What is prison really like? i'm going to be sent there for a long time and I need to know what I can expect

what is prison really like? i'm going to be sent there for a long time and I need to know what I can expect

help? i'm scared shitless

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What did you do?

Are you in minimum security (with whites) or maximum security (with nigs)? It makes a yuge difference.

what did you do?

and what is a long time?

enjoy your ruined life, user.

it's a long story but basically it was a joke that went wrong

it'll be maximum security

Its different for people who have committed different crimes. What did you do?

It's just like here. You'll do fine.


Story time, user.

>Joke that went too far
>Maximum Security

You the guy who shot that Senator?

Do you like anal sex? I hope you do...

Why do you even try to hide Canada?

Just tell us why senpai

If you are not in custody right now then get off of your fucking ass, get the nearest plane ticket to Paris, and join the Legion you pussy. That's my plan if I ever get in deep fucking shit.

Eat a dick, like op will.

I was at a house party with a friend, celebrating the end of our second year of medical school and we got super drunk and decided to drive to taco bell. anyways, my friend was driving my car since I was too drunk to drive and we were just trying to sober up in a parking lot and in the distance we saw this one professor we both despise and I jokingly threatened to kill him once over facebook but I wasn't serious, so my friend said we should scare him a little and drive towards him and see how he reacts. anyways, my friend loses control and goes full speed into the professor and it cripples him. I pass out and my friend flees and by the time I wake up i'm in the hospital with my hands cuffed to the bed. i'm awaiting trial but I think I might be able to get off since I didn't really do anything

If its maximum then dont bitch up or your gonna have a bad time.

>implying an amerifat can join just like that
there are fitness exams you know

What state?
And state prison or federal?

My goal is to be the last leaf poster here. The rest are in hiding.

You will be bullied by guards and raped by other inmates depending on the jail and or your country.Try to be friendly with the biggest gang there even if you hate nigs/spics/whoever runs the joint.

this fucking story again
stop posting this over and over again you disgusting nigger, at least make up something else you filthy larper

Love u senpai!

Bitch there will be CCTV at the taco bell of you being in the passenger seat. You were in the passenger seat right

Lol wat

no, it was a parking lot off campus

Then state prison, what state

You know what you did

Expect a broken system

(^ does this flag trigger you?

Shut the fuck up, Polski. They said Paris, not Poorland of car theft.

>You're welcome for liberating you in WW2
>Suck my long and hard star spangled cock

Lmao you've made this thread like 4 times.

Get an expensive Jew lawyer and you'll be fine.

It's a bullshit story.
>Fucking Pakistani

Prison sucks because you are literally told what to do at all times of your stay. If it's a max you can stay in your cell. They don't shower in huge groups like you see in the movies if you're in a max. You go one at a time so you don't have to worry about taking a dick in the shower. Make sure you do your time and mind your business and never owe anybody anything. If you have a skill like being able to draw or something you can sell your work to fellow inmates. You can do commission work during holidays and for birthdays.

>t. Prison guard

t. Eric Clanton

I did 3 years user. Just depends on where they send you and what level they classify you as which will determine where they send you...

I got news for you, user......
Prepare that bootyhole.

I guess they want you draw porn or something?

How often do you rape the inmates? Daily or weekly?

>liberating you in WW2
wrong side of the berlin wall dude

let's procreate bb

>it was a joke that went wrong
>maximum security

Story time

Forgive the burgers ignorance. He's an expert at African literature. History is not his field.

Tell you HWAT

Tits or GTFO

All Polish men are ugly, all polish women are sexy.
Poorland 101

No i'm dead serious, want some Aryan big dick, message me.

Learn how to host Dungeons and Dragons. Be a god-tier Dungeon Master.

I heard they use a deck of 20 cards for dice rolls.

They can have porn. So they don't need to draw it. Although some guys do draw that type of stuff I assume to send back to a female friend. They also have phone sex and try to jerk off while on the phone

Shitty larp. If you really are going to max, just kill yourself now. If you're not, kys anyway

max = fight or get raped
then solitary, then xfer
then fight or get raped
then solitary, then xfer
rinse and repeat until out

but the upside is you will learn spanish
because everybody speaks spanish
well not everybody, blacks dont
but there will be alot of hispanics
and you will just learn spanish

>never owe anybody anything.

Probably the most important piece of advice anyone going into the system could learn.

leaf meme is dying off now that most went into hiding as fag flags and pirates

Shut your leaf mouth!

But you didn't drive into him, your friend did

You can make dice out of paper and soap

>auschwitz cosplayer thinking they are more fit to do anything than amerilards

i got bad news for you

what is an 'xfer'?
google says transfer but what does that mean in this context?

Well its good that you're scared shitless

That means there's nothing in the way of the ~12 dicks that will penetrate your rectum faster than you can drop the soap



Yes it is. And don't gamble and don't get into other peoples business

are you the dude who pretended to run over your teacher and actually ended up doing it by accident?

Rectum? Nearly killed 'em!

I've been to minimum security and was on a half decent range with enough white folks so I was safe. Dont be a dick to the guards or else they'll send you to a dangerous all black range on purpose and then you have to check into PC but thats gay as fuck.

It means transfer out of solitary back into regular time with all your pals.

What he's saying is that, you stay with the buds, you beat their ass so they don't rape yours, then get in solitary for a few weeks, get out, beat their ass, solitary, get out, rinse and repeat.

Anyway, you didn't answer my question.

How does 8 inch Celtic-Dutch cock sound? Pure Euro.

>murrican pablo mudslime


he keeps making this thread

I saw this 6 months ago, does this mean I'm officially not a Summerfag

Check out the After Prison Show YouTube channel

i was starting to miss that, sharia-land

its you again.

So basically I was at a house party with a friend, celebrating the end of our second year of medical school and we got super drunk and decided to drive to taco bell. anyways, my friend was driving my car since I was too drunk to drive and we were just trying to sober up in a parking lot and in the distance we saw this one professor we both despise and I jokingly threatened to kill him once over facebook but I wasn't serious, so my friend said we should scare him a little and drive towards him and see how he reacts. anyways, my friend loses control and goes full speed into the professor and it cripples him. I pass out and my friend flees and by the time I wake up i'm in the hospital with my hands cuffed to the bed. i'm awaiting trial but I think I might be able to get off since I didn't really do anything

I'm here for you brother.

Remember to as some have said:
1.ALWAYS respect the guards
2.Do not drop the soap
3.Try to stay fit/get bigger
4.Mind your own business
5.Don't ask for favors or gamble
6.Do not smuggle shit in or act suspicious

If you have an alcohol or smoking problem you can take the opportunity to kick it

alright i got time..

it aint that bad bruh. depends on where you at and if you get money on the books. if you got family that has a little money it helps a lot when you down. I had money stashed after I got hit up and i trusted my girls mom to call it in, she took some "for the baby" but she did me good for 8 years. you get out on OR? pay a bond? how come you aint in co right now?
bruh if you out now you should just start flipping some real fast, you going to prison anyway fuck it, come up on some money and give it to somebody you trust like senpai to put it on the books every other month it aint like you can do it yourself and that 150 go fast bruh. everything cost inside.
the food is easy, either you got money or you dont. prison food is weak, sometimes you get something special like when they get donated shit for holidays or a some factories freezer go out but they always fuck it up and make it taste like some retirement home charly brown kinda food, bland as fuck. the food you can make in the cell is tolerable at best but you can make it spicy at least. I pieced money up every month with my celly cuz we was the same set and we was cool. no homo. some fools get robbed so be careful. you can get wrapped up quick inside even when you didnt do nothing so dont go telling fools you got money. if you poor then fuck it you dont have a choice anyway just make the best of it, you can always trade up food just make sure you know what they are saying when you trade up.

(pic) tapatio packs bruh, my life saver locked up. put that shit on everything.


What fucking language is this you disgusting criminal?

It was just a prank bro!

Hahaha no Slav pussy for you.

Nope, trading nudes with some other Polack on steam.

That's how alpha I am. Managed to make some girl on fucking STEAM give nudes to me.

Have you seen her penis yet my alpha brother? How big is her gut?

Nice bru.
I like to tell em I have a fetish for impregnating them.

Thin where it needs to be, thicc where it should be.

No penis, this isn't Sweden or the UK...I don't think there has been a transgender in the history of a Slavic nation, my brother.

the absolute madman

save yourself some time and just neck yourself now.
you will do it inside anyway.

Poles don't like having children. Their child rates are just as shit as the other west euro nations.

ok punch a nigger as soon as you get in so nobody fucks with you this will also signal to the neo nazis and whites that you're with them. you'll need them for protection. they might ask you to shank someone for them but just do it and dump the blade in some other niggers cell. never take a shower alone. do your time and keep your head down but don't be a bitch

In prison thye still segregate racially

Video is what its like when they let the blacks out to eat.


IM never going back, I will never go back.

How do you join "the legion?"

listen to him.

stay a neutron, don't click up for any reason. carbs will be your main diet, stock up when people don't want their breads or cakes.

you will be there for a while, i don't suggest to gamble but a pack of soup won't hurt if there is a ticket entry football season. drugs will be there, just 20x more pricey, stay away.

everybody runs on principal, then money, money runs it all. if you borrow a packet of ketchup and say you'll give one back or two back in on tuesday, you bring that shit on tuesday. there are no excuses.

there will be people who dump out their lockers when they leave, so keep note of that.

you will probably have to do a job, so use that to your advantage. get to know people in laundry, fresh pressed clothes go a long way when you are limited on uniforms. you can never have too much.

books are big, for a good reason.

you are literally about to go to a ghetto college but you can take the iron pill minus the diet. there are smart people in prison doing time because they took the wrong route.

don't let anybody see what you hold in your locker or see what you come out with in your sack when you get food from commons.

people will try you over little shit, don't pick fights but there might be a time when you have to say something, push comes to shove, swing. swing first.

best of luck...take what you can from this

Oh, like an actual polack, not a Sup Forumsack. Got confused cuz why would a pole have a Nazi flag? Are her Slavic eyes crossed? Share with your friends.

I'm not Polish. I said in my other thread I'm Celtic-Dutch.

Slavic eyes crossed? Maybe...Speaks 2 languages so should be smarter than me since I can't even mimic the tongue of those frog eating French fags.

What's the difference between a polack and Sup Forumslack?

"Share with your friends"

I speak 4, it's not like I'm some ignorant American. I figured that if you were going to brag you were going to brag. Sorry friend.

Get some actual advice from prison consultancy businesses. Yes, they do exist.


This channel is presented by a massive groid, but he unironically offers excellent advice. Real life stories and actual experience.

Brag about what

At least I comitted hate crimes, right? Have you ever bullied a Muslim?? Beat em up to show em who's the big dog in the country?

Do they really play D&D in prison?

or just listen to this nigga
and this guy


Looks at his "Prison Talk" series. Especially if you're American. Listen to them ALL. He offers genuine advice. Also, research your prison.

I just woke up my dog keying so hard.

Guarunteed someone will be playing it in there. They have nothing to do, and if you memorize all of the shit you can host it with improvised materials