Washington DC Free Speech Rally - June 25

On Sunday, June 25 at 12 PM, there will be a free speech rally at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC.

If you are anywhere near DC or its environs, join your fellow Sup Forumsacks in attending this event and help make it the best it can be. This is your opportunity to get your message out.


Other urls found in this thread:


Get out there faggots

The image for the event

>white font on high gamma image



get ready to get your teeth kicked in, stupid nazi fucks!

Does this mean a free Internet with full net neutrality? If so, we have to overthrow Trump now.

just kidding

Make sure to paint the streets of DC red with the blood of antifa cucks, boys!

>pointless rally
>facebook page
>kek symbol
>proud boy

This is pure faggotry

what exactly you do on this free speech rally
go out and scream?

Haha remember you all cried about Obama giving away the internet
Trumpets are the worst

It's to provoke the left into counter protesting and free advertisements for ecelebs. It's a /ptg/ meetup.

Your flag is pure faggotry

Just because it's marketed one way doesn't mean Sup Forums can't crash it.

Who is organizing it?

>Sup Forums can't crash it
Why would any Sup Forumsack want to associate with this cringey reddit tier narcissistic civic nat normie gathering who think they're oppressed because of their political views and think Trump is some sort of saviour of (((Western civilisation)))?

The feds


What do you imagine as the non-cringey political gathering that a Sup Forumsack would attend if this one is too milquetoast for a badass like you?

Check the Facebook page.

I won't enter jewbook on principle

literally none, that's the point

So you're saying that guy I'm talking to is a shill? Trying to stop right-wing people from mobilizing IRL?

For starters it would be political
This cringe fest has no purpose

What is right wing about it ?

Next you'll be supporting a gays against hate march

How about the fact that universities for example are leftist indoctrination centers and free speech is actively suppressed there? Right-wing figures can barely go there without risking assault. That's what makes it right-wing, because the left hates free speech right now.

In my mind, I show up, beat up some antifa, meet some new bros and party with, hook up with a qt alt right chick

but whats probably gonna happen is I go there and stand around by myself and LARP in my head until I get too uncomfortable and leave.

Kek. Well, the 1st option will certainly not happen if you don't even try. So I say go.

>risking assault
No, that doesn't happen
>leftist indoctrination centers
So ?
>free speech is actively surpressed
So ?
>That's what makes it right-wing
I can't find the correlation between what happens in universities and trump supporters holding a rally
>the left hates free speech
No they don't and a minority of creeps don't represent the left but you probably think the whole 700 genders thing is pursued by the entire left too.

Why are we talking about universities ?

>No, that doesn't happen
>So ?
"Free speech" includes "free speech in universities".
>I can't find the correlation between what happens in universities and trump supporters holding a rally
You dense fuck, anyone who supports free speech is welcome to the rally. There were plenty of non-Trump supporters at Berkely. It just happens that most of that crowd happens to be Trump supporters.
>No they don't and a minority of creeps don't represent the left but you probably think the whole 700 genders thing is pursued by the entire left too.
They literally invent new words like "deplatforming" to disguise their utterly censorious behavior. You don't sound like you follow politics at all.
>Why are we talking about universities ?
They are supposed to be the fucking hub of intellectual thought in society and they teach the new generations what to think. Free speech is more important in universities than anywhere else.

Here's the archive

The right hates free speech too
Remember when Colbert made fun of Trump ?
Ever since he got elected there has been multiple campaigns by trump supporters to ruin someone who expressed their right to speak freely.

Case in point

That's people using Alinsky tactics against the left. I think it's morally reprehensible, but perhaps necessary.

>No that doesn't happen
>Denying facts
Pic related.

Okay, at this point it's clear you're a far leftist only here to shill rather than debate, but I'll bite. Univerisities being far-left indoctrination centers are bad because that's closed-minded by definition, and they only consider a narrow set of viewpoints which are often wrong.

>I can't find the correlation...
Because physical assaults have taken place at Trump rallies as well.

>No they don't
You literally don't give a shit if free speech is suppressed - "So ?"

>700 genders thing
Judging by your flag I wouldn't be surprised if you supported this too.

>Getting widely criticized is the same as being physically assaulted or banned from saying something

Nice try kiddo

The speaker was attacked ?

These rallies aren't held in univesities

You dense fuck, i know that but they're organised and attended by a large majority of Trump supporters, that minority are always those old fart gun larpers and journalists

Of course i do, i'm on Sup Forums XD

Yeah but what has trump supporters holding a free speech rally got to do with universities ?

>If i become an sjw, i win.

>rather than debate
Isn't that what i'm doing ? Idiot.
I asked how this free speech rally is right wing and he start talking about universities so that's why i replied with "so"

Nah faggot, they're trying to ruin her
Free speech is the abbility to speak freely without consequences.

>The speaker was attacked ?
They harassed both, the professor who was with Murray had to go to the hospital
>These rallies aren't held in univesities
They don't need to be in a university to talk about free speech in universities numbnuts.
>Yeah but what has trump supporters holding a free speech rally got to do with universities ?
Kill yourself, we already went through this. It's obvious you're a butthurt leftist come here to beat the evil Sup Forums

Milo's a fag anyway and if his career didn't revolve around being a provacteur that wouldn't have happened, i'm not excusing the protesters and they should be locked up for criminal activity. He still didn't get assaulted.

I came into this specific thread to state

And your tiny brain assumed i was an outsider or a shill so i rolled with it.

>Free speech is the abbility to speak freely without consequences.

Okay, the rally is 100% justified then, since this kind of free speech is clearly under extreme threat in the United States. People across the political spectrum have faced all sorts of negative consequences just for speaking their mind. If you support free speech as you define it, then obviously free speech is under serious threat and we much demonstrate to protect it.

Just look how empty this thread is
Your kek memeing irl faggotry doesn't belong here

epic trole

Of course it is, the rally is in 10 days. I don't know why this guy is already making these threads.

I typically make them a couple days before, but then people complain that it's too soon and they've already made plans.

Well it's not hurting anything. I hope there's a big turnout for maximum happenings.