How I we know we're the good guys, Sup Forums? ANTIFA think they're the good [insert pronoun here] and Sup Forums thinks of themselves as the good. How do we know from a neutral standpoint that we aren't the villains in actuality?
How I we know we're the good guys, Sup Forums...
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The CIA niggers glow in the dark, if you see them run them over.
You're both shit.
Terry Davis is /ourguy/
CIAniggers on suicide watch
Because history has shown that the political ideologies of antifa have led to the collapse of other societies, resulting in death and bloodshed.
We know we are morally superior because we are objecting to our Genocide.
Is that Kevin Nealon?
If you're a nihilistic atheist than morality is completely relative and subjective, meaning you'll never know and you'll never have any authority to anything you stand up for because you admit your own morals is relative.
That's why Sup Forums is a Christian board and we leave relative morality for the birds. Morality is objective and we do God's will
Because no one here is forced to have a certain ideology yet we all seem to come to a similar conclusion.
Best explanation
You're retarded. Sup Forums is an agnostic theist board
>good guys
There is no such thing as "good guys".
Sup Forums just roleplays online about being violent
ANTIFA actually really do go about beating people up and throwing piss at them for having the wrong political opinions
If you are a moralist, you will be the villain of history sooner or later.
Morality is the only possible source of evil.
>And ye shall be as gods and know good from evil
You mean one subject interpretation of God's objective laws. There's laws against eating shellfish that you niggers don't care about. There's laws against wearing different types of shirts that you niggers don't care about. You pick and choose like any atheist, only an atheist is honest about it. Get fucked you sanctimonious piece of dog shit.
Why are most Sup Forums users a bunch of extreme control freaks with impossibly high standards for other people? Nothing anyone does is good enough for miserable people like you. You think you're some kind of gods who can judge everyone and test them to see if they meet your absurd expectations? I feel sorry for the people who have to deal with you racist fascists in real life. America is supposed to be about freedom but you assholes want to control everyone and bring fascism back. Fuck all of you.
>This junior high understanding of Theology.
There aren't laws against any of that if you're not a retarded American protestant, despite that neat blurb response you read on r/atheism
oh yeah? then who is terry davis, smartguy?
I'll save you some time: KING
good is any justifiable point of view (any ideology based in logic)
antifags are brainwashed. the do not understand the basic rules a society needs to function. they do not understand economics. therefore (((they))) are not logically justifiable, or "good"
Because the left licks the arse of islam, and islam is satan.
fuck organized religion tbqh
Yes, it's better to have a personal religion that you can use to declare whoever you want a subhuman monster and go on moral holidays as you please.
Being a genuinely nice and good person goes a long way to getting people's respect. Don't listen to all the people on Sup Forums and the internet who act like being a rude asshole is a good thing that gets you far in life
>fuck organized religion tbqh
Martin Luther already said this and now we have retarded young earth creationist protestants in America and all female, openly gay clergies in Sweden.
>You're right, but only in this one way.
>You're right, but I'll belittle you anyway.
>My interpretation of the bible is better than someone else's!
No matter your denomination, there is retarded bullshit in the bible that you should be doing to keep up with God's will. When you pick and choose, you're basically saying God's will is good enough for you in this way but not in this way, and then you partake in fantastic mental gymnastics to try to justify A instead of B when your God's will should be infallible. It's fucking hilarious.
Catholicism is still better than pussy Protestantism
Terry deleted all of his Youtube content and sites. He is on suicide watch.
I don't think in terms of good and bad. I want whatever benefits me. Migration, globalization, and feminism do not benefit me.
You judge a tree by its fruits.
hwat about a maple tree
The banality of evil is blinding.
You're the only one here declaring the bible as infallible word of Christianity.
Catholics declared sola scriptura as heresy from the get go. From the beginning they declared it heretical to take the bible literally, and from the beginning they declared the bible as not the sole authority of the Religion.
Do you realize how retarded your argument is in this context? nearly 2 thousand years ago Catholics (the vast majority of Christians) declare the bible as NOT infallible and NOT the source of law, and then you come in waving the words of the bible around like it somehow disproves us.
We know the bible has some silly shit m8, that's why we don't believe in sola scriptura. You're straw man is retarded.
No, he was banned and his website is still up.
Kys and see if you end up in a hot or cloudy place.
((GOOD))) (((EVIL)))
Take the Nietzsche pill
Yea he once ran a CIA nigger over with his car, the absolute mad man. Kevin Nealon, that is.
If your religion/philosophy/ideology condones the use of violence, you are wrong.
Go fuck yourself. You are the worst of the gay community.
You mock the LGBTQIA acronym. This alone is pretty damn bad. The fact that you think that the acronym is some kind of joke or that the people within that acronym don't exist is appalling at best. Your lack of empathy for other oppressed groups astounds me.
You contribute to fem shaming. I hope you realize that you can be out and open and not get bashed because those "f_ggoty type of homos" decided they had enough of the government's homophobic shit and demanded equal rights. And you know what? They fought for everyone's rights, even yours, even as you shame them and deride them and attack them. So maybe you should think before you blindly insult people from both the past and the present who fight for your rights even as you insult them.
You support Donald Trump. The fact that you can stand with a man who stuffed his cabinet full of homophobes says that you have no grasp of his effect on the community and specifically gay people of color. You should be ashamed of yourself. You helped to elect a man who wants to take away both your rights and the rights of others in the LGBT community. That alone is shameful.
You encourage the use of homophobic slurs, further indicating your status of privilege. You are advocating for the use of a slur that has been the LGBT equivalent of the n-word for decades. I don't know if you realize how many people have suffered from homophobic abuse, but if you did I know you would change your tune.
Bottom line, you represent the most oppressive and disgusting sector of the gay community. You would do well to show some respect for other community members and actually act like a decent human being.
Accept the fact that there are people on the right just as brainwashed in their ideology as people on the left, it is just less socially acceptable.
I remember 3 or 4 years ago I was pushing hard for PR while Sup Forums wanted to remain a seekrit meme club. There was a lot of resistance every time I brought up posters and raids and suggested what people say in comments sections (shilling 4 free), Sup Forums hated the idea if the Gamer Gate boycott - at first.
I regret it all now. Sure, we have a meme POTUS, but I cannot believe anything I read on here any more. I know it wasn't all us, the rise of clickbait during the election campaigns and Zimmermania pushed everyone to the emotional limit.
Now I just want to sit back, and sort myself out, son. I'm a radical centrist extremist now, in that I accept all lifestyles and ways of being as valid regardless of their profitability or healthiness. I also accept any solution from either the far right or far left that will make any given population happier. I support large scale libertarianism and multiculturalism (for the sake of commerce and communication) and small scale totalitarianism and ethnocentrism(basically an ideology a small population wishes to impose on themselves, emphasizing religion, or material fulfilment or culture, or labour or whatever). And let me tell you I despise the left and right equal now for different reasons, however less passionately than I used to despise the left.
I am the ONLY good guy.
Fuck Antifa, fuck the Oathkeepers, fuck kekeistanis, fuck cuckservatives, even fuck the underdogs like the tradyouth and the communist party.
Fuck anyone who wants to force their ideology on people they will not see or know on a daily basis, and fuck those who do not have the decency to move when they do not wish to conform to the small group around them, and protest instead.
Your dad doesn't like you for being a tranny faggot? Cut him loose and move to San Francisco don't try to change minds.
reminder that the Nietzsche pill is anti-nihilist and he fought against nihilism
>Calls my strawman retarded.
>Invokes No True Scotsman.
Then you'll also admit your side has no high ground? Like, you literally just said you can pick and choose whatever fucking suits you. The difference is that you get a reference to look at and atheists can make their shit up as they go along. Not without taking cues from other places, of course. There's no copyright on personal religion.
Morality is subjective faggot and is structured by society. We want our morality to be ascendant because we believe it is the best morality for the west. The left are trying to deconstruct traditional morals, to what end? Whatever they ard trying to achieve it goes against what we want so now there's conflict. Society is a zero sum game, there will always be winners and losers in any group of people.
I don't think I'm good, but I do think I'm right.
That's not what no true scotsman means m8. I'm telling you what Catholics believe in comparison to protestants.
>you literally just said you can pick and choose whatever fucking suits you.
I didn't say that at all you fucking retard. I said the bible was declared not literal nearly 2 thousand years ago. We do not pick and choose what we believe. We just declared the bible non literal and not the sole source of authority. No part of that implies "pick and choose", cool non sequitur though.
You're arguing against a fucking ghost here bud. You're the only one declaring the bible as the sole source here as you argue against it being the sole source, and now you're trying to straw man other claims to argue with. Have fun hating religion all you want but your arguments are objectively fucking stupid
You hate your daughter for burning the coal? Kick her out.
She hates you for being a racist? She should move to Detroit or you should move to Kansas or some shit if you're in a lefty shithole.
There's a whole wide world out there and a community for everyone is trying to emerge(though many of the governing ideas of these communities are illegal - such as white nationalism or full bore Communism).
Commies think work and class consciousness gives purpose, Fascists think family and nation does, and liberals think money solves everything, left liberals think if we gave minorities more money they would become better people overnight. Conservative liberals think giving someone a well paying job will solve their problem and free money is poison.
Each scenario has many different instances where they are right and wrong, work or do not work - and a lot of it has to do with personality types and cultural beliefs and not the ideology itself. People who are comfortable in an ideology should be able and encouraged to live it out with others to their heart's content.
It's not black and white or good and evil, it's "us and them" regardless of whomever "we" or "they" are.
If George Washington or Woodstock hippies were time traveling, they would be on your side. That's how you know you're the Eagle.
Then what are your denominations, beliefs, and sources? You absolutely did invoke true Scotsman because you're speaking for Catholicism and absolutely no other Catholic has brought up any of that shit to me when we talked.
>good, bad
The side which attacks people deserve an ass-kicking. But we should throw them and their finances and cheerleaders in jail instead because that's gooder.
If you can summarize this post in about 50% of original text, I will read it.
>Then what are your denominations, beliefs, and sources?
They are within the vast libraries of the Vatican. Every Catholic belief is well documented when it was enacted, what argument they proposed, who proposed it, and why it was accepted. These are what Saints are, the people who made the religion what it is today. This is why protestants do not have or acknowledge Saints and they're distinctly Catholic. It is one of the benefits of Catholicism, it's completely authoritarian and therefore consistent and documented. A Catholic is not allowed to have a belief that differentiates from official catholic doctrine or else they aren't catholic. This means you can look up any individual belief and they will tell you which Saint created it and their exact arguments and why it is there. This is not "picking and choosing", this is the opposite. This is having a documented code that you can refer back to and cite and you CAN'T fluidly change the interpretation of. This is why Sola Scriptura is heresy, so people cannot interpret the bible however they want and reject the teachings of the church.
>You absolutely did invoke true Scotsman
no true scotsman is saying 'no true Scotsman blah blah blah". I described the difference between Catholic and protestant to you. That's more akin to a Scotsman explaining that they're not an Irishman.
>because you're speaking for Catholicism and absolutely no other Catholic has brought up any of that shit to me when we talked.
Is that some kind of argument? I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's because you clearly sperg on Christianity whenever it's brought up. The beauty of this is that Catholicism is completely documented and codified so its easy as fuck to look up and not up for debate or individual interpretation.
Only arguments I can bring up to the first point are semantics. I never brought up protestantism, so I'm assuming there's just assloads of misconceptions. I have a few too. I'll do more research. Thank you for engaging me.
I like elephants,and GOD likes elephants.
I live by this rule
I brought up Protestantism because your argument about picking and choosing bible interpretations applies to protestants but is an issue Catholics and Orthodox effectively solved. I'm sorry it got so hostile but it's frustrating to constantly see someone criticize you for a belief you don't hold and then call you stupid for something you agree is stupid, especially when there's hard doctrine specifically against that belief. Arguing anonymously on the internet brings out the worst in people, you know how it is
I made a fucking kernel, a fucking compiler
49th post best post
I dont care about being the good guy
I care about being right
>Be polite
>Canadian ups the ante
NEVER FAILS. I do know how it is. I'm sorry for misunderstanding.
Don't mess with Terry. Have to admire a person that knows his goals, works hard, takes tons of shit like a champ, and isn't swayed by what others are thinking.
That's why I don't take a stand. I'm a truthseeker, not a fighter for a cause. But then again, I hate niggers and feminists... The good thing is I'm a total loner/schizoid so it doesn't really matter. Besides I hate everyone so it's even.
sry pic related
wa-wait, what? I swear I was lurking on Terry's youtube account like 2 weeks ago
Logic. I'm not the one running around shooting people at baseball games and rioting over fucking nothing.
Anyone trying to control innocent people can never be the good guy
So have the political ideologies of the Republican party. In particular China and the Ming dynasty.
We don't go around burning shit and destroying property.
The side that is open to dialogue is the good guys. Also we're not just 1 block of zombies, there are plenty of people with varying opinions.
he looks like the guy from mission hill
Stop using the "we" and "them" pronouns and think for yourself.
It's all about individuals and you must behave as such or you're just a screaming bandwagon retard.
Only liberals justify their actions and ideas in numbers.
>How do we know from a neutral standpoint that we aren't the villains in actuality?
Argue your case on a case by case basis. Do you always win with history and logic?
Heathens detected
I haven't been there in 2-3 months, and now they have gassed his account, just like his twitter
>fucking niggers
Niggers killed his Bird too, then blamed Mr. Davis for it.
>Stop using the "we" and "them" pronouns and think for yourself.
What a namby pamby douche bag self righteous blow hard utterance..
There is always a dichotomy, you fucking idiot.
>How do we know from a neutral standpoint that we aren't the villains in actuality?
Philosophy helps here. By questioning and, in a sense, interrogating our concepts we can come to better understand the nature of the good or justice or whatever. This helps us have better certainty in questions or matters of right and wrong.
To give a quick crash course: Aristotle said that it isn't just to assert that everything is anything or anything can be everything. What he meant by this is that contraries are essentially unlike and incompatible/mutually destructive as well as the principle of contradiction (everything is what it is and nothing can be and not be at the same time and in the same respect). Good and evil are contrary to each other.
If justice or goodness is or is real, then not anything or everything is or can be just or good if we accept or understand that of two opposing things (say antifa and pol) are irreconcilable. If they contradict each other at some or any point, then only one can possibly be true or correct. But which? To find the answer to this, we have to investigate what we mean or understand or what the essence of good is or justice is or right is.
Ultimately the deciding factor is likely to be in reference to the good or ultimate good of human nature or what is in reality good or best for us.
I wasn't exactly sure who to larp as, but I promise you, u don't survive the up and coming race war, turns out whites are far more savage than....your worst cuckold....
I can't go on, because one girl, has won my heart.....and I wish the best upon anyone else, who has sufferend the mis fortune of my presencece
leaf detected
I fucking love this guy
reminder that he committed suicide.
that's pretty good
thats just the CIANiggers fucking with his shit
they can't keep Terry down though because he was ordained in the Temple of God
Good and evil don't really exist.
People just wrap themselves up in some sort of religious ideological identity to justify our actions because we were hard coded to do so.
I ran two over the other day. Scared the shit out of me. Thankfully I remembered what Terry said.
>an issue Catholics and Orthodox effectively solved.
Meanwhile, Saint Muslim-Anus-Licker, the Vicar of Christ, is just winging it.
Fuck your pedophiliac religion, leaf.
This but unironically. Nietzsche understood that without God the world would be without light and we'd no longer know up from down. If you can't look at the world today and see how correct he was then you may be beyond all redemption.
>If you can summarize this post in about 1 word
>There is always a dichotomy
if yer falling for jew tricks, otherwise there are more options.
Notice how all the canadians and european fucks are now hiding behind other flags.
Little chickenshit fucks.
>Notice how all the canadians and european fucks are now hiding behind other flags.
Look at the burger aggressively jumping to conclusions.
>if yer falling for jew tricks, otherwise there are more options.
Look who's falling for teh jew tricks.
>muh moral relativity
Predictable idiocy from a false flag. Pat yourself on the back, moron. Sounds like a fucken leaf.
The good guys are the ones standing up for their country and the natural rights of its peoples. They do not seek obscene change from our founding. They don't seek an agenda. They seek simply to maintain the founding principles of this country and defend it against any and all threats to it.
Look at the false flagging coward hiding behind my flag. Die, motherfucker.
Anfifa is being supported by the establishment on multiple levels. we are being censored by those in power. that is all you need to know if you question who is good and who isnt.
Take a look at the world around you, look back at what life was like 10...20... 50 or 75 years ago, and know that what the establishment is pushing isnt a good thing.
Checked, though I disagree as I think your statement ultimately proves self-contradictory.
We know BLM is Obama's baby and we can force Obama to either adopt his baby or publicly disavow them, which would be maximally marginalizing and divisive (for the Dems) in either case. Question is now about Antifa. I think Repubs in office need to start advocating for law enforcement to crack down on and investigate this group and see whose feathers are rustled.
Repubs should also call for investigations of BLM and publicly expose them for the neo-Marxist terrorist organization they in reality are: the God-forsaken Dems coddled and let slide incessant direct and indirect government and institutional attacks on Christians and Christianity on the most illegitimate grounds and reasoning. I don't see why we don't give them a taste of their own medicine, but with this difference: our accusations are grounded in facts and truth.