I think the Left is trying to out smart us


I found this video of them talking about ways of trying to stop us. I wonder if their Autism is even strong enough? How many of you guys have seen this video?

whats up with these new flags

Bump for interest.

Fuck that squeaky door and people showing up late

>talks about autism
>le epic kekistani flag

EpiC brO xD

Pretty sure she said that it's hard to take on pol while resisting the red pill

If panels accomplished anything, then academics would rule the world.

That door.. geeeezzzuuussss

Frankfurt school had quite the impact

They can't outsmart us, their shitty party is collapsing, it's gonna be hard to take us on when they're turning on each other.


Ah. I shouldn't post when I'm drunk. You win.

>I think the Left is trying to out smart us.

the left is full of mentally ill retards so fat chance.

How can they succeed?

The left have only emotions as a weapon
Through the constant use, the citizens are increasingly dulled emotionally .
Their argument is constant repetitions and always based on the concept oppressor suppressed
They always need the enemy image, right-wing.
they have no visions they also have no answer to the important issues such as terror, migration, globalization.

Finally, they dig their own grave

And when the racial war begins in South Africa they will lose the last spark credibility

The Left doesn't want to acknowledge the excesses of itself, which is its greatest weakness. Rather than focusing on trying to find fault in themselves, they project their inadequacy on their enemies. That doesn't mean the right is right, but they are cognitively more flexible than the opponents they face, and therefore capable of greater tactics.

yeah they have along way too go before they take my c0rnbread with their Autistic powers.

>literally talking about trying to censor the media

Fucking Stalinists. McCarthy was right.

The other Left youtube channel I found was called Zero Books. A lot of crazy shit from that channel as well.

Good find. So far, they identified Gamergate as being the ground zero for the beginning of the end of SJWs. Which is correct.

>10 minutes late to lecture
They have ZERO leadership. They are fucked.

One of the biggest redpills

Left a fucking wall of text in the comments lads time to kill myself

There are people on the Left who provide leadership. They tend to rule through anonymity though. It's the people you don't see who call the shots.

The problem with that is that there is no accountability when they collectively go batshit insane.

You hit the nail on the head in so many ways. A reckless use of moral authority destroyed Social Justice by turning the population against them.

They are learning slowly. The indian dude seems smart, he probably has a future in political media. I think all three are redpilled, but they still need to get through university with a degree.

This is a great affirmation to anyone here who still thinks the memes are retarded.

They aren't "redpilled" they are just more retards in the left trying to create strategy to get votes. They have zero interest in slaying the monster that the left has become. They are the antithesis to redpilled. They are willfully blind.

/Nu/pol faggot this is what flags were implemented in early Sup Forums.

Their minds are clearly demoralized. They are moving towards neutrality.

Holy fuck when they start talking about that Evergreen shit they don't really have a problem with it, they just want to damage control it.


Like I mentioned above. They are very careful because they still need to graduate.

Bullshit, are you the poointheloo? He does seem to be the least retarded of them.

>I think the Left is trying to out smart us.

Bahahahahha. The idea of the left trying to outsmarting anyone is fucking hilarious. Those retards are so sexually confused, they don't know the differences between a dick and a pussy.


So far from what I've heard, for the Left, this panel was productive. They are much more focused on trying to achieve victory than engaging in virtue signaling. But they are also behind, because they should've been stating this things back in 2015 rather than letting the enemy take advantage of them for two full unopposed years. By the time their ideas spread out, it'll be another year or two, if they spread at all.

Their plan, by the way, is to focus on Class appeals for Pol rather than cultural appeals. So they will 'outsmart' pol by trying to get people to vote for their wallet rather than their race. I'm unsure how much of the Left Wing is willing to engage in class politics, however, so the effects will be rather limited.

Come see how far they have infiltrated into the USA Also, someone should save the YT video before they take it down

Required reading for people in this thread talking about counter-organizing.

http:// jacobitemag .com/2017/06/14/political-violence-is-a-game-the-right-cant-win/

The url sounds blackpilled but it's basically making the case for right-wingers to use the same organizational strategies as lefties because, spoiler alert, they fucking work and are part of the reason the left has been so influential for the last 60 years. And this is from me: if you start organizing, leave all the pepe-kek-shadilay shit in the internet. When you do politics in real life you manifest your political ideology in the material world. Using memes and jokes makes your political goals seem like memes and jokes. Look how embarrassing the Kekistani people are. Don't be like them. And if you're only on Sup Forums for edgy memes but deep down you're a centrist, don't go to protests or meetings and treat them like real life shitposts. Everyone is tired of seeing the Right look like a bunch of disorganized retards. Come correct or die.

Beware Drumpfies...we're the four horsemen of the trumpocalypse and we're gonna kick your racist, nazi-loving ass!

Getting people to fight over class HAS been tried in the US and failed...many many times. It absolutely wont work in the US.
But we aren't going to tell these leftists that. They don't know history so they are doomed to repeat it.

BAHAHAHAHA. You sexually confused libtards couldn't kick shit. You're nothing but a bunch of pussies. I can't wait till we purge you off the face of the earth. Looking so forward to the 2nd civil war. I didn't stock up on ammo just for them to collect dust.

Violence is complicated. The right owns the police and military, it's best for the right to utilize those allies to their advantage. Violence also alienates more people than it earns. In a democracy, this is a disadvantage.

Class politics USED to be Left politics. But then Identity politics took its place. This panel seems to believe that focusing on Class politics will work, but the problem is that the neoliberal left DOESN'T want to go back to Class politics, so they will sabotage themselves in the process.

These guys cant even wedge a door open for all the fat ass late comers.

whoever was in this video and is in this thread now, please identify yourself. Ditch these unintelligent sheep and join the True Meme movement. You can be saved, but you must leave behind the dead weight.

why are girls from Sup Forums the hottest

i mean hottest of all the online refuges for rejects

How can you outsmart a seething mass ever ever changing consciousness?
If you try to it just absorbs you and adapts. It happens every time.
Name a single attempt to destroy Sup Forums that hasn't just not failed, but hasn't been used to make it stronger.

Just watching this just makes me gradually fill with contempt, these "wise ahead of their age" liberals think they know what the fuck is going on but just now are starting to comprehend listening or discussing what are the issues and mindset of the alt-right is. They are so full of self righteous, smug arrogance beyond the level of royalty they can't comprehend that they could be wrong about anything.

> trying
they should
competition is healthy

>that squeaking door

>They are so full of self righteous, smug arrogance beyond the level of royalty they can't comprehend that they could be wrong about anything.

Everyone is like this. Arrogance is a human trait as common as hair.

>I wonder if their Autism is even strong enough?
it isnt autism that they lack its resolve

sure you get some random nigger who will shoot some one because liberal nigger faggot but most of them are scared little bitches who will act like they want a fight up until they get hit

so they talk a big game but almost no follow through in most cases. about half the electorate voted hillary and you dont see the numbers when they protest

I wouldn't call it arrogance, it's just that people find it hard to readjust their view on several issues all of a sudden.

Fair enough.

New flags? Do you mean newfags? Or summerfags like yourself?

That really is a form of self disruption that is unbelievably successful. The original Pepe meme is nearly 7 years old too, most memes die after 1-2 years, but this one was artificially prolonged.

got delete i dont see

Yeah the evergreen stuff is interesting here. It's really funny that the question was a carefully formulated and based in one specific event, he asked for an immediate policy answer to stand behind and the "leader" of the group suggests that they do it "slowly" and that was his novel contribution.

Why can't I see the comments?

Strange, I can still see it. Post a comment of your own, I wanna see if comments are hidden somehow or if some turbofaggot is removing them.

I'm getting a backup of it now

They lack the economic understanding to pull that off.

Time to have some fun in the sun!

>t. reddit

Well don't you get it. There's an unlimited amount of resources that are just waiting to be distributed, and all we need to do is hand it out to the people who need it, and then utopia!

they're so stupid. the only reason why they've got any influence is because they're using identity politics. class warfare didn't work in the west so they switched to identity politics and the unleashed beast won't go away. no nigger, spic, kike, womyn, mudslime, or anybody else will concede their power and switch to class warfare giving up their unearned benefits. these people are incredibly stupid. they believe somehow they can promise everything possible at the same time to "appeal" to people.

they can't grasp it doesn't work. at least not anymore it won't because they showed they're too filled with so much hatred for white males and christianity. you can't backpedal after you show that and you become life and death foes.

>skip 34 mins into the video and the door creaks while the woman explains something thats not exactly true.
You should post a basic gestalt. This is a 2 hour long forum with a bunch of college students who look stupid, I'm not about to watch this whole thing.

They don't even know how many layers of irony we're on, they can not begin to comprehend us for we are always 10 steps ahead

I'm 35 mins in and they still have not even touched on the elephant in the room: Intersectionality and the constant public humiliation and degradation of whites and white males, (let alone the working class whites) as well as the destruction of our political and cultural institutions from left ideology as important causal factorsin the rise of the alt right.

I will listen to the rest as I want to know how much they know about us.

From what I have seen so far they are not as smart as they think they are.

it's worth watching the whole thing. I think we should make a summary ITT. There are hundreds of good bits of info in this but you have to be smart enough to understand their Q&A

Again. I agree. The Left is committed to Identity politics, because that's what the Globalists want. The thing is, there is also a large group of people that want Identity politics AND all the money of the Globalists. They want Wall Street to pay for their student debt and free healthcare. This faction won't be able to crossover well into the working class movement, but it will take over the left wing movement. Why just limit to yourself to hating Whitey when you can also have generous Gibs as well.

I only skimmed through it, but they seem intelligent for leftists

Interesting analysis

This is actually pretty intelligent. They covered a lot of the main points of their weaknesses, stayed on topic, and refused to virtue signal themselves to come up with strategies. The problem is that the damage has already occurred, and they should've been talking about this back in 2015-2016, when the tide could've been stemmed.

they aren't ever going to figure this out. they hate white men and want to kill them. they're realizing it's actually going bad and causing a reactionary fascist movement. it's literally history repeating itself since what they're doing leads to a reactionary right movement and this has been studied A LOT in history which is why the media makes fascism and hitler such a taboo because they're so scared of a reactionary right.

they "know" interesectionality is bad. in the Q&A it's even talked about how they're telling white people who are the bottom 1% to check their privilege and the left doesn't have a coherent message. they're wrong though. the left does have a coherent message which is fuck drumpf and fuck white people. they just don't want to accept it and are dancing around it.

they really want their cake and to eat it also. they need to "respond slowly" to evergreen college because misunderstanding. then they go onto just blaming the right for talking about it.

all they do it shift responsibility elsewhere and then never actually blame identity politics for polarizing everything and causing the reactionary right to flourish. they want everything at once so they're doomed to fail. none of them are serious intellectuals.

thats the real threat of the left, their blatant herd mentality. You see here how when left to their own bickering they start to see the issues with their cult, but when their masters whistle they follow like good herd animals, inhuman, and unpack like.

@ 52:00 intelligent minority brings up useful but foreign idea and is completely forgotten about. If you want a distillation of the problem with the left just jump there.

She brings up a libertarian methodology to these people and has no value to the rest of them. Really sad. Love your fellow autist

this kind of thing won't work. people understand there's too much debt and there's no "free". we got obamacare and saw the cost up to 140%. we heard all their rhetoric against wall street, but they're bought and paid for. the only thing that's true is they hate white males and want to destroy christianity. everybody implicitly understands if you give power to shitskins then everything will collapse.

the only people who want the gibs are the people who are all about identity politics and hate white men. there's only a tiny tiny fringe minority of actual white guys who are all about class warfare on the left anymore. the only ones who still support are too stupid to do anything since it's obvious the left doesn't give a fuck about anything. it doesn't care about social or economic issues. it's just there to fuck people over and the only thing it can do is harm white men and that's about it

So pretty much rife with contradiction to the point of outright self-destruction. That is pretty obvious even without having to watch that video.

I don't agree that these people are smart. They are fucking retards.

hearing their opinions is kind of interesting, but they're not as smart as you think. They have not been able to get to the core of any issue, only talk about it at surface level. One of the reasons the "alt-right" (and I can't believe we let this term stick) is effective is because everything is boiled down to fundamentals very quickly, and these people can't compete.
Just now as I was listening, he basically said our only argument against immigrants is "they're taking our jobs" and he thinks that's going away because of technology. But he doesn't understand a lot about this issue, or that incoming technology only furthers our argument.

Yup. You caught us. The entire left is working together to stop the entire right. Everything from chill liberals to die hard commies are coming together to eradicate each and every rightist. mhm caught red handed

It isn't even immigrants taking our jobs. Frankly the issue is that the demographics could shift and it may wind up changing the fabric of society and it's laws that allow the stability we have now.

Bigger fear is if Islamic enclaves start growing unfettered.

Their pretention blinds them. They will never be able to see, this is out strength

Yeah the other thing that to me is astounding is that there will never be an end to intersectionality because of HDB and they refuse to acknowledge HBD. In a capitalist system inequality will be constant - niggers and beaners will never succeed so the left will keep on the procrustean bent of blaming us and our unborn children FOREVER.

So they are fucked, they trapped themselves into the dumbest ideology and have made people like us permanent enemies. I will literally go to war to prevent them from causing any more havok.

fucking leaf

Thats what I'm saying. He completely missed the mark to focus on one meme out of a big spectrum of potential issues. People who argue against him would talk circles around him.

The girl on the ipad just openly admitted to being a marxist. I can't believe this is real life... oh and she just said she's canadian lmao

I outlined some of the problems I have with the modern left in a massive comment and the niggers have comments hidden or deleted or I don't fucking know but they are dumb faggots that much I know.

best post in this thread, time fr jokes is over

Here's the thing you have to understand from the perspective of the Left. The Globalist/Clinton wing of the Left believes that open borders, unlimited trade, and money printing are going to create wealth and prosperity through their agenda. The Socialist wing, meanwhile, believes that the benefits of trade ought to be redistributed to other populations in favor of the gibs. The Left believes its on course to engineer tremendous economic growth from its regime, when Globalism has produced an economic recovery so abysmal that the Soviet Union outperformed it.

To remain in power, the Left will utilize Anti-White rhetoric more and more, because the economic growth that was supposed to be engineered by Globalism won't come to pass. Therefore, the only thing they have left to offer is to burn down Western Civilization because they know they aren't getting a piece of the action. Look at the Economic Freedom Fighters in South Africa as the 'future' of the Left. The Left has no ideas on how to ensure prosperity for us all, and therefore can only rely on distribution in order to solidfy their regime.

Agreed, the left unleashed identity politics after the globalists destroyed Social Democrats during the eighties and nineties, that period saw widespread deregulation of industry and opening of tariff free borders which basically killed the unions off as a political force, they had hoped to use the free flow of capital and people to form a coalition against the old guard christian conservatives who were still big players back in the day but the problem for them is now the genie has been let out of the bottle it wont go back in. They are especially terrified of Whites (Europeans) who also want a stake in this new Identity politic driven future citing Northern Ireland as a possible future.

BOOM you fucking got me good there fellow burger

go eat russian shit nazi scum

It is pretty funny that she says she is a marxist and is using a capitalist made product. That is a performative contradiction, and would get anyone doing some philosophical debate to be laughed at.

> (OP)

>Fuck that squeaky door and people showing up late

I want to throw them out of helicopters for that reason alone

Well they're certainly spamming the board fast enough, and everyone keeps posting in their stupid threads. I've been trying to shout "slide thread" for hours but people are more interesting in indulging in momentary anger than in having an actual, meaningful effect on the board.

>talks about le ebin keikstani flag
>Posts with an ancap flag

You people are literally worse than Reddit. We had four "HUU HUUUU HUUUUUU D-DEATH TO NAZIS" threads up AT ONCE less than two hours ago.

>The Globalist/Clinton wing of the Left believes that open borders, unlimited trade, and money printing are going to create wealth and prosperity through their agenda.
this sounds very capitalistic tbqhwy

She just implied that our historical and cultural connection to Rome is not technically true.

what the fuck im about to rage.

i'm 20min in, and these guys don't seem like they know what they stand for. That there are no first principles is the classic reactionary position -- politics is inherently relative and tribal -- so if they don't have an alternative uniting people they'll ultimately disintegrate over time.

well it helps that there's no such thing as a marxist made product. they can't even make food.

There is a faction of the Left that wants to do what's best for Capitalism, and believe that a raceless society without any pre-capital boundries will lead to eternal prosperity for us all. The problem with this faction is that

>Globalism isn't generating 4% economic growth. It isn't even generating 1% economic growth.
>Socialists are rising to power to 'cuck' the Clintonistas into getting the system to their benefit.

If Globalism was working, we'd all have no choice but to get with the program, or be relegated to the dustbin of history. But Globalism isn't working, which is why the Right has tremendous advantages on its side.

That is because they are constantly fighting in a power struggle. Identity politics created this mess and now they are entangled in their own web.

You don't even need to watch it to know that they are pretty much trapped in their own system of rules and they can't go against it as others have a higher amount of priority on the "Progressive Stack" that they themselves embraced for their own egos.

But she would say to you that true commies only exist AFTER capitalism has built all the cool and useful shit. So she is entitled to her ipad.

that blog post is wrong. the right hasn't even begun using violence. it's the left who uses violence because they're positioning themselves as having the moral superiority so it's okay to use violence. it's after the left using violence that the right does in a crackdown and that crackdown will fucking murder the left. it's like the berniebro who went and shot at the republican people senators. the right WILL win with violence and the job is to keep antagonizing the left into them kicking it off so you can break their nu-male necks and kill their shitskin pets.

>To remain in power, the Left will utilize Anti-White rhetoric
i disagree. they ALWAYS planned to use anti-white rhetoric. they tried for 50+ years using class warfare in the west and it never worked. they switched to identity politics and that's the only thing they've got. none of their economic positions work and it doesn't matter what the run of the mill retard leftist says about the difference between socialism or whatever. they're all liars and nothing they say matters. the left never cared about class hence they murdered 100 million of their OWN CITIZENS. they've always just lied that they cared so they can grab power. nothing the left says about economic positions is real. all they want to do is take others wealth and give it to themselves and kill anybody who is superior to them so they resent them.

they resent the rich cause they're unsuccessful losers
they resent white people for creating everything while they're subhumans

everything they say is smoke and mirrors and the right is beyond even discussing the topics with them at this point. the only truth is they hate white males and need to be purged

Not when Marxism takes over and abolishes the old system. Because Marx and others on the left would see such trappings as a sign of weakness.