/FTG/ - Female Traditionalism General: Praying for a Coattail BF Edition

What /FTG/ is:
>A daily thread where like-minded individuals can talk about how to improve Western female culture
>A place where women can discuss our unique roles in society and the responsibilities that come with it
>Self-improvement tips both physical and mental
>Lite religious discussion
>Evidence that Sup Forums isn't just a sausage-fest

What /FTG/ is NOT:
>Right-winged Tumblr
>Secretly feminist
>A girls-only club
>Tranny LARPers
>A safe-space
>An e-celeb thread
>Somewhere to get attention for being a woman





>Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Urban life is one of the most depressing things about modern times

>tfw female Christian white virgin in SoCal
It's like guys don't want a wife around here anymore ;;

How do I find one of you ladies irl and how do I attract your interest?

Thank you to the user that gave me advice on connecting with my community. I'll look into volunteer work once I get my class and work schedule sorted.


Any other europeans still up? Also what do you all think about paganism; meme or actual religion?

You need a wallet the size of Texas.

Being abstinent is like being a unicorn here lol


Not being a nu-male cucklord like 90% of millennial men

Start by getting off Sup Forums.

I'm not female btw. It's just what I suspect.

I hope you can get married soon :) because I know it is more difficult these days

tits or gtfo

>Tranny LARPers
Damn. So. Hypothetically speaking, if someone was a tranner, would the best option be to marry a masculine woman and having kids with her, or avoid making babies altogether and kms?

What is appropriate dress for women?


Thank you! My friends give me shit for wanting to be a stay at home mom but m parents just raised me old fashioned and they're going on 38 years married~

Go to church, be charming (but honest; none of that player stuff) and respectful. Looks do help, but character is equally as important, if not slightly more so.

Transgenderism is a disease. You should fix yourself instead first before marriage

are there any non-ugly girls on Sup Forums? I highly doubt it.

Does it even count as virginity when you couldn't convince the class retard to have sex with you?

The fuck are you saying? He needs to go to the gym it's what I do man, and it is the best way for women to find you attractive, second to being tall

I hear the going to Church advice a lot. By this do you mean hanging around after the service and striking up conversations?

european diaspora reporting in

I'm conflicted on the topic of paganism
Personally I'm Catholic, but I can understand why so many people are fleeing Christianity in favour of European Pagan beliefs online.
Although for most Europeans, their ancestors have been Chirstians for up to ~2000 years, so it strikes me as odd when online pagans say they wish to "honour their ancestors" by practicing pagan belief.
desu Paganism isn't compatible with the modern day. In many pagan belief structures, there's a massive emphasis on war and agrarianism. But how many people do you know are soldiers and farmers?
Paganism is simply set in a culture that we don't know, nor have we known it for a very long time.

So how are you planning to convince your friends you are not literally Eva Braun?

"Omnia vincit Amor; et nos cedamus Amori.--Love conquers all; let us, too, yield to Love!"

Well I wish you best of luck and God bless. I'll say though, CA's not the greatest place to find a white spouse. Less than 40% non-His white and such. It's so depressing to see what my sister's doing. She's nearly 30 by now, living out in LA. She's been jumping between boyfriends since high school, never married, childless. She's one of the basic tier liberals you always see, but I know she's probably going to mix and I wouldn't be surprised if she never has a kid. My family is full of race mixers and it saddens me to see it. My advice to you is get out of SoCal. This place will kill your lineage.

Are you saying you find traditional women at the gym, or that I need to get buff in order to attract traditional women?

Can't wait for your gay little thread to get deleted again.

I know, but I've always wanted to be a wife and a mom. I can't not hate being a dude, and it's not like I can just go to the eastern front and take the easy way out.

The woman in question is a mostly les, outdoorsy, breadwinner type. Pure nordic too, unfortunately. Our times are running out.

posting what i saved from the old "alt-fem" threads from back wwhen.


Yeah you're right, a lot of the white guys are taken or married already too. I have natural medium blonde hair and fair skin with some freckles on my cheeks so I want to have blonde kids. Guess I should travel soon, what are the best states to find a chivralous white Christian man?


No Just be fit if you ever expect a women to notice you, doesn't need to be extreme.

When she sticks her tongue out like that does it not count as degeneracy?

>tfw white blond atheist with morals
You'll find someone

Dude man up. Part of being a guy is putting up with the shit that comes along with it. Women have to bleed, wear bras, and endure childbirth.

There's a reason why nobody respects you.

I'm not saying looks aren't important; they are, especially when first meeting. But if a man is physically attractive and ugly on the inside, he's not worth pursuing.
That could work, especially if you visit a smaller church and everyone knows you're not a regular. I attend a large church that has small groups (examples include young adults, singles 35+, college students, newlyweds, etc.), so if you go to a church with a large congregation, chances are there will be small groups or classes you can join. Or if your church has outreach events, participate in those. Not only will you help your community, but you'll meet new friends and potential spouses.

Ive been going to the gym for 2 years and the only chicks that go there are with their boyfriends and wear short shorts while doing dumbbell rows/extensions while bent over the bench. and they do squats too of course.

i guess there are single chicks on the treadmills but they always have ear buds in so GL striking up a convo without making it forced and awkward

I'm of the same mind on this pretty much. Though I'm agnostic, because I never could bring myself to just believe in anything supernatural. Christianity, practised in a way so as not to kiss economic migrant feet may just be the glue an emerging traditionalist movement needs I suppose.

I always figured the pissing on the family life building was the degenerate part but that could count too i guess

Not a woman but I highly respect what you all are doing and I hope these threads continue. God bless you peeps.

Archive of the last thread: archive.is/EZjg8



Are women grateful for all the sacrifices men have made for them on the battlefield?


I'm the same; used to be atheist, now I've progressed on to agnostic. I don't think I'll ever be able to force myself into believing in a higher power deity. Though I've come to realise that a lot of what is taught in religious stories is mainly allegorical to human life. Being able to seperate that from the supernatural stuff has really opened my eyes to how religion helps people. If Christianity grew a backbone in such a way as to repel invaders and ultimately help/save Europeans, I'd fully embrace and practice it.

Most probably are, just that most men don't deserve praise for that because only a few are in the military


desu I believe the current state of the church is something temporary
Either the catholic church will split in two by 2050, or the church as a united front will become more traditionalist, they will likely undo some measures imposed in the second Vatican council.
love this photo
hey wolfshiem
May God bless you on this beautiful day

Don't live near the US-Mexico border for one
My family used to live in Ohio for a good long while, but I don't know the situation there but I hear the Great Lakes region could be good. Other favorites of mine are New England, Oklahoma, or the Pacific Northwest (Seattle can fuck off)
If I were you though I'd be looking into the states myself for exactly what I'd want. I'm not you so I can't tell you the perfect state for everything you want that you didn't mention, but I suppose those might be good places to start. Do know I'm not speaking from experience, though.

I have another question for the traditional women here. Are you pro-life? Why or why not?

I guess. Maybe in the next life then.

I always thank veterans I meet, my grandpa was a marine and he can't be around fireworks because he freezes up and has flashbacks.


What do you guys think about a gay relationship with similar traditional themes? My bf and I are pretty much that, he is very much more like a traditional woman while I am the one making the money.
I assume that most people would assume there is degeneracy afoot, but I unserstand since most gays are horrible.
Also pretty sure we would never have kids.
Pic unrelated

Why should any American be pro-life, given the demographic and dysgenic trade-off?


you know in some of these European wars, something like 60,000 young men were dying every single day.
Many of these wars, as much as 50% of the young male population was annihilated





Thread slide no. 9
This is massive drama shill thread to cover up pizzagate/mkultra.Scalise was shot because of that.

I take care of my disabled parents so currently we can't move ATM until the healthcare system gets fixed from Obama's mess. So that's why we're still in Orange County, otherwise my dad wants to go to Idaho haha. But thanks for the advice! I've been wanting to go check out OK

I like these.

glad, saved a bunch, but kinda don't want to prematurely bumplock the thread. might make a gallery for them, maybe?


The amount of larping in this threads


Left is my ideal life t b h


Absolutely has to be ironic shilling.

Actually, it's hard to differentiate these days.

Bro, I'm saying that most of the people alive like myself and probably itself don't deserve praise because we didn't do that. The honerable ones are few and many dead

How strong is your dysphoria?

>Hurr, muh vagina
Get fucked you attention seeking whore.

I don't get your issues. Believing in God is the easy part. The issue is believing any specific religion because, without relying on revelation and other not entirely solid side facts, the only thing you can say is that whatever a religion claims that happened could have actually happened.



this is the third thread today
We just keep making new ones while saving the old ones in archives

However I do suggest putting them all in a gallery archive and then post the link so OP can put it in the OP for future threads

And I'm just going to drop in now instead of replying to literally everything in the thread. How's everyone doing tonight?


It seems that there's no sisterhood between women still competing and looking for a man. There's tons of anecdotal stories and articles (see that one about the woman who started a female only company and decided she'd only hire men from now on) about women who are still competing for men tearing eachother down for the sliver of an opportunity. And more so among women who are different than others.

These are so depressing Dx they're cute but make me feel incomplete

Yea I'll probably do that

>I'm not some butthurt feminist
>I'm confident and attractive!
>but this series makes me feel depressed and unhappy anyway :(

You can tell which ones are the degenerates by how they react to someone embracing their traditional female roles. Bitch could learn how to make a cake or paint to expand her talents but instead of improving herself she seeks to tear these woman down instead. This happens a lot in 'modern feminism' where any sign of traditional behavior is representative of that repressive patriarchy, so you are contributing to their problem with society (which is a growing sense of worthlessness in comparison to someone else).

I'm on the verge of giving up on relationships and having a family, being a cold introverted autist who has difficulty expressing emotions but is also a hopeless romantic sucks. I went through a severe depression at a crucial time which basically turned my world a dull grey, and that stunted my growth as a person. For some mysterious reason I've had a lot of women hit on me throughout the years, but I've only ever been with one. It lasted a long time... the breakup wasn't pretty. I know it's fucked of me to say it but I think I've had enough, I'll just focus on myself from now on. I have no real passions and hobbies and that's a huge turn off for women... all I've ever wanted was to relax and enjoy the little things in life calmly.

I hope you ladies succeed and have lots of children though, then the world won't be as fucked.

Imagine you see a random guy on the street and he yells "Hail Jupiter!", what would your reaction be?

>That slow waking up

Hey buddy

Traditional woman thread

>What recipies has your mom or grandma taught you recently?
>What clothes have you been stiching or mending?
>How is your herb garden / flower bed coming along?
>What the best time to get started on dinner so your husband doesnt beat you for bringing it out late?
>What are the topics of interest in your local bridge club?
>Whats the best way to get semen stains out of bed sheets?

Very strong. Even on pills I look like a twinky Chad though. I'd never pass, even with tens of thousands in surgeries. But, you know, we're being targeted for genocide now and all, so my perspective has changed. It doesn't make it go away though.

Can't advise against Idaho myself, but I've got a question for you now if you don't mind. There's so many Mexicans around here and I'm probably gonna be stuck in California for a while myself, so it'd be much appreciated if you could tell a guy where he could meet quality qts in this cesspool of a state. I'm San Bern County myself and Rancho Cucamonga is only a stone's throw from where I am.

The woman at my workplace hate each other. All they do is showing off their stuff and status so they can feel superior.

I feel it too mate, seeing how my youth could of been different and how I can see how I need to change things for my own children. Feels crushing sometimes

>What are the hot new appliances this season?

Pink leotards are appropriate dress for women.

>looking over the last thread and see someone posted one of the memes i made with this image
fuck me I can't find them now but I'll keep looking

Rancho is near good and bad zones in SB county. Are you an Upland, Ontario, Riverside, or Fontana person?

Or god forbid, ACTUAL San Bernadino.

That woman with the histogram is exceptionally talented too.


Alien Covenant stuff recently.

It's my theory that women secretly hate working even more than we do, and everything they say about it is a rationalization of the behavior wagecucking, modernity and consumerism permit them.

Take a moment to wish the tripfag Highway Patrolman success in his mission. Godspeed.
