.

leave if you want just don't expect Italy to be any better

he didnt say anything edgy but okay

What is being erased? Alberta is still Canadian as anything. Get out of Toronto or Vancouver.

Poor triggered little brain washed leaf. Someone doesn't LOVE Canada, like he does. Makes him pouty.
Poor baby. Need a snacky before beddy bye angel??
Poor Pouty Patracia here.
Time for night night, little sweety is cranky

If you want to come here, simply go to an Italian Ambassy to your city, specify that you are of Italian Ancestry, and the process will be so much faster then you think, in a couple of mouths you will be able to come here and get full citizenship + enstablish your local business, I will be glad to help you in this process but this board is fuckin anonymous, come back paisan, motherland is waiting for you

doesn't even matter if the kids remember the old ways. They will have new ways that will be good. Plus, a lot of kids, like mine, got to grow up with good things in their lives, memories, customs, ideas..
Sometimes a fire can die down to a small flame, and even extinguished, a spark can bring it back to life.
There's hope

Hey you're just as Canadian as the rest of us.

>using the word wrong
That's called being a "Chantard Moronnial"

Sure you're Italian you sound like you're from Toronto

It's okay Buddy *farts* you just gotta follow *farts* the one road in *farts* Canada up north to *farts* get killed by natives

>typical defeatist leaf..kys

Me on the right

No wonder canada is fucked with people like you in it. You're pathetic waste of DNA but you do claim to be italian so it makes sense.

Live in Calgary, don't even recognize it anymore, its so filthy and crowded now. No one even speaks English in the NE.

He's from Italian Ancestry, pure blooded Italian.


Do you know how babies are made??


Try grade 8 math and sex ed again gramps.

No, my dad literally stepped off a boat when he was 6

Yep, downtown Toronto. You're *so good* at guessing.

That is the way I would be about global warming if I didn't already know it was a scam from doing research in the 1990s.

Fuck I even predicted the recent cooling, but that was a polynomial fit from the data trends.

Got a cure for DEATH??

This triggered. Poor kid.

I just asked my Nonna about Italy and she told me that its a bad idea because there is no work for the italian people so how would I work in Italy.

Fuck this I cant even jump ship to get out of this bitch and im too broke to buy enough fentanyl to off myself I fucking hate this place so goddamn much

Call me a degenerate, idgaf. The family unit is fractured beyond repair, everyone including uncles, aunts grandparents and cousins are ALL divorced. Its not worth it, i just want my government sanctioned soma to keep me oblivious BUT I CANT EVEN DO THAT BECAUSE LCBO JEWS HAVEMONOPOLY ON ALCOHOL


Are you from Toronto or something because there's tonnes of huge titted sluts around my town.

Letting minorities in was a mistake. You're a prime example.

Paisan, you can join the Rizzuto or Cutrera Caruana Mafia Family, they control 25% of canada economy.


Of course you are, the rest of Canada is nothing like Toronto