If Steve Scalise dies, then I don't know what that means for the state of the liberal agenda in America. You were right...

If Steve Scalise dies, then I don't know what that means for the state of the liberal agenda in America. You were right. Liberals are using violence and still blaming Trump. I'm sorry Sup Forums. You were right and I was wrong... And if you want to stand up for an innocent man being killed over issues that threaten our way of life, then I stand with you.

Please forgive me.

Other urls found in this thread:


We'll forgive you, if you use your geographic location.

This is what we've been talking about for months, what we elected Trump in part to deal with.

Your ideology has been hijacked by intel agencies and career criminals and they are now starting to kill people in your name.

Just because some dumb fuck extremist fucked doesn't mean you have to go to the other side of that extreme and support a jackass whose only goal is self enrichment by stealing it from you

When I was a kid, I came from a family proud to be Democrats. Now I find that being a white man means I'm the enemy of the Democratic Party. Theyre even willing to kill for it. It makes me want to fucking cry that Rep, Scalise was shot in what, the name of equality and peace????

It makes me physically angry and disgusted to see it on MSM. It makes me even more disgusted that other Dems are actually defending what this digusting man did to a man who was just standing up to what he believes in (can't fault him for that, right?)

This is not the party I want to belong to any longer...

You guys repeatedly break the law, cause violence, organize it, intimate people and normalize a state of social decay.

Nothing Trump is doing would make a person bat an eye 10-20 years ago.

I'm niether dem nor rep. I'm with whomever doesn't want to sell us and our rights to the highest bidder for personal gain

Again, Trump is just standing up for what he believes in. An assassination attempt on any politican is an attack on America. I don't agree with Trump on a few things, but I disagree entirely with the people I call my political peers. I may not have voted for Trump, but I would certainly die to defend him if called to arms against people like this,,,

kek wills it.

Annon, I honestly forgive you now that you see. I never hated you or wanted this dumb shit. I welcome you and invite you to share your life skills to help protect our society.

Dude signs and wants to backdoor a bill that will slowly kill millions of Americans through what is basically biological torture as they can't get health insurance. No one bats an eye.

Crazy loon shoots 5 people, no one died (atm) and everyone loses their mind. While I'm not endorsing his action. No one is innocent in this and you are retarded if you believe they are.

I've been cleaning my guns lately, just incase shit hits the fan.

Well there ya go

my 12 has been next to me every moment I'm home.

>Dude signs and wants to backdoor a bill that will slowly kill millions of Americans through what is basically biological torture as they can't get health insurance. No one bats an eye.
they can go into debt like the rest of us. Newsflash, hospital bills don't gain interest, so pay your fucking way

>No one is innocent in this
Ummm, simply repealing a law that didn't work to begin with is not in the least something wrong. The ACA was a disaster, and if you do the math, there'd be little net gain in lives saved as healthcare would effectively become trash. Besides, increasing government spending has not ever been safe from abuse and mishandling. More lies and deceit to pocket American's money, just like the War in Iraq.

I'm actually crying now. I'm so sorry you guys. I didn't expect you to be this understanding. I feel so jaded at the state of my party and the people who support it. Theyre actually saying this is ok. Do they not realize that it's universally not ok? Would they only understand this if the table were flipped and a Democratic politican were killed by a conservative? Shouldn't we be able to come to these conclusions without people who have families and who serve their country having to be killed? I don't understand.

>whaaa wheres my free shit this is torture
not my responsibility to pay for your gibs. kys faggot.

The Democrat party died in the '60s, replaced by the corporate deep state.

The "Resistance" doesn't even know what it's doing, because they don't realize that half the Republican representatives who were just shot at were basically Deep State operatives as well.

Because debt is what everyone wants right? Because that hasn't destroyed or killed people before either? That's the fucking problem with America. And until people realize the problem is the debt based system that extorts the poor for money, this shit will continue. You can only push people so far before they fight back

False flag. Muh guns didn't they hate Obama for taking guns away?

my great grandfather, whom i knew and would watch yankees baseball games with, was a democratic pollster and worked as a town hall clerk for 65 years in the constitution state

he would be crying right now if he knew the state of the democratic party today

The Great Purge is in this timeline.

>biological torture
user I think you have an emotional imbalance.

>Want more muslims
>push faggotry
>push racemixing
>push not having children
>push tranny politics on children
>control media for propaganda
>threaten everyone who doesn't agree
>radicalize members to shoot "infidels"
Is it time to start calling liberals ISIS?

if he dies, its because he was in horrible shape. A healthy man would be able to survive his wounds with that kind of medical treatment.

Kinda like Eric Gardner ;)


He wasn't an extremist, he was a pretty normal Bernie supporter.

Nothing will happen
Liberals are never held responsible for their rhetoric.

>Now I find that being a white man means I'm the enemy of the Democratic Party.

No it doesn't dipshit. You just drank too much Sup Forumstard and GamerGate kool-aid.

yes because me being in perfect health at the age of 30 demands that i pay $450 a month for health insurance so your poor ass can have it for free... fuck off lazy nigger

more like he would be sad that you're a blatant fascist faggot.

Long live the Resistance! Darth Trump must be stopped.

Nigger I will fucking neck you myself. It isn't just a random radical if the entire fucking left and jew media is demanding day after day to RESIST and FIGHT BACK against Trump and his administration. It isn't an isolated event. It is a godamn open treason and the Left is telling people to attack and kill the Right.

you forgot to sign it
>t. cia who try to instigate a civil war

Deus Vult


You'll hang last, that's the forgiveness you will get.

Every other civilized country in the world has universal healthcare and it works just fine. Here in the states we pay 100x what they do for the same shit, have drug companies that inflate the prices for no reason, and a president who wants them to have more power to do that. Fuck you

I come from a long line of democrats. Hard working, blue collars. Cops, teachers. Union. Some voted Trump. Some wondered if they should.
They are as shocked and saddened as you are.
The communist left has taken over the party. Even dem politicians are calling for violence and death and blood in the streets. My grandpa stood looking at the tv today over this attack, and he said 'McCarthy was right'.
The violent left is not the democrats. But communism has taken over the party and the democrats are done. Even the democrats know it. That big bell curve bulge in the middle of the political spectrum? they are all moving farther right and away from the violence and hate. I know its a shock. But you do not need to be a republican. You just need to no longer be a democrat.

Let me give you a hint user. These people aren't the way they should be. Their have been forces at play for decades if not centuries to turn people into what you've just seen. Brainless zombies meant to fight and die along party lines while multinational conglomerates loot our country. They didn't have a problem with Obama killing children with drone strikes. They didn't have a problem with the Bill Clinton wanting to build a wall. They didn't have a problem with Hillary selling state secrets (At least not enough to stop voting for her) because terrible evil people have manipulated them into hounds that strike when they blow the whistle.
This should give you a start on who some of them are.


When the fuck will Americans wake the fuck up, these dipshits are socialists and they even claim to be socialists now. These people have hid under the "social liberal" label but hold no position in which way could be compared to Liberalism and in some cases actively hold positions which are completely opposed to liberalism.

We know you're lying. Because THIS time...anyone can read the bill. And we've read it. Nobody loses anything. They just get to choose.

Welcome to the club. We have snazzy uniforms.

Republicans have committed far more acts of violence and sexual perversion. Let's not pretend like violence is a common tenet of the left.

but people are contributing to climate change, I think a few dead eaters is only a good thing!

LARP ass nigga, your shit is weak.

Choose what. The one or two choices they have because of state lines wth companies that don't compete but instead continually raise prices and leave people for dead after stealing their money?

this, do they think this will stop anything?

they are edging closer to that line where the president just rightfully does what needs to be done

You don't represent them and they don't represent you. I'd advise you to look at Scott Adam's stuff on how to unbrainwash some of these people. You won't be able to help everyone, but you can save some. Advise people to be self-educated on matters and self-sufficient, promote their own interests above the interests of foreigners, be leery towards banks and companies without America as their first focus. Warn against the terror of undeserved hate towards anyone and advocate against violence other than to defend the innocent.

I was an NPR binging, Maddow watching, Daily Show watching, Occupy™ sympathizing, Obama voting, 99%er. I voted for Obama TWICE.

Took the redpill 2013.

I don't hate liberals and progressives because I used to be one. MANY more are going to break ranks in the coming years and decades. It's important to not be sanctimonious when someone else sees the light. Most of us are born in the Matrix.

Daily reminder that blacks are roughly 90% democrat and commit about 52% of the murders in the country despite being 13% of the population.

this and kek. its so fucking blatantly obvious they dont even try and hide it.

>DDDRRUMF takin muh gibs Obama just trainwrecked the entire insurance industry to "gift" our country into bankruptcy
>doesn't matter Dems lost 1000 seats under Obama because of it
>theys rayssist, or greedy, or uh, something
>it's basically exactly literally the same thing as murder

>Sup Forums was right
Well no shit

Holy fucking hell, this post is maximum cringe and you should be ashamed of yourself.

You're not alone.

Unfortunately, I think you may be right. The democratic party is arrogant and elitist in their tone now. THey no longer support the common man, they only support their wealth and special interests groups. I have no intention of registering as a Democrat for the midterm elections or the next presidential elections.

As I said before, if this man dies due to my people's inability to keep their emotions in check, then I will stand by Trump and force them to comply since they cannot do it for themselves.If they want white men to be their enemy, then they have one and will no longer have the benefit of my vote.

I don't understand. It wasn't fucking supposed to be this way.

A fucking 7.62 bullet through the pelvis is an insanely painful place to get shot, next being ribcage through lungs and then through the jaw/skull.

Gop sells our internet privacy. Sells our internet access. Drops net neutrality. Drops people's insurance. Continues to feed more and more of our middle class paychecks to himself and his friends. We are supposed to be okay with this ass raping? Fuck the sjws and their left narrative. I want these corporate fucks out of my country.


I live in San Francisco Bay area. My coworkers, people that pride themselves on being tolerant and educated were discussing the shooting today wishing it was Trump

>Why wouldn't you go after the head of the snake
>I wish Trump played baseball
>I'm not saying to assassinate a president but it wouldn't be terrible if it happened this time

Holy fuck I hate this region and these people god damn.

If civil war happens I am a spy for kek. Allukekbar

Nope. Trump ran very much as a circa 80s Democrat.

so them work to make the fucking means to WHERE YOU WON'T GO INTO DEBT, LIKE THE FUCKING REST OF US

seriously, how about you just kill yourself now and save everyone the trouble.

>blinding mad leftist

Occupy wasn't bad until identity politics took over. Before it was a deservedly anti-corporate movement.
Fuck off. There is nothing "maximum cringe" about that post and even if there was, it's Sup Forums. Why would anyone care about posting "cringe" bullshit? Are you so self-conscious that posting embarrassing things you've done damages your ego even when your identity isn't attached to what you're saying?

Yeah what a loser coming to our side. He shoulda stayed democrat to keep them in power.

Then why are you against Trump? He isn't doing anything to your personal rights

>Unfortunately, I think you may be right. The democratic party is arrogant and elitist in their tone now. THey no longer support the common man, they only support their wealth and special interests groups.

And the Republicans aren't?

Pic related for a perspective on occupy.

He's allowing and endorsing the gop selling our privacy and Internet to Comcast and other ISPs.

They are, but at least they're honest about it. I'll take a crazy, honest man over a deceptive group of hypocrites any day, Our first duty should be to the truth and not ourselves.

At least the Republicans have a faction that is fighting its retrenched deep state elites. Trump won AGAINST the wishes of his own establishment.

Dems simply anointed their establishment darling.

It was a 7.62?

I have a better idea.

Don't do bandwagon jumping, which is what the cringy post is all about.

You can be a progressive who doesn't care all that much for mainstream democrats (who don't represent honest to god leftism) and LOATHES the far right, Sup Forumstards and the alt-right.

No they didn't. They just reversed the Obama policy on giving that right exclusively to companies like Google and Facebook. Wonder how much he got for that, eh?

This. At least republican voters have balls. That's more than what you can say for democrats who overwhelmingly voted for that crook.

Heh! You white males ain't useful in Canada Matriarchial societies are very violent...Just saying.Thats why feminism is Amazon rule.But I'm sure they won't really be helping these women either.Just some more friendly eugenix!
Trudeau’s new ‘feminist’ plan commits 95% of foreign aid to gender, women and girls by 2022\
Thats why men traditionally have rational men in charge of the family.The woman is the weaker vessel and emotional.You can always get a sex change!

the crazy, honest man will still rape you up the ass in the end.

What you need to do is tell both to fuck off and be yourself.

That's why i'm all for a new leftist movement that rejects the mainstream left and SJWs while also telling the far right and alt-right to go fuck itself

There wasn't a bandwagon back in 2013.

While I do not like that they are doing that, the Internet is a priveldge not a right just like healthcare. So again, what RIGHTS is he taking?

Yeah. If you want you can come over and I'll shoot you in the pelvis, make you crawl 15 yards, and then you can wait for EMS.

fuck off commie

>Trump won AGAINST the wishes of his own establishment.

Not really. The piece of shit was only an outside/maverick in really gaudy, bullshit superficial terms.

Because Comcast being allowed hold sites for ransom or shit wanting shit like in the picture. Everyone loves a walled garden Internet. Let's all get our news from corporate media. That narrative is sure to be true

>LOATHES the far right
What is wrong with traditionalism?

>new leftist movement that rejects the mainstream left and SJWs

The New Left without identity politics would be the Old Left, ie. labor socialists and communists.

His platform wasn't superficial. He might be though--time will tell.

Some people are born with a gift to see into the future. I see a big jew pogrom on the horizon.

Learn the difference between an entitlement and a right, freeloader. Nobody owes you anything in this world. As far as it goes, it's been companies like Google and Facebook that have been trying to censor shit, not the ISPs.

I think it's hilarious that anyone still believes in a left/right ideology

All of it is bullshit. While people bicker about social bullshit, liberties are being eroded and rights are being usurped by trade laws written by banks and corporations

He singlehandly killed TPP which is more than anyone else would have done.

Good luck faggot, I've got my American 5.56 rounds and a lifestraw. Lucky I don't have my 6.5 CM "meme build", you wouldn't even see my hip before I got you.

Niggers don't deserve healthcare. Postmodernist certainly don't either

You're right about prices being fucked though. The pharmaceutical and private prison industrial complex isnt american, it's globalist and overly materialistic.

My perspective is this: prove you deserve healthcare because it's not a right, it's a privilege. Other people train to be medical professionals and offer their service for you to take advantage of. That's called a privilege. Earn it by doing something constructive. Contribute or get the fuck out

Rand Paul was there. There were alot of top GOP there. This guy tried to kill all of them.
This is civil war. CNN must be shut down, the media who have provoked this must be thrown in prison. We know who ((((they)))) are.

When the hell did they add a choice for flags ?

How is not wanting walled garden Internet entitled. I pay for the Internet. I shouldn't have to pay to be told where I'm allowed to go and what I'm allowed to read.

>Not really.
Yes he was. He had many core GOP people constantly berate him (Bush, McCain, Graham, Ryan, Rubio) along with many more sidelined GOPers such as Cruz, Carson, Paul also call him out. The media was attempting constant attacks against him. How does that not qualify him as an outsider? I get that you don't like Trump and you might have good reasons for it, but he was considered an outsider because he was.
Being well known doesn't make you an insider.

single issue voters are utter gonads.

>he says, as he post google's propaganda
Give it up, you drank the koolaid on the NN issue, and you were wrong.
When have the silicon giants EVER done something that isn't for their bottom line? Why would they launch a "totally organic" protest among their "customers" (they are products, really), who also happen to be the customers (real customers) of the ISP.

>he doesn't understand how dirty politics are played.


5.56 would have been objectively worse desu, would tumble and yaw more