Land for sale

There have been numerous attempts throughout history to form new colonies, communes, tribes, and whatnot. It's usually a lack of leadership that prevents them from succeeding.

You think it'd be possible to organize a few networked plots of land into something politically meaningful?
There is a lot of cheap land out there, maybe the excess manpower found here can be put to use IRL?

Patreonbux can help fund.

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Surely a true leader can be found for our Sup Forumsony.

Take a look at how the Amish did it, and learn from their success. But you need to realize we are a digital culture and exist in the virtual world.

The Amish really have been winning for a long time.
It would also be helpful to consider joining a semi-established town. A town with important infrastructure, but little manpower. I know that's what "hipsters" do, but a similar model like that works in a lot of ways.
I think being connected to fiber networks is essential, just like water and electricity. Being connected allows for remote minds to engage in meaningful discussions.
I've been thinking of a way to combine this with the live streaming trend. Live streaming is dominated by the young right.

More then just live streamers work from home. Setting up an environment where many people who earn a living via online work can be an important piece to making something like this work.

Won't the Feds just swarm your shit and slap your ass.

Why are there no trees there? It almost looks alien to me.

Opening up an area for shipping container homes could be an option that works. Windmills and solar panels to bring electricity to them. General labor to maintain the community can be set up through a volunteer program for bored people to contribute. Someone like myself, a NEET with nothing to do all day, would gladly check out a volunteer board in the morning and go put in some hours to help.
Perhaps a fusion between the modern world and the old world can be achieved.

The feds join every group that is on the fringe. It would be important to keep everything lawful.

In the case of Ruby Ridge and Waco that was back before the internet, so the feds could control the narrative.

Better idea, do this the Sup Forums way - decentralized, anonymous. Don't start a fucking 1488 compound, just move to an all white area and help build up the local community.