How Diverse were those nazi bigots? not a lot because you just have the select repititive pics lmao.
WE are the better side because we are a rainbow yo Sup Forums tards
National Socialist Diversity
nazis would let almost anyone fight for them, allies wouldn't. Allies were racist as fuck in ww2. After ww2 canada and uk turned the jews away and sent them to israel. Usa was the only country to let them in.
There was a lot of top level jews in the party as well. Not just soldiers.
It's because the Reich believed that everyone should follow their example of national pride, ethnic pride, and racial purity. Not just whites.
Rainbow Reich thread now!
Only 2 groups were banned.
Everyone else was fair game.
Imagine being a politician and saying this now. Funny enough, Putin actually endorses increasing the birth rates of ethnic Russians. Interestingly it makes sense why the Jewish-owned media is working hard to wage a hot war against them now.
When does socialism becomes socialism?
Im for certain gov tasks like, military, police, fire department. Some juristical entity. Some governance over state roads and such. Even for free healthcare and education and welfare for the disabled and old. And I belive that these are the minimum req of any goverment. And this should be sponserrd thru some taxes. Im against taxing the poor and taxing small companies as I belive in capitalism.
So question is, what is accualy socialism?
Remember to share these all over
>((((social media))))
When you get way to much government bureaucracy and unnecessary programs. Temporary programs like FDR had in place were fine, but they certaintly weren't meant to keep around
>If they co-opt this I'll eat my own pussyhat
Oh how I'd love to see her do that, lul
Could have been a decent thread OP, but you're just a shill fishing for (you)'s
>Extend what wouldve been a 2 year boom/bust/recover cycle for 8 years
>create worst financial crisis to date, create welfare state, bring identity politics to the US for decades to come
Please learn basic economics, then kill yourself because youre probable retarded anyway. In no way were FDRs programs "good". He literally gave the gibs mentality in America steroids and nearly sent us down the path of the Soviet Union with his experiments in price control and wealth redistribution.
If you need further explanation, look up the depression of 1921, or have your dad read "New Deal or Raw Deal" to you before you go to bed.
Not knowing intellectual negroes were Nazis
Too many Jewish school teachers
>Temporary programs like FDR had in place were fine
We're suffering to this very day from FDR's policies.
Hell the entire system of employer provided health insurance is entirely the fault of FDR's unconstitutional wage and price controls.
Not to mention that the meme that FDR helped anything in regards to the great depression being just that a meme.
America didn't recover from the great depression until after WWII.
Some relevant reading on that subject
At least someone here likes to read
General link to misean views on nationalism since most of the nationalist here confuse a nation for the State which flies in the face of pride and love for your nation. Hell the Nazis more efficiently killed the German nation than anyone else could have dreamed due to the reactionary position towards international governance in response to state worship in disguise of love for your nation
>position moving towards international governance*
Someone piass in your corn flakes? I wasn't saying that it was a completely good thing, just that some good came out of it despite how shitty it was.
Stop twisting my words, nigger
>We're suffering to this very day from FDR's policies.
I know, that's why I was saying it was fine for the time being but it shouldn't have been kept in place. The reason a lot of his shit is still around is because of faggots gibs me dats voters and the politicians appeasing them. SSI is bullshit, but CCC campss were a good thing that got young men to work. MY grandfather joined one of those before the war
Rosenfeldt would have been headed for the gaols if he couldn't get his war.
This might be the reason they added brown and black to their flag.
If we got them that mad, then mission accomplished
Hitler and national socialists sknply believed in their race and socialism, there was no doctrine against any peoples of the world, Hier was never called a raciat which is an 80s marxist ideosyncratic terminology.
>posting Mises
My man.
Hitler propagated nationalism the belief in the race and socialism the belief in the well being of living beings.
History was wriiten by the conquerors of the realm, Hitler and the national socialists valued living beings highly, someone who does not value living beings can never be nationalist or socialist.
You can not be a national socialist if you do not feel an unbearing anger at the suffering of others.
This. Nationalism means looking out for your people and understanding that healthy nations are far less likely to war war. Everyone should be a nationalist at heart.
Anyone who hates other living beings who are innocent can never be a socialist or nationalist.
ITT: Babies growing their chewing teeth