The Holocaust happened

The Holocaust happened.

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It did. Over 100,000 people died.

Way more died. Post proof that only 100,000 died. Oh wait, never mind it was millions

and those are Jewish people?
Look like Polocks to me.

Oh. This thread again. Demanding proof while providing none and saying you are correct is kikery 101.

He said people not jews. Learn to read.

Don't be stupid.

It did, but no one here wants to submit to reality do they?

Showing people starving during wartime proves nothing you kike faggot. Blame the allies who bombed railroads carrying food for Germans as well as prisoners of war.

You show me proof and I might believe you.

Are you retarded?

You are the one who is blind. How have you not been red pilled yet?

Thank God

Umm, no?
The burden of proof is on you sir, seeing as you disbelieve the widely accepted narrative?
I bet you can't prove your 'theory' without memes.

Because I haven't seen anything concrete to change my opinion. To be honest, I never really thought twice about the holocaust until I saw its a shit storm topic on here.
Bro, educate me. I'm open to it. Give me the pill. No memes.

Apparently didn't do enough, they're still around doing the same shit as ever.

>6 million
>Germans failing to exterminate the jews

The testimony of survivors, perpetrators, and the the physical existence of mass ovens at camps like dachau. The existence of camps that held tens of thousand but only had adequate plumbing for hundreds. The transportation records that show millions sent to those camps. The war crime trials should be enough, user.


why are there only like 3 kikes in that pic

u sure this isnt a holomodor pic?
where they actually starved to death instead of the supposed gassing

Why would they be posing and smiling if it were real?

oh man.... just recalled.......didnt the same people who came up with all the so called holocaust evidence via torturing nazis actually perpetrate the


Since when could we select our nationalities?

I wish it did

WTF..... i just found this thing where the LITERAL KIKES who perpetrated the holomodor and also THE LITERAL KIKES WHO ACTUALLY DEFINITELY did mass executions actually blamed it on germany at the nuremburg trial!!
what the fuck !!!!! this is so confusing!

It did....

....and that's a good thing.

having watched over a dozen david irving/david cole youtube vids, I can say conclusively that it did happen but the figures are exaggerated substantially/no gas chambers @ auschwitz and the like
blowing it out of proportion was probably a group survival tactic and isn't necessarily evidence that jews are conspiring to take over the world . Some dirty jews might be, but just like some dirty anglos like you and dirty germans and americans might be etc etc. still pretty firmly believe that jews are more successful generally nowadays because of the higher IQ thing.

I don't believe it. The camps were under resourced because the Allies specifically targeted the resources.

And it was glorious.

Here is independent proof from the Red Cross stating 170,000 died no gas was used

Do you have any proof it did happen besides hearsay?

The problem with holocaust education is that there is an absurd overfocus on jewish victims. Yes, jews suffered immensely, but the crimes against Russians, Ukrainians, poles and Yugoslavians were just as terrible.

Germany literally planned to starve basically the entire population of Moscow and Leningrad to death rather than capture those cities. Can you even imagine?


Is there any proof?

hey son have u got a source for this information about hitler planning on starving moscow?

Starving your opponent out of a city is a basic siege warfare tactic going back centuries.

Why jewish casualties in European theatre should matter at all? They are like Middle Eastern immigrants, who cares

what if the russians just killed all these people and then blamed the germans for it

The Bykivnia graves (Ukrainian: Бикiвнянcькi мoгили) is a National Historic Memorial on the site of the former village of Bykivnia (Ukrainian: Бикiвня, Russian: Быкoвня, Polish: Bykownia) on the outskirts of Kiev. During the Stalinist period in the Soviet Union, it was one of the unmarked mass grave sites where the NKVD, the Soviet secret police, disposed of thousands of executed "enemies of the Soviet state".

The number of dead bodies buried there is estimated between "dozens of thousand,"[2] to 30,000,[3] to 100,000[4] and up to 120,000,[5] though some estimates place the number as high as 200,000[6][7] or even 225,000.[5]

Look up any history book.

everyone responding to this thread is a fucking idiot





>The holocaust happened.
>Around 5 million Jews died.
>The vast majority died through Einsatzgruppen.
>Gas was used to kill Hungarian jews



>starve the entire population
That's what the Allies did to Germany.




fuck h*tler and fuck drumpf

My god that flag


Again who gives a fuck about some Middle Eastern immigrant casualties? They are not Europe's natives. It's not a genocid

Yeah the holocaust happened just like the Earth is flat.

Conspiracytards get off my fucking board, the holocaust is fake as fuck.



>middle eastern
>he doesn't know about how most Jews in the world are descended from Euro converts

Poor little Germany.

I think it's pretty clear that fucked up shit happened to Jews, perpetrated by nazis, BUT, there is also clearly a very strange (or not so strange, perhaps) coordinated resistance to any sort of questioning about the details of the official 6 gorillion gas chambers story.

The official story is pretty mind boggling and the coordinated attempts to shut down any questioning should tell you that ((they)) are hiding something. My thought would be that they are trying to hide the atrocities of Jewish communists in some way, though I'm not sure exactly how the lie achieves that.

That said I still think it would be wrong to say the holocaust did not happen, lots of innocent Jews who weren't evil bankers or communist agitators were wrongly kicked from their homes and honest businesses to die from disease and starvation in camps.

Are they pure European, even if that fake theory is real? No. They are immigrant descendant population

And that's ignoring maintainence.


It really didn't tho

Pure? I wouldn't call Khazars PURE anything but their genes aren't Semitic.
In the last few centuries they have however intermarried more and more with Semitic and Mediterranean Jews.

I wish I could believe you because then I could believe it would happen again in my lifetime and we would finish the job
On a more personal note I am available to round up and kill jews, commies, race mixers, and other enemies of my folk

What like this fine book?

Immigrants from the Middle East any way you figure. So who cares. No genocide can be done to them in Europe. They are not natives

The numbers may be disputable, as the history behind some of horrors, but its not dificult to imagine a genocide happening in that era. The soviets had years early than the nazis concentration camps, labour camps, reeducation camps and did a lot of extermination around (only by famine 6 million ukranians, on the whole as high as 20 million people during stalin rule). The jews nowadays use it as a political card in their sleeves, but it dosent mean that it didnt happened, only means that the jews like the commies and so forth use it for political purposes without any second thought.

It's called a siege. You cut off their supplies and starve them out until they capitulate. They "literally planned" it because that's how fucking sieges work.

And Jewish Communists starved ~7 million Ukrainian peasants to death from 1932-33

Seeing how the Sowjets covered up Katyn and blamed it on the Germans, it makes me question massacres supposedly done by the Nazis in places like Vinnitsya or Babi Yar

>The Holocaust happened.
in the cinema

>In my mind it was real

Funny you mention them.
Waited 16 days after Germany invaded to roll in so Britain and France would declare war on Germany despite agreeing to go at the same time.
Massacred native Poles and Germans and pretended they dindu nuffin (later blamed it on the Germans during the war crimes trials which are one of the highest cited sets of documents for muh holocaust)
Built up an invasion force on the German border and cried when the Germans preemptively broke it
Later cried about "muh clay" and became bitter enemies of the western nations where they tried to break down their rivals via espionage

Nice people. Totally not liars.

Post proof that it was millions.

It did not happen.
Prove me wrong.


It gives people a good reason to drop redpills on the JQ for any newfags or shills to look at


Holodomor was worse.

Way worse....

Himmler and Reinhardt whacked about 300,000 people in the Red House and White House outside the camp. Slavs, Gypsies, maybe a few gays, and some Jooze. Hitler did not know nor sanction it. He intervened on the Jews behalf many times. Hitler was instrumental in the establishment of Israel.

The kikes have made an industry of the Holohoax.

Who invented the gas van? A jew.

Who were gassing people in Poland? Jews gassing germans.

Who did a coup in both germany and russia to gain power? Jews.
(Germany coup failed, russian coup killed royal family but Stalin manoeuvred for control)

Who started world war 2? Jews.

Who got US into world war 2? Jews.

Who was supposedly the big victim of the 20th century? The twenty million dead in Russia, as a result of jewish ideals? The hundred million dead in China, as a result of jewish ideals?
Or the supposed 6 out if 11 million dead in Germany, where every fact is so circumspect it requires defense by law to keep a superficial veneer officiality.

nice source

Quick Goyim, post all of your nonsensical info graphics trying to disprove the greatest tragedy of all time.

I wonder (((why))) no one has made a movie about the Holodomor

How do you know it happened?

>The Germans killed 6 million Jews goy, take my word for it!

Holocaust hot right now.

how do i get legs like this

The equivalent today is when some SJW cuck get punched for assaulting someone and cries victim, try again cuck.

>Greatest tragedy of all time

Not even in the most exaggerated accounts does it come close to what white female slaves in the arab slave trade endured, or the chinese under Mao (burying people alive to save bullets), or the russians under communism (so much famine they had to make propaganda reminding people that eating their children is wrong).

These dwarf holocaust stories in numbers. Yet can you name me one movie or documentary highlighting this? No? Hmm strange!

>The Holocaust happened.
Yes of course, and anyone who thinks otherwise is retarded.

>keeping your phylactery on your person
>this lich is dumb af

Dachau isn't a death camp. Why would it have mass ovens?

Show me millions of dead bodies with names and dates or gtfo.

>*pebble falls and echoes in distance*

>It all rests on one tortured man's confession.

Wow so believable

>The Holocaust happened.
"(((The))) Holocaust" did not happen.

A (i.e., ANOTHER) holocaust did happen.

As it did with 8 million Ukrainians.

As it did with 20 million Russians.

As it did with 22 million Chinese.

As it did with 5~6 million Germans.

As it did with 150,000 to 1.5 million Armenians.

As it did with 1~2 million Chinese in Indonesia.

As it did with 1.5~5 million Vietnamese in Vietnam.

As it did with ~1 million Iraqis in the Iraq War.

...and so and so forth, ad infinitum.

no, allies bombed supply lines and pows starved