How does it feel to be the new SJWs?

How does it feel to be the new SJWs?

Feels good man. Being annoying shits is the bees knees.

How does it feel to be wrong?

to have an extra chromosome

How does that preclude you from being just as fucking annoying in the wild?

Or from trying to seek out opinions on other platforms that you think are harmful and destroying them?

Nice try.

You know the term SJW is so hated that you attribute it to others, if you cannot co-opt it and spin it.

>you're a nazi for having the same values that your great grandfathers that fought the nazis had.

Love this meme

nigger kike faggot
nigger kike faggot gook shitskin chimp fudge packer cunt spic

Feels good, we should've used their tactics long ago

Fuck you for posting a youtube comment with no context.

Who killed Nazis? What the fuck is he talking about?

But we don't. We try to seek out other people on other platforms and tell them about our ideas. We do not fear uncensored spaces because our ideas are attractive naturally.

You simply equate everyone who disagrees with you as being the same. Well I'm sorry, but that isn't actually an argument. We're nothing alike. I certainly don't make that equation between Libertarians and Leftists, even though what you both want is equally opposed to my ideas, because I'm not a horseshoe-theory espousing brainlet.

>right and left both have opinions therefore they are the same xDDDD

fuck off reddit. I want the right to win at all costs, even if it means playing dirty

>alt right nazis

get over yourself

better then a nu male

Kill someone because they don't think the exact same way as you. That sounds awfully familiar.

being saged with replies like "cuck", "sage", and "OP is a faggot" is virtually equivalent to being muted.
if people actually listened to the sticky, I might agree with you.

>the new people pushing for social justice

Explain how this makes sense.

The gop shooting in Virginia. Don't you know anyone to the right of karl marx is a nazi?

>wanting to play video games with no political agenda and just have a good time

No. Thats not how it works.

Omg don't you right wingers see how fucking much you are like the leftists!?!?! lol you snowflakes want a safe space from bullets.

I like how no one actually cares about any of these games or the content. Like it sucks that Hollywood has such an affinity with hating white people, Nazis or rural and suburban retards, but that's just the lay of the land in 2017.

When Far Cry 5 was being shown, the entire news media made a big deal about a random troll petition signed by 90 people, blowing it into "OMG NAZIS ARE BOYCOTTING WHITE GENOCIDE GAME"

>Be me
>be Redditor
>make post about how Trump has some good points
>get banned and flammed

>be me
>be tumblr user
>make post on how maybe refugees are not good and not all white men are ebil
>get banned

>be me
>Be Sup Forums user
>Post political dissident against Nazism and support for communism
>See there is already a communism general
>Don't get banned
>post gets lots of replies

:--DDD Sup Forums is so annoying lmao y do teh politigs all the dime??

Truth is the reward, sanity is the cost. The definition of insanity is said to be doing to same thing over and over again expecting a different result. We hope to turn others to our cause by sheer force of facts, but always we are met with "EBIL NAZI >:(" or the like.

I could spam you with "false equivalence," but I think I'll just call you a cuck instead. Such low effort shitposting deserves as much.

Sup Forums isn't alt-right, we're natsoc
You're looking for TRS

What are you even talking about?

and no arguments were made on this day

>how does it feel that anti-sjw is the new mainstream

i wish this were true

>Take moral highground by condemning "Nazis" for holding the wrong beliefs
>Hold the same beliefs yourself, but be absolved by having the right beliefs "all round" and thus maintain your moral highground

These people are retarded. Literally braindead.

Hurrrrrrrr Pol is one person: The Post