2 new colurs

so i guess race is a gender now..


LGBT isn't gender, its sexuality.


Can't help but notice there's not a white stripe.

Also does the left half of the flag look like belgiums flag to anyone.

>race is a sexuality now

That makes it even dumber, pajeet.

It doesn't matter if it makes no sense at all, it's just a tactic to further group blacks and gays together against whites. Next there will be a big Venus symbol in the center so women will feel more included in the fight against straight white males

>being black/brown is now a sexuality

>no white

>L G B T I

what the fuck is I?

why is black/brown on the flag? did the flag ever imply any specific color?

>Black is a colour now

Brown is the colour you get when you mix all the rainbow ones

How is this fine

Does that mean PoC have to participate in the gay pride parade to keep their place on the flag?

That's because these faggots use period blood as lipstick

At least we're not racist now

Soon there will be a color for women. (((They))) are doing everything possible to socially ostracize the white man

stop sidelining, doesn't change the fact that race and gender are not the same thing. Good try I gu..... Nope, not even that

>the LGBT+ community
>one city means the entire community

Are Skittles Bite-Sized Candies Racist? Serious question.

Has anyanon asked the Skittle Co. About this? We could be the harbingers of much change. Make things easier for everyone involved, especially the globalists.

Don't most blacks hate the gay?

Every color has its place
An ethnic home for every race

>Sup Forums trying to meme that the pride flag stands for segregation cause of the well defined separate colors
>fags literally segregate their own flag


Who the fuck knows they're too busy killing each other to become sentient

Youre missing the point user, its not about adding things to an acronym. Its about the deconstruction of humanity and the glorification of identity. Their goal is to eliminate race, creed, culture, and morality turning society into a melting pot of filth to smother their deep guilt.

LGBT isn't gender, it's mental illness.
They should receive treatment.

>spics and niggers are now associated with faggotry and butt fucking
I have the raging desire to blame brazil for this.


why dont they add a fucking wheelchair while they are it?

If you really want to make them mad, call it GLBT.

checked and keked

Fucking finally we took the rainbow back from the fags.

Soon they will lose it all together

black is not a color

Exactly. The fag flag changes into what they all really are saying which is "fuck you if youre a straight white male"

The flag never made sense. Why are faggots and trans in the same flag anyway? By their own standards, they belong to completely different categories. They go out of their way to tell you that just because they're trans (male to female) it doesn't mean they like guys. ffs

The "LGBT community" and its flag are really starting to trigger the idol-smashing instinct in my Christian soul: the whole thing really is just a perverted, brain dead idolatrous cult.

Not before they add a shoutout for fatties.

>when niggers claim that being gay means you should be proud of black people

Black is the absence of all color. Which is interesting that they call black PoCs when whites are the best, clearly we have the most color.....

There's no such thing as the gay community; it doesn't exist. It's just a collection of individuals with a common deviation.

>ITT: bigots who have never seen a rainbow before

The rainbow is a biblical sign, wherein after the flood, God used it to say, OK I'm done killing off all of humanity because of the sodomites. Presumably to deal justice to them one at a time.

a rainbow is pretty fascistic when you think about it, the visual spectrum of colors is an immutable natural fact, and of human biology. you can't just add brown on the end of it. try to make a prism or actual rainbow show that color, you can't.

>a color

meme them to add a color for sharia law

now it's a shitbow

Brown is the color of poop and no one wants shit on their flag either.

Idk how you get from rainbow to sucking dick anyway t b h

Post yfw the 2 new colors ARE new sexualitys such as Pedophile and Furry and the "race" thing is just a cover up


I KNOW its coming(Raping kids at least) and no one can convince me other wise.The slippery slope is very real.

Apply Sharia law to Pride organizers

I want the LGBT to start including Islam/Muslims, I want them to start speaking on behalf of muslim communities

It will piss muslims off so fucking much but they will be pacified by leftists

>idol smashing
GTFO nigger, Jung clearly explains that symbolism and "idols" are a necessity for a living vibrant religion. Christianity without symbols like the virgin mary and the Eucharist are vital or it's just a dead, lifeless corpse like protestantism is

no homo BTW. I miss saying that


>LGBT isn't gender, its sexuality.

Don't be such a fascist scumbag user. LGBT can be anything it wants including genders and/or race. if you disagree with me you're fascist scum and hate gay people.

can gender be race?

But black nor brown are in a rainbow. It's not a rainbow if you add those colors.

Anything can be a gender user.... annnnnnything.

From my experience, yes. They are extremely homophobic.


>TFW adding those colours shits up the rainbow.

It's good to see degenerates standing in solidarity of everything awful. Less ammo is wasted that way.

Why can't Muslims define Allah?

Normal rainbows are now considered racist! The rainbow is ours again, they can keep their shit colored rainbow!

Aussie Post Best Post. Every damn time

Oh shit so if I'm "genderfluid" can I officially claim that I'm Black on job interviews now?



They literally turned themselves into the joke.

Interesting that they've decided to put the colors of shit and death on top of their rainbow.

black is the absence of light you dingus.

>Black is the absence of all color
Depends if you're mixing light or mixing paint. Mixing paint, black=all colors
Mixing light, white=all colors


at the end is everyone lgbtq +
and if all are lgbtq +
no one is.



I;m ok with the first three letters.

The 'T' category weirds me out though.

>twitter account promoting 4chinz

I hate all of the niggers who forgot rule 1 and 2, I bet the same people that created that twitter account are the ones that then complain about the state of Sup Forums and all the plebbit faggotry here


Thats because white is just all the colors combined

I didn't know the colors had a literal meaning.

I guess it's like the US stars each represent a state... a new state equals a new star.... but a new rainbow colour equals a newly discovered degenerate lifestyle.

Or GBLT. Like a gay sandwich

>he doesn't know about LGBTIQPPZ

gay flag is about sexual orientation, not their stupid fucking race. Niggers always have to find a way to make themselves "more special"

No white on the flag. Pretty obvious the left's goal is still to have a future without white people.

Why did they choose to add such unappealing colors?

Did you know black and browns take part in an abnormal amount of gay bashing?

Does the brown symbolize the fudgepackers, and black symbolizes the coprophiles?

Where is the white colour then? Isnt this abit racist towards white people? Or maybe the whole rainbow thing doesn't symbolise peoples colours? What the fuck are they doing?

The vast majority of nigs will react with anger to this. I worked around blacks for years and they hate gays. You should see how they react when they see trannies.

>Sup Forums news
This is why this board is going to shit

Black, usually used as the color of death should be used fittingly to represent necrophiliacs

Fuck nooooooo remove brown now!!!!!

Didn't want the green and purple people to feel alone I guess.

White is all of the colors of the rainbow combined

Faggot flag is officially cucked

Jordan Peterson talked about this in one of his lectures. By creating a movement/community for marginalized people, you have to include more and more groups each time, because all people you don't include become de facto marginalized. That's what happened with the LGB movement: it became LGBT, then LGBTQ, LGBTQIA, LGBTQIAP++ and now they try to include blacks and brownies too, because leaving them outside would be marginalizing them. It happened to feminism too, a movement that started to install women's suffrage has now a racial, religious and sexual basis. Organizations like FEMEN are openly shilling for racial mixing, abolition of religion, hate speech laws, which you would think are outside of Feminist ideological "jurisdiction".

Make no mistake, it all comes down to destroy the while Christian heteronormative male-centric Western civilization as we know it.

>Jewish volcano daemon floods the earth because poopdick

You sure it's not because of the abominations that man had become after seraphim started mating with humans?

>Sodom and Gomorrah were about poopdick too! Forget the whole wanting to rape angles, it was totally because gay

At least bother to read your kike fairytales

color meh surprized

can we get a good shadilay thread back please? ?? ?

You all racises haven't not heard of being a trans nigger?

Ya'll triggen me

So actually their flag should be pure white?