Sup Sup Forums.
Do you guys have any advice for redpilling normies? I want to know how to redpill my friends and family.
Sup Sup Forums
shameless self bump
Be a living example of a redpiller in your life and all its aspects (whatever that means for you). Then they will either follow you (as you have more credibility and inspire them to strive beyond the matrix) or they will resent you and go back to their normie lives.
If you just go try convince them you'll just look like a dumbass who "knows" stuff he read online.
"Save" those who have shown that they are genuinely ready to be saved.
normies don't need to be redpilled because they don't take rejection from women to heart and have it define them
kek'd and rekt
>Did you hear the news from Wikileaks?
That's how you prompt every redpill.
The only redpill that I think is acceptable to talk about is the federal reserve. If you let someone get the basics on that and then they research it themselves they will discover centralized private banking, the wars that were started because of it, and eventually that leads to the Jews. Federal reserve is all you need because you won't be seen as Racist/fascist/mentally unhinged by normalfags for having negative views on it.
thats why they remain normies all their lives, even pain can't motivate them to strive beyond their circumstances.
Let them know Hitler did nothing wrong.
Worked for me.
Does this nigger know what Redpill means?
>shameless self bump
ffs, get out newfag
Think from their perspective, not from what is self-indulgent to you. If you use cheap rhetoric, they will see it and resist.
Read How to Win Friends and Influence People. The idea is that you want to subtly make it so that they think they came up with the idea, and identify positively with it.
Begin with practice in keeping eye contact, then with talking without Stuttering.
Yes he does, much more than you
Get them to embrace their white identity first. Once it is embraced they'll want to defend it and they will be easy to redpill
you forgot to include practice his neg delivery and storytelling.
Link them to the_donald :)
Out of curiosity, and assuming you're not LARPing, what it does mean to you be redpilled?
Normies are stupid but I've had a lot of luck sharing the infographics posted here. They may not always be accurate but they are simple enough and straightforward enough that they get the message across.
>The idea is that you want to subtly make it so that they think they came up with the idea, and identify positively with it.
If you don't know what makes them tick, discuss. Do not debate.
Just like that?
I red pulled my brother in law on Islam. Just provide real life facts for your points and it gets easier to swallow.
letting go of fear rather than cave in, lack of insecurity, lack of the need to fit in, psychological independence from social groups
Tell them the truth
Items to expose them over time. I take very moderate and well reasoned views that do not conflict with theirs for awhile, but after a while I will interject doses of red pill whenever the conversation gets brought up.
depends on how tainted they are. you need to gauge them, if they are too far gone you'll only end up outcasted. Just keep a lid on it or keep it as simple as possible.
This guy with the lovely trips gets it.
>see pic
Thanks for the answer, but, what makes you think "normies" don't know of those things, and worse, why do you look for those here in Sup Forums?
This guy thinks of normies as "tainted", as if he pretend not to know most Sup Forumstards masturbate more often than the average normie, for example,
And thinks sharing memes is a real way to convince people,
Do you really looks for enlightenment here?
>Sup Forumstards masturbate more often than the average normie
Have any stats to back that up or did you pull it out of your ass like your wifes strapon?
Don't force it. All the best redpills are marginalized but undisputed facts such as the communist genocides being the biggest in history or the coexistence of abbos and pygmies in Australia or the fact that the Japanese and Russians both both went from feudalism to fully modernized empire in just a few decades or the fact that South Africa's private security firms employ more people than its police and army.
In short, things that rly make u think.
Truly a girl you would suck a cock for
Also Karlie is the most perfect woman in the world. Feels good knowing you're taller than her.
Don't. See
Im on Sup Forums to indulge in venting from time to time because y naht.
normies are the majority of liberal antifa. sweden and west europe are full of normies. boyfriends whose gfs get blacked while they lie clueless in bed fall in the normie category. No they dont "know this".
Those things are Sup Forums "facts", like the "normies" caricature they resent, it's mostly in their heads, and coming here, vulnerable and resentful, it only reinforces this view, even if they, like you, pretend they are only "venting", it's an excuse for indulging in fantasies
Redpilling on race is easy, just take them to your local welfare office.
>mexican intellectual
>truth staring into his brown eyes
>hurhur.. these guys mastubate
thanks for proving my point that some people are just to tanited and can't be helped.
then why do the olympics keep repeating racial patterns
This bloke knows what's up.
Mexico strikes me as a normie-less culture compared to the west so naturally when we talk about normies your mind won't want to believe it.
But come to europe Juan, most men are too nice here, to their own (and their countries') downfalls.
Redpilling people only helps bring a balance to this senseless ultra liberal evil. But their minds are too corrupted by this shitlib virus that they will rather die than stand true to reason.
A normie is just someone who doesn't have to try to fit in. They like popular things and hold popular opinions. Normies get their news from facebook and think anyone who agrees with their feelings is intelligent. They go through life mostly consuming and not thinking.
>Read How to Win Friends and Influence People
Sounds like a poorfags Machiavelli.
Isn't what adhering to what's popular fitting in then?
Yes? That's what I'm saying I think.
They're on another forum trying to figure out how to redpill you
If the person thinks they are successful, and that success lies in the blue pill system, it will be much harder for them to accept
How do I as a non-white redpill white friends?
Its for autists kek
>white people having non-white friend
They are lost
Shouldn't it be easier for you since they won't call you racist
Anyone trying to figure it out will automatically red pill. Blue pilled people literally don't give a fuck
Penetrate your African seed into their crushes. They will look up to you and instantly become redpilled. Lead by example.
Not enough rubbing alcohol to sterlize your hand after that. Please kys.
this limey is right
some people only believe what's safe, and if you try to pry them away from that they'll get hostile
they don't have much real conviction though, this is especially true for women
it's far more effective to just be successful and subtly clue them in rather than actively trying to convince them
This kind of bullshit get typed out when omegashit thinks that "he figured it out"
You just described yourself too, congratulations
Like all roads lead to rome, all redpills lead to the jews
Start with Holocaust Denial and then ease your way into the Bog Pill.
I did not figure it out then? :'(
See, I'm sure you just LARPing here as a retard wingnut
I've found that its a slow process.
You have to first start with little things, if you're in college you can point out all these dumb sjw things. Then point out dumb black lives matter things. Slowly. Eventually you introduce them to people like ben shapiro, rebel media, etc. Then once they start getting aligned with anything anti left they will gravitate towards alt lite, the will become aware that egalitarianism is bullshit. Then introduce them to Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer etc, and use science and facts to back it up. Then they will be at the point of no return
What if they are really successful?
hai guyes!!! XD
just wanted to know if anyone has any advice on how to talk to my totally lame friends >:(
this site is the awesomest and needs to be seen by everybody!@!@#
any advice?
You'll know you're successful when they stop being your friends
Only if they ask
Start with money. Where it comes from, why it's worthless, why we use it, who actually prints to etc. You can't close your eyes to that one once you know it.
Depends on the person and the field they're in
You know what your reply is exactly the same as? You know when normies talk about the hacker Sup Forums and try to explain maymays? It's like that. Like you think you know what you're talking about, but clearly don't.
I'm not sure what you think of, or what insecurities and projections come racing to the surface, when you hear the word "redpill", but I can assure you wholeheartedly, it isn't what everyone else thinks of.
Stick to /soc/ and the "kik my dick" threads. This board is for adults.
Kek, you sound like you really believe this shit.
This is the kind d of LARPing I like
There's a lot of facts out there that people don't hear about. Start with those but not the really ugly truths like how those with darker skin color are more likely ON AVERAGE to be dumber, rape, and be more violent.
Your best bet to red pill is with your own family. Influence over your children yields the most power to red pill unless you are a bad parent. Just don't red pill anyone too hard. Some truth is hard to take. Do it slowly and remember you need to have good times as well. Too much red pill is just no fun.
You cant, youll just fuck it up and end up being a pariah that no one will listen to, which is why your posting this here (unless your sliding ofc)
Reality redpills very well, and you just need them to ask the right question then point them in the right direction and let them figure it out on their own. Forcing ideology on the brainwashed causes a direct negative reaction as programmed.
Basically your not the type of person who can redpill others if you have to ask it on a fucking forum so dont even try. Do jump on an opportunity to forward an article or whatever when a specific relevant question is asked nothing more.
The more forceful you are, the more determined you are, the worse the negative reaction will be...dont redpill people all you can do is maybe occasionally ask the right questions, or point someone in the right direction.
As long as you don't mention race or religion, you can say just about anything, you can even talk about how Hitler actually saved Germany. It really is as simple as avoiding the conditioning words that trigger hostility.
Exactly this, you can only redpill inadvertently or via an opportunity that you on respond to once, and in a casual manner, without force. It takes time for the ball to get rolling with normies. Their brains are programmed to deny logic until it either slaps them in the face more than once or is proven by other normies.
youdid, laddy
you did well for ye
You clearly forgot living a holy life dedicated to God, but I'll let it slide.
Once they're blacked, they don't go back.
If you understood your national anthem, you'd never fly that fucking flag ever again.
You have to work at them, warm them up, shape their minds through suggestive ways. Once you build it up you can redpill them but you have to know when they are ready otherwise you could spoil the whole thing and drive them further away from the truth. It helps if make it seem like it was their ideas.
This is good advice
>All these posts saying that you can't redpill normies and you shouldn't try
If you are aware of the political landscape then you can see what political inclinations in a bluepill are. We're a strange bunch here online remember that. Normies go most their life having all weird stuff processed and blacklisted and they have developed a pallate for it. If you can show someone a link in a discussion, go ahead and be as close to the conversation as possible. Otherwise mention little ancilliary redpills that are relevant to discussion. I talked to my brother about rK Selection theory as we were talking about Coyote breeding while jogging through a research biome in town. Never shoehorn a redpill, only subtly and prudently cast pearls naturally.
You have to show them a video or something and call it a "crazy conspiracy theory you found" then while watching with them continue saying how it is crazy, but point out that a lot of aspects are true, but just connecting them is the crazy part. That way they accept the facts of a redpill, but still believe the connecting of those facts are "crazy". Then they usually will do some more research themselves and redpill themselves the rest of the way. Or just start dropping subtle parts of redpills a little at a time until they can connect your anecdotes themselves into a redpill. That's how I do it. Normies can't swallow entire redpills, but they can take it if they only nibble on it piece by piece. Your goal shouldn't be to redpill them though, just to manipulate them into discussing topics you want to discuss. Spending more time learning on how to manipulate conversations and people by using your tone, vocabulary, and body language is probably the best starting advice I could give you.
Its mostly a skill and comes intuitive to me. Its hard to narrow it down to what the elements needed are.
Reading other posts help put my finger on it.
You can not argue with them and be forceful thats the obvious. You also cant come across as trying to be persuasive as to be desperate to convince them.
Slowly over time (could be days, weeks or months worth) you will shape their minds through suggestions and ideas and "food for thought" but make them off topic yet essential things that they need to understand to redpill them on whatever it is, things that will open their minds and make them think and challenge the ruling paradigms.
Its good if you can get them coming to you for answers if they are curious, but you got to have good judgement on how direct you can redpill them if it happens. You dont want to go overboard and scare them away. If you can get it to seem like they came up with the ideas as you talk to them that is what you want.
But before you even attempt this you need to know your stuff.
Tell them that Christ is God and that the Jews have killed their savior.
Wait till they hit rock bottom and throw them a copy of Human Action
>Be a living example of a redpiller in your life and all its aspects (whatever that means for you)
this is identical advice to what i've given before.
don't even fucking try dude the redpill is freedom of thought and most people don't ever want that they prefer their comfortable lies
the redpill comes from within young newfag
not knowing the true redpill means you should
Redpill me instead. I'm an atheist, liberal, socialist, who hates Sup Forums.
Thats a good idea. But they have to be naturally curious enough to look into it ane become broadly redpilled
slash vertically
Her friend is better
I want to eat her delicious ass
Jews are Chosen you cuck. Christ was Jew. You follow a false God.
Just ask them how much money exists and at what rate should new money be created to keep up with population / how much should be destroyed as population decreases (Japan)
What ass? She has a donkey or something?
Who needs ass when your face is this perfect?