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Is this a meme

Fake news, what else is new?

Still believing in
>muh Russian Narrative
people can't be this retarded right?

Mueller is currently investigating Trump for obstruction of justice. Be patient.

I wish the shitposters would kill themselves.

This is a fantastic image, I love it.

no John, you're the retarded.

Wait, didnt the former head of the DOJ ask Comey to do the same thing for the Clinton emails?

I don't know whether you're trolling or red pilling, OP. Considering this is literally what transpired between Loretta Lynch and James Comey and now it's being asserted that Trump said this.

Well done OP.

Where are the tapes?


Why would Comey lie under oath and say those words were said by Lynch, not Trump?

Nice fake news


say it with me:


>I need you to change this to a matter
You do realize that was AG lynch right? 1/10 attempt

> impeachment when
...when Trump actually does something worthy of impeachment?

This was what Loretta Lynch said to Comey last year regarding the Hillary email investigation.

Shit-tier attempt OP.


subtle, i like it

>summerfags will fall for it

Somebody didn't read Alinsky.

>according to five people "briefed on the requests" who were "not authorized to discuss the matter publicly,"

>Mueller spokesman Peter Carr told NPR's Carrie Johnson, "We'll decline to comment."

>NSA spokeswoman Vanee Vines told NPR's Phil Ewing, "NSA will fully cooperate with the special counsel. We are not in a position to comment further."

>A spokesman for Trump's personal lawyer in the Russia matter Marc Kasowitz said, "The FBI leak of information regarding the President is outrageous, inexcusable and illegal."

All that, and one guy from the post said;

>"I think, frankly, our story shows that the president is by no means out of the woods as far as the investigation goes," the Post's Barrett told NPR.

So they are running with the story he is under investigation? Even though no one has actually said that. Why do people fucking eat up headlines and not read the fucking article.

fucking beautiful user, fucking beautiful

Trump is truly finished this time!

Fuck Trump and fuck white people.

They already have

That is the joke

why fuck white people, though?

Just "fuck Trump" is perfectly fine, unless you're a deadbeat ironic user.

Loretta lynch was the one who asked comey to change clintons investagtion into a matter. Until we hear the tapes this is fake news

why fuck trump, though?

Just "fuck you" is perfectly fine, unless you're a deadbeat ironic user.

Post the tapes or this is fake news

>increasingly nervous man for the seventh time etc.

yeah they changed names from lynch to trump when lynch ordered comey to change the hillery investigation to a matter, basically waiting for the butt hurt ones to falsely use it as ammo. however with the way the things are its really hard to tell who larping and who's really retarded.

Wow, amazing how few ppl didn't get it

Goddammit I fell for it again
That image is quality b8 fampai

.. how many ..

you didn't read the thing did you...

AHAHAHAHAHA exactly what Lynch cunt did for Hillary. Comey has al3ays been their puppet.

He will hang too, dirty nigger.