Oh no, that sucks

Oh no, that sucks.

they probably got rid of all the republicans

That's a woman?!

According to trumpanzees cuts are good

Sadly, the content writers are unpaid and will be unaffected by this.

Every since their Trump has a 1% chance of winning prediction the writing's been on the walls. Even Ariana Huffington left.


Look at that shit man, that's what I fucking like to see

based on her appearance i am sure the quality and direction of the rebrand will be extremely successful

why in the fuck is there a thread on this


GOP working at HuffPo?

lol does pineapple go with pizza?

can i save this?

>when you think you've seen the best of Trump's shitposting tweets but are proven wrong yet again

They really can be. Some companies develop a lot of fat over years of growth. Then when the growth slows or stops, you realize how many useless positions you're paying for. They call it streamlining, and I've seen it take companies from the edge of bankruptcy to profitable.

Usually the positions are pointless bureaucracy roles that only offloaded work from a 'higher up' onto dozens of underlings. Those higher ups then got to lounge around doing fuck all.

>implying there were any Republicans there to begin with

Trumpanzees are kicking your ass because?
No one is reading this bullshit drivel anymore. This leftist puke. So they've had to cut back on employment because they're failing. And so is your narrative.

it's a free country m8


this timeline is incredible

His classics tweets will never get old

Is that a man?

hahahah they fucking allowed diversity to pick their editor in chief and the black lesbian renamed the 'newspaper' to HUFFPOST.



His #1 tweet
Prove me wrong

Can somebody cue the pic of NRA vs huffpost staff in diversity plz?

Didn't guardian also cut down on print media and had layoffs

have this

and nothing of value was lost

Not surprised. Seems like every other liberal twitter troll is affiliated with HuffPo in some way.

In the case of Huffington Paint bankruptcy is even better.

has nothing to do with the players, dumbshit. even if it did, i'm sure that it's a bit too deep for you to rationalize that NBA teams have like 10 players and 4000 fucking support staff. retard.

I can't even tell if this is satirical or not.


like clockwork shill