I got into a conversation with my older brother today about sandy hook, and he said I was a kook for believing that it was staged.
help me out here bros.
Red pill me on sandy hook
Just redpill him on something else, you have to put chinks in their psychological armor.
the police found victims In the kitchen closets or storerooms. 18 kids and a teacher. No one ever talks about it.
It is not clear if they are dead or alive.
if youre going to make these kind of claims at least have something to back it up. For fucks sake, dont hear sandy hooks was a staged event then have nothing to back it up then ask us to back you up after youve already made an asshole out of yourself to your family.
Oh look another retard making a sandy hook thread!
It happened you sick fuck. One of my friends lives near there and knows some of the victims' families. Fuck off.
Sandy Hook here. It was definitely staged, trust me.
He's right. You are a kook. Here. Educate yourself.
A question with an answer, both ending in 88. What did KEK mean by this?
Conflict between different Globalist Groups/Cults.
my sister died at sandy hook u fucking faggot
Every thread.
My grandma was killed in sandy hook you fucking faggot
bunch of kids got shot, was really sad.
I live in connecticut and i can remember the anchormen almost breaking down as they read the long list of victims and their age
however now the families use their dead kids to get money and stand on their graves in order to preach to everyone else about guns.
My dog was killed at Sandy hook u fucking faggot
A mentally unstable whack a loon shot up a school full of kids.
Deal with it.
Good goy yes
My Uncle's Sister was killed at Sandy Hook you fucking faggot
enuf said
You are not a kook, you are a fucking retard.
fake, i bet.
6 gorillion died in da Sandycaust
Oh lookie. Another faggot cia agent pushing the false flag event again. Go fucking drown yourself
OP stop being lazy. Go to YouTube and search for "Sandy hook". You'll get a 1000 videos listing the oddities of that event.
clean your room frank
Why is this type of thread such a "common theme" on Sup Forums???
Is it some sort of psy-op??? I can't personally think of any other reason.
I know generally... there are a fuck-ton of STUPID-ASS people out and about... but THIS IS A VERY SPECIFIC THING THAT HAPPENS EVERY DAY!
>Hey Sup Forums... today I got into an argument with my (brother/co-worker/GF/friend/etc etc) about (insert common Sup Forums topic here) but I DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS POINT WHICH I GOT INTO AN ARGUMENT ABOUT.... tell me what to think about (insert whatever shit OP decided to argue about with an alleged associate without any foreknowledge thereof here)
This shit CAN'T BE REAL! It happens several times a day every day for... at least the past 2 years.
Is thi some sort of opposition data-mining to find out what our stances and arguments are and so (((they))) can devise counter-arguments or what?!?!
OP is an eternal faggot but I REALLY DOUBT that this specific style of OP is just innocent faggotry. This shit REEKS of oppo data-mining.
-School was closed for 2 years due to mold you can see it in "leaked pics"
-School website traffic dropped to 0 for the same time period until the fake attack
-Adam Lanza and Mom were killed and his body was set in the school with some of her guns. That is why only one adult size body was pictured coming out
-Police raided the wrong house looking for Lanza evidence
-One "Grieving father" David Wheeler also acted like a dopey SWAT guy walking around carrying an AR sniper by the magazine and avoding the TV cameras.
-The laughing/crying father
-if any kids did "die" or vanish they were cheese pizza for the elites.
>fuggin Talmudic Babylonian warlocks with their child sacrifices and post-sacrificial corpse orgies
someone's gotta gas these kikes! (for real this time!)
If you think it was staged youre a sick fuck op
>-if any kids did "die" or vanish they were cheese pizza for the elites.
Good on ya OP. Things are not what they seem.
so much stuff falls though the cracks.