To The Racist Guy Who Picked Up My Pencil During Class

What's her problem and how to we solve it?

> This open letter goes out to every racist person who has ever picked up my dropped pencil; said “bless you” after I sneezed; stopped to ask me how my Christmas break was, has written “happy birthday” on my Facebook wall, has said “good morning” to me as we walk past each other on campus, or has asked me where I got my “cute shirt” from.
> No smile, compliment, or favor will erase the fact that I know you do not actually want my family and me in this country. Being polite does not excuse your racism.

> I am done compromising myself. So thank you for being polite enough to do small favors for me, but I cannot make this clear enough: We are not friends. This is not enough.

Other urls found in this thread:

>What's her problem
She got brainwashed into thinking YT is out to get her.
>how to we solve it?
You ignore her

> Every once in a while, you pick Facebook fights with other students about how undocumented immigrants “should just become legal,” black men “should have listened to the police officer’s orders,” and about how “we cannot tell which refugees are terrorists.”

How are these bad again?

Anti "muh race mixin" faggots

Is open borders too much to ask? Your insecurity is showing, are you a bigot?

> Every once in a while, you pick Facebook fights with other students about how undocumented immigrants “should just become legal,” black men “should have listened to the police officer’s orders,” and about how “we cannot tell which refugees are terrorists.”

So she is saying that :

It's wrong to want immigrants to come in the country legally. That it's fair if people come illegally despite the fact that tons of people who apply for immigration legally are refused daily because the country has no room for them because of illegal immigration.

That not complying to police orders isn't a problem, not realizing that you ain't gonna be sent to prison for 10 years if you actually didn't do shit (it only happens for fake rape accusations almost) and thus not acting aggressively will have almost no negative repercussions if you aren't a criminal.

That either there is a magic way to know who is a terrorist and leftists aren't sharing it for some reason, or that it doesn't matter if we let in terrorists because we gotta help everybody. Not realizing that even a few bad ones could kill many. Yes 1 guy might just kill 5 and it doesn't outweigh the 100 lives saved. But it didn't take a huge crew for 9/11 to happen and thousands died in that event. How could you justify taking them then?


How to solve it? Deport her, let her realize how great it is to live in America compared to a country which has ACTUAL problems with sexism, inequality and all the shit she whines about that isn't an issue in her adoptive country.

>let her realize how great it is to live in America compared to a country which has ACTUAL problems with sexism, inequality and all the shit she whines about
The thing is, she knows, she supposedly studied those shitholes, she's even traveled there.

> Valeria Alvarado is currently a second year student at Villanova University. Originally from Monterrey, Mexico, Valeria's family moved to Houston, TX when she was four years old.
> In the past year, she has studied post-conflict restoration in Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia, Rwanda, and Uganda. Her experiences and education have led her to create "We, Too, Are America," an online platform where people within the undocumented, refugee, and immigrant community in the United States can share their stories of accomplishment.

She should get to recording those tapes.

>Experience and study real issues
>Complain about non-issues that barely even affect her

Now THAT'S what I call self-centered. Leftists are so sad, they pretend to care but they only care if it affects them. Never saw a single American leftist cry about the treatment of women in Saudi Arabia, or the fact that wife beating is accepted by women in Algeria.

Dear bitch,

Sorry I picked up your pencil. Next time let me know how hate filled you are and I will snap it in half and throw it in the trash.

>This is not enough.
Fucking entitled bitch. She's so close to realizing that people would be happier among their own but she can't see herself as having any problems because of the kike "You're beautiful and perfect and you don't have to change anything about yourself" bullshit, so she wants more from the nation that she's leeching off of, because they're the ones at fault for not being like her.

Nice mental gymnastics there you fucking racist..
She litteraly just wants racists to stop pretending to be polite. Racists are absolute scum and politeness doesnt make it okay. Fuck racists.

She's right though. She's an illegal mexican shitskin piece of garbage and I do want her removed from the country.

>being nice and having manners is racist


>being a white knight

MGTOW bros mgtow

We should support more people like her coming out the oppression closet, they make fence-sitting practically impossible.

god shes got a stupid face

Well, I'd tell her to fuck off anyway so I'm not sure her being an entitled bitch really matters.

Cool. Ill be sure to stop being polite and tell this dumb bitch to go the fuck back to Mexico. Sounds good to me.

>So thank you for being polite enough to do small favors for me
Not calling ICE is a pretty big fucking favor if we're all going to be giant assholes to everyone we don't like for social score points.

we're being civil because that's who we really are. if you want to get btfo of the country just keep acting up.

The mentality that everyone in the world is out to get you is a sign of schizophrenia. Next they'll argue that schizophrenia isn't a mental illness.

>Common courtesy is now hypocrisy
If I don't know you're illegal, I have no reason to tell you to fuck off back to your country. But she sounds like a major cunt, so I wonder if anyone that actually told her to fuck off and die wasn't justified in its mannerism.

who is this semen demon?

>Americans are so nice to me while I'm violating their laws, advocating for their replacement, and calling them racist, but that's not good enough. They need to give up the right to keep their country as their own.

WTF Sup Forums why did you Nazis pick up this innocent womyn of color's pencils??? APOLOGIZE!

Good job dumbass, make sure to burn the bridges you have with the majority. Considering how many of her people live off the compassion of said majority. Nope, we're not friends and it's getting to the point where everyone knows it. Not good for the minority in that situation.

>tfw I'm pretty sure I know her
>tfw I'm pretty sure I know the guy she is talking about

I'll pray for you :-)

They're not. The left is just incapable of understanding anything that isn't radical leftist ideologue. At least with conservatives they get the idea that some people think universal healthcare is needed, or lower college tuition. They understand these perspectives. They may not agree with them but they can see where someone arrives at such a conclusion.

With the left it's basically like Islam and the Quran. Don't challenge our viewpoints or you're committing blasphemy. The left is so good at this they're even alienating centrists who were leaning on their side in the first place.

>the guy
talk about a case of NAMALT

also, stop playing coy and dump this mulatto's n00ds

> Meet Yahaira, this Undergrad Student is Undocumented & Unafraid!
> Yahaira is currently a third-year undergraduate student pursuing a degree in social work at The University of Texas at Austin.
> Her freshman year, she got involved with University Leadership Initiative, an organization that advocates with and provides resources to the undocumented immigrant community.

Leftist continually show any concession you make is just an invitation to step on you further. They will never be pleased. The shit they say about their "allies" in SJW circles is worse than the people they scream racist and nazi to.

Don't give them a fucking inch, they'll want your head and your testicles.

Women privilege

I'd rather be racist than a shitskin

Has she been reported to ICE yet? If not, I'm about to.

lol, I haven't met her personally but I know mutual friends of her who shared her article when it was first posted.

I have a friend who is in classes similar to the ones she is in and the same year who debates with the professor and essentially could have done everything she attributed to. I actually linked him the article and said, "another one of your fans aye?"

I don't understand this - wouldn't this be grounds for arrest and immediate deportation?

do it anyway

>what's her problem
permanent friendzone

>how do we solve it
ignore her even harder

Ugh, its almost as if you expect the country to have laws that people obey. Textbook fascism.

She totally wants the BWC, doesn't she?

>What's her problem and how to we solve it?
Easy. Deport the fucking ungrateful cunt and/or her lawbreaking family.

You're gonna gets yours one day you liberal pig. One day, things will fall apart, it will be a free-for-all, and you're gonna fucking get what's coming to you.


Shame on you OP

sooo whats stopping someone from calling ICE up and dropping an anonymous tip that this bitch is here illegally? we know her name and where she goes to school, that should be enough to find the rest of her info right?

LAck of resources

it takes the entire system just to deport illegals who commit OTHER crimes, they dont have the time or money to scour the internet for these random women who havent done anthing.

>racist people act nice
>liberals head explodes like a cartoon robot encountering a paradox

I couldn't imagine a hate fuck would be all that hard

they hurt people's FEELINGS

I once had a butch chick rage at me for holding the door open for her. She stopped before entering and said something along the line of "what you think im too.." cut her off and said "deal with it" while several other men and women walked in and thanked me. She waited outside until they all went in and i went in talking with them.

I really dont give a fuck if you dont like me being polite.

She's broken the law. I would start a crowdfunding campaign to pay licensed bounty hunters to bring them in.

>an online platform where people within the undocumented, refugee, and immigrant community in the United States can share their stories of accomplishment.

I seriously hope someone hacks this fucking thing and gets the information of every single illegal that posted their stories.

I hope it's actually datamining set up by ICE to create a shortlist of the dumbest spics in need of deportation.

They should just sub contract the rounding up to private companies. I'd start my own, we'd wear jumpsuits with backpacks that shoot nets and call ourselves SpicBusters. We'd have a big old paddy wagon with no windows or vents that we'd throw them into, paint it bright green and call it the BEAN MACHINE.

Its called "civility". The fact that you can't comprehend it is why you have to go back. Your family too.

>Hold door open for everybody.
>See woman with hands full.
>Hold door open.
>Let it go, door has a wonderful spring in it.
>It smacks her right in the face and knocks her down.
>Starts screaming "Call the police, im like a pretzel in a pretzel shop, I's done been asalted."

Just explained to the police she was rude and had no intention of staying around because she seemed hostile, nothing could be done.

Leftists' cries from the heart so full of cringe. She's going to look back on this and be ashamed that she shared it with the world. This is a time of life when you FEEL so much but KNOW so little. It's so sad to see her go public like this.

this post best post

Why would you even wait around for the police? You didn't do anything wrong or assault anyone.

Stop empowering them with this shit.

I have never seen a more disgustingly racist, fascist, sexist, ignorant, privileged question in my life.


>Security Camera's everwhere.
>Get a good morning knock at my door and arrested for rape, assault, grand theft auto and anything else a lying whore could come up with.
Why not clear my name there?

>She's going to look back on this and be ashamed that she shared it with the world
No.She's going to get a cushy job in a Soros funded NGO or some pozed government agency just because of that article.

And yet she never said shit to their faces...
but puts out a whine piece online for attention

really makes me think

The fuck is that captcha image in the middle row, far-left?


>Fuck you for being polite
>Why don't you want me in your country?

if she gets this upset over it keep doing it


You can change your flag, but I know you're still just a fucking leaf


>knows she's not wanted in the country

>I grew up, and I have realized that I spent years doing too much mental work to defend people who will not defend me

If only the west could do the same. She would have never been here to write this shit

becayse Facebook is for normie trash

Ok...please leave the country before someone stabs you in the eye socket with said pencil. Bless you and safe travels.

What's she's saying is
>I want racists to be visibly rude in public so we can all tell who they are and lynch them

>Honda Ridgeline
The ultimate fagmobile lmao
>miller lite and other terrible brews
Just KYS if you think this is in anyway fucking rad.

>this is why they have to go back...they will never fit into a white society.

that's a labia

>Valeria's family moved to Houston, TX

>"""""moved to Houston""""""

c 0 0 c h


I'll tale shit that never happened for $5. Besides, why the fuck didn't she just tell the guy to piss off rather than write a whole passive agressive blog post about it? I really hope she gets deported then murdered by cartel members. Her and her stupid spic family.


> noodz that don't exist
She's lying, every woman has them

She needs to be oppressed by white dick.

She just needs some dick.

she had another post talking about how terrible America is. someone else that is not as lazy as me should go ahead and send her info along to ICE so she can be in a great country like mexico

>how terrible America is

Yeah, all those racists saying "Hello" and picking up the pencil that you dropped....

Well I must say, I do not care for that at all.

America is terrible no matter what. In fact, everywhere is terrible. There - I just redpilled you.

She sounds like a miserable cunt, some user should give her the d

Goddamn this irony is impressive

I'm a little lost of here. Would she have been happier if the guy kicked the pencil down the hall and told her to fuck off? I mean what the fuck is this person's problem?

She's a spoiled college student.

Does she think she gets charged more as a black in America?

>that last paragraph
This bitch is the greatest troll I've ever seen


I think she's got the poucci-itch for this chad and is just trying to seek his attention in the only way she can..