GATE Program

This thread is for those involved in an accelerated education program during your primary schooling.

>Any other academically gifted program.

We are collaborating stories to disect the intent of these institutions which appear to be international. Any memories of rooms with no windows. Strange posters on the walls. Lack of grading structure. Or any other memories should be discussed below.

If you believe that you are still being tested even after leaving the program it is especially important that we know your experience. We have much information on those who are inside, and those that were rejected, but we also believe there are cases of people who are somewhere in between phases.

Thanks you

are you in contact with aliens?

We don't have any reason to believe these programs are related to life outside Earth.

Never was in the gifted program. I fucked around pretty much the whole time in elementary school and my parents didn't expect much of me. The thought I was just an average student even when I routinely made up whole semesters of work in a week or two every year. I fucked up in 6th grade when I blew a standardized test away and the parents started expecting A's instead of C's or D's.
Still never learned how to properly study and routinely did homework minutes before due.
I was the asshole that scored 100% on finals that we knew would be graded on curves just to piss others off even though I needed something like 20% just to keep and A in the class.
Maybe if I had been in a program I could have been challenged, learned study skills and not fucked up college later in life.

OK that will teach me not to read the whole op post before posting. Not sure what your talking about.

Not this indigo children garbage again. Fuck off you stupid hippie. You're not a special snowflake.

luckily i was way too dumb for anything of the sort

Anyone know anything about STARS? Thats what i was in for years and i can literally only remember oregon road even though we only got to play that once in a while.

You were never in a gifted program so your experience is not valuable. Did you have any friends in the program?

Were you ever taught individually?

>academically gifted program.

A few, they mostly did crap like build kit robots or other lame stuff the average low IQ education major thinks smart kids should be interested in.

>Any memories of rooms with no windows
No, although we had tinted windows that were usually shut or partially opened.
>Strange posters on the walls
>Lack of grading structure
We had O/S/NU/U, and 1-4 until 3rd grade IIRC. Then it was A-F.

I remember a shitload of sensitivity and feels bullshit, alot of Martin Luther King shilling in kindergarten and first grade. Tried to squeeze out any rebellious thought or semblance of masculinity. Definite attempt to make you multicultural and "globally aware".

We had an anti-bullying sociologist run an experiment on us in third grade, but it wasn't particularly strange, just belittling.

I got out of my regular class for like 2 hours a day. I mostly just read and took AR tests, now I study history. Guess I'm going to be a professor which is cool.

Very interested in more info. My sister and I were both in GATE. After talking with her at length and reading up online about all this, I got a call to my grandmother's house, across the country for me. So I called the number because I was curious, and it was this health study I began while in gate. Following up with me after 20 yeara.

Go on.

Mine was underneath a stairwell in my elementary school, I recall a breath holding commotion.

I also remember frequent hearing tests and weird mock dentist offices in the school.

In my experience, the gifted program was just a way to keep some of the bright kids away from all the niggers and spics for part of the day. As far as the conspiracy element is concerned, I do share some of the common traits; like an unexplained scar on my forehead and an early interest in fine art. I remember being assessed for intelligence when I was maybe 6 years old, but it's possible that they just wanted to find out if I was a retard.

Using a VPN just in case.
I was in GATE in a west coast school district. Everyone who had an IQ 97th percentile up could participate. My teacher through 1st to 3rd grade got a stroke or something. We were never graded for anything. My room in 4th and 5th grade (the ones I can remember) didn't have windows but then again no classroom and windows. What else would you like to know?

Funny how these guys can never spell, lol

doesnt mean anything. just means no one took the time to find out what ways you learn and pick up shit. its fucked up that kids slip through the craxks this way. not everyone thinks the same and the greatest minds in history did not think like everyday people. regardless of where you came from and who you are genius can come from anywhere (not to be confused with anyone) shout out to the kkk

It mostly consisted of going to another classroom and doing school stuff. Usually interactive stuff like elementary-version of physics labs, making stuff with cardboard, learning about color illusions/effect, etc. Honestly not sure what you're talking about. It was pretty good though, because normal class was slow and GATE was faster paced.

I was in GATE in school. Was kidnapped and raped. I don't talk about it.

Very interesting.

We have many stories related to physical health while in the program. It may be a front for a brainwashing experiment.

The scar is an indicator roughly 70% of participants report.

I also had some wierd fucking dentists chair in my school. some teaches said it was for the retards (they kept retard-school in the same building as normes because "muh social democracy"). But that dentist chair seemed pretty fucking malplaced.

A school for kids 7-14 and a decluded dentist room... does anyone of you guys know if mongoes need extra dentistry or some wierd shit?

Oh shit! I actually did this up until like 6th grade! Fuck that's nostalgic...
I remember there being a special room that was about the size of a class and I'd spend Wednesdays and Thursdays there with 4 other kids. We have these things called "DaVinci Challenges" where we'd get a brown paper bag with stuff inside and we'd have to determine how these items were relevant to Leonardo Davinci's contributions to math and science.

We did a bunch of meme-shit like that and frankly, I'm not even sure if there was an official curriculum. I mostly just built Lego Mindstorms robots and messed around in iMovie. We made some rockets too (match-rockets and water-bottle rockets iirc). I don't think anything I did there really prepared me for anything (aside from my 2 year head-start in math that amounted to nothing) but it was so fucking fun.

It should be obvious to you by now that this teacher did not have a medical condition. They like to switch the instructors around for reasons unknown. Any other experiences will be helpful if you can recall.

I was in GATE. I don't remember much since that was years and years ago but I remember we played a lot of computer games for some reason. It was pretty easygoing because I remember having a conversation about Meet the Parents and how if she took his last name she'd be named Martha Focker or something and the teacher joined in to say that movie made her panic the first time she watched it.

Anyway, I think they tried to enroll me in a followup program in middle or high school but I wasn't very interested in it. Apparently this displeased the teacher who was the one who recommended me for it.

Excuse me?

Do you have a scar on your forehead?

We do not believe theses programs are associated with increased incidence of rape. Your story will be recorded but it is probably an outlier.

hmm, i was in gate and have some of what you describe, not the scar on my forehead though.

I remember being in a seperate classroom at a seperate school like 1 day out of the week and doing logic puzzles and excercises.

We believe experiements, perhaps even surgical in nature, are conducted in these programs.

These are like a retarded version of the high IQ threads we used to have. Let's just go back to those.

Thanks you.

This... pretty open ended stuff "taught" by an average person. Mostly exercises to encourage creative thinking. Could have been useful if more STEM related.

Our program was called "CHALLENGE" in elementary school and "SEARCH" in middle school. In high school they were just AP classes.

I was in a GATE program and have had nighttime visitations by entities since I was a child. My father worked for the government. 23andme says I inherited 50% of my SNPs from my mother and 47% from my father. I believe that I may have been genetically altered. Not shitting - my health, athletic abilities, discipline, and intelligence are top notch.

Pretty weird coincidence. The scar is where the hairline meets the forehead, directly above the 'third eye'.

are you talking about the IB program? Because that was the primary influence in me becoming a nat soc. Literally redpilled by the insane amount of globalist indoctrination and general faggotry.


you'res welcomes. Good luck with the larp

I have this... What is the full rundown?

The SEARCH program has been deemed not harmful. It's simply a collection of higher level classes.

Academically Gifted

I'm starting to wonder if they were autism classes because attendance has a high correlation with *chan users.

When 9/11 happened, they also wheeled in a TV for us to watch. I don't know if that says anything.

Our art classes and music classes were odd. Art had an image of a lizard interlocking seamlessly with other lizards. Lots of art like this.

Music class was odd too. Mrs Hertz was her name. I remember a Spider-Man song we danced too. It went "he's a spider man, he's a spider man. He's a uh uh uh little Spider-Man". We would pelvic thrust on the UHs

>thanks you

nevermind, you're some retard akin to anon5

Most of our reports lead us to believe that the GATE program is a psyop similar to MKultra. We don't know what the scar indicates. I think the "chip in head" scenario is slightly far-fetched. It may be a side effect of increased brain size or learning capacity.

>He's a uh uh uh little Spider-Man". We would pelvic thrust on the UHs

pls be LARPer...

Hmmm... anymore indicators?

They put me in gate by accidentally
And then i went on to btfo all the white kid nerds.

Literally, at one point the teacher had to grade on a curve after a hard final and my completion for the class at that point was 133%

I blew the fuck out of all the snobby rich shit kids.
And i did it in spite. Fuck them. They write me off and and crashed the curve WITH NO SURVIVORS

I'm not. I don't remember it being sexual but it was a think. The music class had the windows covered and it was sublevel.

The school this all happened at is gone now due to regular demo. New school there now.

Hey Hey, you guys made a comeback.

Ok, how many of you guys are currently being followed and how many individuals have you id'ed as being assigned to tracking / covering you?

Also, are you doing anything significant with your life to warrant such attention?!

People who have been removed early from the program find life difficult. Usually they collect on sites like Sup Forums. Everyone who was allowed into the program has a high IQ even if they were summarily released.

Also, people who were involved with GATE tend to have no problems with the police. Even when they are caught they are only given a warning or are spoken to positively.

This has got to be a cliche by now. That guy who was always real real smart but just didn't care and did years worth of work the hour before it was due and the teacher was out to get him and he always did real real good on tests but had bad study habits and yadda yadda yadda

Did you have dreams of ayy lmaoss visiting you at nightime when you were 3 - 10?

>People who have been removed early from the program find life difficult.
Low motivation + high intelligence = jack shit

>Usually they collect on sites like Sup Forums
See above

>Also, people who were involved with GATE tend to have no problems with the police.

People with high IQs are less likely to do stupid things that will get them caught, and won't chimp out like a low IQ person

I assumed this was because I was borderline autistic as a child and "gifted" was just a pleasant euphemism.

I was in the program for 2 1/2 years until my family had a couple incidents with the school and decided it was time for a change, bought some property out in the country and my mother did the rest of my schooling until I went to college.

Yes. I called them the "mommies and the daddies"
I would lie in my crib staring at the overhead light in terror of falling asleep. my earliest memory is long-necked humanoids with tan skin visiting me.

Btw, these threads don't pop up by accident. Remember, theatricality and deception are powerful agents against the uninitiated.

Dumping similarities:
- Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common)
- Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
- Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
- Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
- lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
- windows were covered in GATE classrooms
- tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
- Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
- IQ’s are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160
Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;
- Interest in /x/ phenomena
- Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
- Forehead scars
- Early speech therapy
- First born sons
- Migraines
- Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking)
- Premonitions/prophetic dreams
- Above average intuition

It was the USC health study, they measure air quality and it's effect on kids over the years. It wasn't just GATE kids that were in it, but I started in it while in GATE. So when I called these folks they were surprised that I was from the 90s trials because they were having a hard time getting in touch with them. They sent me a link to a survey asking about smoking, which I kind of thought was odd since it didn't match what they were testing us on initially. Then they asked for all my social media profiles, which I didn't give and emergency contact information of two people. Nothing wierd has happened since then, just very odd timing that they called now after all this time.

I was in some wierd program in school back in 3rd grade.
I tested really high and they would pull me out of class twice a week with some other kid.

They brought us in some room with costumes, puppets, and puzzles. There was only us two and some woman that supervised us.

We would begin each session with a complex puzzle. One I remember in partucular was shaped like a castle. We had to figure out howbto open the locked compartment.

Inside were little messages and quotes. I don't remember them because this was like in 2002-2003.

She would then encourage us to play with any of they toys as long as we did so together. She then would just observe us.
I would do this untill around I moved away.

I wish I could remember more.

The school was Mark Twain Elementary in Calavaras County in California if that will help in your investigation.

Be sure to release your findings on here because Im quite interested and confused about what that all was.

This was me... did all my homework in the class before it was due. Never studied, even through college. Teacher my senior year in college sabatoged my last project so I would fail bc I skipped so much class.

I hate the whole concept of "cliche". Sometimes things are like they are, even if society is tired of an archetype. Not this nigger you quoted necessarily but I've found so much good advice in phrases that are incredibly cliche

i was in it. it started as Expo and eventually we begin seeing test with GATE on them, the seals had already been broken as well. I am referring on once break seals used in standardized testing. inb4 larper. it was nothing, or I sub optimum.

Me and one other kid were taken from normal classes and parked in the library to design our own curriculum. We spent our time creating board games. Neither of us have scars on our foreheads. I'm still in touch with him. We both ended up as lawyers, but he represents big companies and I represent only poor people.

Kewl. You do know that they can cloak and blend in?

I was in GATE in 5th or 6th grade. All I remember was being in a small windowless room with a bunch of junk with a teacher and three other students. Once they took us to a college and I remember being shown models of 4D objects. This was in kike 1983.

So I'm not special then :(

I remember sleeping on the floor with my mother on blankets.

She would feed me raw eggs and sugar, mixed.

I'd wake up with nose bleeds all over. I think she would have them too?

It is odd that my mother and my gate teacher remain friends.. She even attended my wedding. I see her every time I return to my home state.

Fyi, I attended gate in the early 90s at an Air Force base school. We attended GATE at a different campus. I don't remember anything all that wierd about the program, but we did a lot of complex projects. I enjoyed it. Then when I got out of GATE, O had a very hard time fitting in, still do, and struggled in class. My parents are both from military families, my aunt was in GATE in the 60s, I imagine the first round of it. And my Mom was institutionalized for most of her teen years. She doesn't remember much of it.

We will not release all of our findings.

I wish I could tell my IB ethnic literature teacher directly to her face that I'm a literal Nazi. Just to see what she'd say. Fucking globalist kike.

Can someone please show me a picture of the scar so I can know what you're talking about? I have a V shaped indent on my skull around that area, but that's normal for fellas who are balding.

Could this be what you're talking about?

Do i count if they invited me to do it but I thought doing more work was lame so I declined?

I wasan't in Gate but I was in the class room that they did Gate in for summer school.

somethings Iremember as a child. There was this smell in there and when I ate in there one time during breakfest I had to vomit my food because of the smell.

Why did they cover up the windows?

Why did the lighting look so weird?

why were desk arranged in a strange formation?

You should be glad to never have been in the GATE program. I for one am glad I was never chosen.

I was in GATE starting in the 5th grade, in northern California. They had further internal distinctions like The Einstein Club that were only revealed to us once we started in the GATE program. I remember thinking even then it was weird how they kept that a secret among so many young kids.

Room was windowless and there were no grades, only membership in these clubs. I was very poor and wasn't terribly great in most classes except for history so I remember asking why I was chosen and they wouldn't tell me. I've since gone on to have a pretty successful career though so who knows.

Only other memory I have is that some times during the week there would be an optional late afternoon/evening class that allowed you to stay well past every other kid in the school leaving. There weren't any real instructions though, was just a room with various things in it that we fucked around in for a while, but it wasn't a day care. They'd ask us why we played with what we did.

Yes, I suspect many of my professors and colleagues at Harvard are not human.

Typically it's a crescent shape. But it really could be any scar.

In GATE in third grade. Went to another school that never had other children, even though we went on school days. Went to school, about an hour later the bus would come and pick us up. Only myself and i think 1 other kid went. Monterrey, CA. Probably... 1999? I was on Ritalin at the time. It was mostly literature, science and math. I remember very teacher I ever had and most kids I went to school with from that time period, but I cannot recall even a face from teachers or students while I was in GATE. It was around this time that some girl went missing at Fort Ord. Christina something, I belive. I do remember our desks being in a circle. My 3rd grade class had a two teacher system. One was a fat old hag, the other was younger and nice. I believe she had asked my parents that I be included in the program. I remember she had a particular interest in me for some reason.

non-LARPer here.
I was born outside of DC, tested by Johnshopkins as top2% of children my age and placed into what they called the talented and gifted (tag) program.
One weird thing I can report because i'm still in touch with a few of my classmates is delayed or suppressed puberty among a few of us. we're all about 25~26 now and we all pretty much look like we're 16-20 years old. I don't have a theory as to how or why that is, but it's true.

Were a lot of these places in California?

I think you were just in GATE and happened to get raped, but not because of GATE. Sorry.

>not human
Well you do go to a nigger tier humanities and law focused school, so maybe they're just niggers. Should've chose an actual research institution like MIT or JHU instead.

Pretty sure the scar(s) are simply inadvertent correlation of something else that's the major causing factor.

My best guess is brain size and processing speed

MC Escher, we learned about him in GATE too. Those were tesselations? Is that what they were called? (The lizards interlocking.)

Feel ya on the age thing.... 30 and still get carded for cigarettes. They think it's a fake ID usually.

These programs are in every state, and in almost every country on Earth.

G A T E >>> E - T A G

>Yes, I suspect many of my professors and colleagues at Harvard are not human.

Um, they are probably human because if they weren't and you are part of the GATE you would be easily able to tell that they are not normal.

They are either people assigned to watch you and guide you or just average folks. If you really care, dig into their background and see if something doesn't add up.

Do you mean like pic related?

Lol, I did my undergrad at MIT. You really have no clue what I mean if you haven't been in the room with some of these professors..

Who are you


Speaking of that